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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I don't usually weigh in on these debates. However, there are a few other points to consider.


    Since the end of WW II there has not been a year of peace. Regional strife and proxy wars have continued non-stop. Canada staying out of a fight will not keep Canadians out of harm's way. A lot of Canadians, including friends and messmates,have died on such misguided fool's errands as "peacekeeping".. To keep Canada out of the fight is impossible. It is already here. To eradicate the threat requires removing every moslem from within our borders. Neither feasible nor wise.

    Now to take a page from the history we are currently commemorating. The middle east of today is no different than the Balkans some 110-120 years back. A hot bed of regional strife and conflict. All the big players in the world had an interest in the region, and in the end, they were drawn in and suckered into a bigger fight by a single extremist act. The result was WW I. The Middle East is a similar regional hotbed, and we again see all the big guns taking sides and posturing. We also see a lot of extremist factions using violence to attract attention to their cause/s.. Who knows when the balance will topple, or whether cooler heads will prevail.

  2. This year I'm in Ottawa attending the National ceremony for the first time.


    Pro Patria: Rick

    Thanks for the reminder. My best act of remembrance was in 2000. We took our cubs and scouts up to Ottawa.Pulled them out of school, so they could visit the national war museum, aviation museum, the hill, and participate in the National ceremonies.

  3. Freshtrax and bigugli I am going to report u to to someone ,,,don't know who?

    for doing something,,,I don't know what ???? :tease:

    unless I can get my hands on some of those sausage :tease:

    My tastebuds are doing weird and wonderful things just reading about them and invisioning them just COMING OUT OF THE SMOKER :clapping:


    "And on the 12th day Of Christmas my true love sent to me 1 dozen sausage" LOL


    Now my wife knows what I want for Dec 25th lol

    You comes down here in Niagara sometimes, and ah guarontee to fatten you up somm good ( said with cajun accent lol.)

  4. Glad you are enjoying it, I've had the farmers in the frying pan never thought to smoke any. I'm loving the pork chops with some mango chutney . Have you home smoked your bacon yet?

    Have not gotten to that project yet. Still harvesting cherry tomatoes and hot peppers. Still doing a lot of canning. Probably about 2 weeks behind on my kitchen chores. BTW, how was the salsa?

  5. My daughter is going through the same thing with 5 month old Savannah. On the breast, and she don't want the bottle. Yes some of it is the comfort/security thing. grandaughter will only sleep 1/2 hour on her own in her crib before she is crying for mommy. She just has to let her cry a little longer each time.

  6. Well, we had the whole clan over for dinner last night. They all requested jambalaya. Usually, I blend in fish and shrimp, but too many wimp/ non fish eaters in the family. Had to substitute with chicken. I made 3 gallons of the stuff, and by the night's end there was 1 meagre bowl left over. THat is a heckuva lot for 6 adults and 2 small children to eat!! Should have been enough for 2 days. Now I'm in the kitchen stewing another batch for the farm crew for tomorrow

  7. One of my favorite treats to eat are homemade preserves. Between wifey and I we put some good hours in the kitchen this fall. Most years I like to try something new. This year it was garlic and jalapeno preserves (second shelf,far left) and salsa verde made with tomatillos. The salsa is quite different and tasty and I haven't tried the jalapenos yet, but it won't be long.

    We should be good for a while now... :) About half of these are from this year.





    Healthy looking larder.

    We do our darndest to have enough to last us to the next harvest. We have to do more this year with a number of large family events coming up. Nee dlots of pickles and such for the showers, baptisms and weddings coming up. Tommorow will be a case of red currant jelly.

  8. bigugli , I have 3 questions for u


    1,,,,,what are poppers

    2,,,,,what are stuffed poblanos

    3,,,,,do u want to adopt us


    I will do yard work and my wife will do dishes,,she does not know that yet lol, but we will eat well :tease:

    Seriously those sausage sound like a big success


    1... poppers are stuffed jalapenos or cherry bombs. Nice bite sized snacks from the smoker.

    2... poblanos are a mild hot pepper and a staple in Mexican cooking. Stuff them any way you would a bell pepper. Personally I like a meat, rice, veggie, and salsa mix.

    3...house is already getting pretty cozy with our children, their significant others and 3, soon to be 4, grandchildren. What the heck, we can always knock out a wall or two :P

  9. Almost forgot. Got myself a 1/2 pig through freshtrax delivered last week. Some real good quality meat there. I put 2 different styles of sausage in my smoker to try out. let me tell you I was not disappointed. The farmer's and honey garlic styles were quite tasy. Nice big fat links too. I don't think I ordered enough sausage!!

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