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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. 1/2 mph? How do you get the spinners to work going that slow? I find any slower than 1mph they dont work properly.


    I generally run 1.2- 1.8 depending on how active they are. I can make them work as slow as .8 or so, but on turns they stop spinning. They will still hit with the blades not turning, but its not as edfective.



    Seem to spin just fine, but the spinner is only 1/2 of the story with the harnesses we manufacture.

  2. Well, the daughter and I got out for a few hours Thursday evening on 16 Mile creek. The fish were biting. We caught bullheads and bluegills aplenty. More importantly we found a school of big crappie in the 11-12" size.

    Now for the crappy part. As we are packing up and loading the car, my fishing rod catches me. Somehow the jig that was set in the hook keeper got stuck deep in my finger and as luck would have it,I did not have my sidecutters in the van. So here I'm sitting in the parking lot with the jig and fishing rod stuck to my hand. Thankfully there was a boy scout troop, 97 Hamilton, on hand and they had a pair of cutters so I could cut off the head of the jig and free myself from the rod.

    So I drive home with hook embedded in the right hand, get my fish home and on ice, then run down to the Emerg by 9:30. I am typing this report out now at 3:30 in the morning. The nurses and doctor were a little unsure and hesitant to just push the hook out. For all this hassle they better be the best crappie I've ever tasted.


  3. I know Mike himself hasn't been on here in months due to too much negative feedback and honestly I don't blame the guy. He's given a lot to this board over the years and I get where he's coming from.





    Guess I was away when the crap was happening. A pity too. I loved reading "the adventures of Solopaddler". Can't blame Mike for backing away.


    P.S Great report.

  4. Hard core earlly birds. Nice.


    Been hearing the bite was slow,but you guys seemed to have got into them. Nice.


    How do you compare the silvers to other fish, as for eating Bruce?

    Temperate bases definitely have a different taste. Somewhat stronger than perch/walleye. Key to mellowing out the flavour is the same for cats. Bleed them, cut out the blood line, soak in milk.


    The bite was not super fantastic, but the fish were there. Even better, no white perch, and all bigger fish.

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