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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I've had three coworkers tell me about seeing a cougar in the area of keele st and teston rd in the north end of Vaughan in march.

    Back in the mid 80's I lived and worked at Beechwood. We were always amazed by the diversity of wildlife we would spot so close to Toronto. There were always deer and yotes in the back 40, and twice we spotted a lynx.

  2. Not doing any serious cooking today. I do however have a pork belly quartered and soaking in a brine for the past two days. Needs to sit in the brine for at least another day in the fridge before I put the pieces in the smoker. Not sure what wood I'll use yet. Have not looked in the bin to see what I've got cut. I'm hoping the bacon turns out as good as last year's.


    The brine is simple: for a large 8-10lb pork belly

    2 qts apple juice

    2 cups water

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 1/2 lb pickling salt

    1 tsp ground pepper

    1 tsp chili powder ( make my own very hot version)

    1/2 tbsp worcestershire sauce

    Well the results are in. Probably had the meat in the brine a day too many, making it a little more salty. But, you can really taste the apple juice from the brine and the wood. The outside of the pork belly has a beautiful gold colour to the 2 lb. pieces. Got to have some good egg buns tomorrow for my sandwich.

  3. Not doing any serious cooking today. I do however have a pork belly quartered and soaking in a brine for the past two days. Needs to sit in the brine for at least another day in the fridge before I put the pieces in the smoker. Not sure what wood I'll use yet. Have not looked in the bin to see what I've got cut. I'm hoping the bacon turns out as good as last year's.


    The brine is simple: for a large 8-10lb pork belly

    2 qts apple juice

    2 cups water

    1 cup brown sugar

    1 1/2 lb pickling salt

    1 tsp ground pepper

    1 tsp chili powder ( make my own very hot version)

    1/2 tbsp worcestershire sauce

  4. OMG we use to spend countless days doing that when we were kids. Never thought anyone but us did it :clapping:

    For us it was shooting squirrels or blowing up frogs with checker bombs (only during non-fishing season when bass were closed)


    When I was young it used to be legal to use perch for bait at Pointe Au Baril. There was a old guy that lived there that we used to see trolling all the time for pike and skis? LOL, I still remember his comment! " the bigger the perch? the bigger the pike!

    Yep, growing up in the Muskokas in the 60's, perch was always the bait of choice. My uncle and his friends gave me a nickel for every perch I caught or trapped.

  6. The weather and the drought messed up fishing patterns in a big way during the summer months. In the fall it merely delayed the fall feeding patterns. My typical hot fall spots in September and October were not active until November and December. Those last 2 months were fantastic..

  7. Over the past 40 years I've heard blame for over fishing placed on just about everything. Originally the blame was put on books and magazines. A lot of people grumbled about hot spot information being given out in the Molson Big Fish Contest. Then there is always the TV pro. Now we want to blame the internet. There is a grain of truth in all the accusations.

    Don't forget to blame all those advertisers and sponsors hoping the generate traffic in their tourist areas. Tournament fishing plays it's part as well. There has been more than one tourny pro willing to sell GPS hotspots at $5 a spot on the internet.

    Lets face reality here. Any fishing spot within reasonable distance of a major urban center is going to see a lot of fishing pressure. We are just starting to experience, in southern Ontario, what most of Europe and much of the eastern USA has experienced for quite some time. Toronto's sprawl now extends well beyond Barrie. We have only ourselves to blame. But if it makes everyone feel better, and smug, just carry on using the forums as the latest scapegoat. Maybe next year we'll be blaming RC drones.

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