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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Too funny Limey - deer causing traffic jams! I love it! In my small town there's a traffic jam if there's 4 cars at the main street traffic light! LOL! Oh & while driving people will let you into their lane if you happen to not know the turning lanes. In the GTA - they will run you over! Citiots!!

    The only traffic jams happen in Thorold at 3:00 in front of the elementary school, and at 5:45 in front of the beer store

  2. That is a huge fish for sure but I'm not sure how official this record is. Only a picture needs to be submitted. As well, take a look at the 8.7lb largemouth picture on the web-site. Not sure that is a very accurate measurement.



    The OFAH maintains the record fish registry for Ontario. There are rules and conditions to be met before a new record is recognized. For more information, look up the OFAH web site under programs.

  3. Has anyone made the mistake of letting a dog eat hot food?

    Casey, and my buddy's dog Remy, stole a couple of jalapenos from my picking bins at the farm. It was the most hilarious thing you ever saw. Butt up in the air, front paws outstretched, and nose to the ground as they retched. Sounded just like a drunk teenager praying to the porcelain gods. They won't go near the picking bins anymore, but they sure have an appetite for cherry tomatoes.

  4. We were just talking at work yesterday, wondering why anybody would want to live in GTA

    Housing prices are crazy, lineups everywhere...is it just because thats where the work is or what.

    Even seeing people booking time off of work to line up to get kids into summer programs in Toronto.


    Can anybody explain it?

    It's all about the jobs. My first wife was from the Soo. In the 80's jobs were really scarce there. Everybody with less than 15 yrs had been dropped at Algoma Steel.The result was a a 10,000 person drop in population between censuses. We lived there for 2 years before we headed back to the GTA

  5. Getting away from the GTA was a good thing for us some 25 years back. Rural Niagara was pretty rural back then. Far too many subdivisions going up now, but the fishing is decent.

    Getting too long in the tooth to think of going back to rural any more. With the Mrs being hospitalized almost every year, my family needs that proximity to complex healthcare that one cannot find in the rural north.


    It is a healthier, freer lifestyle. Enjoy.

  6. I first joined because of the quality of the fishing banter that used to go on here. Then there are Solopaddler's and Moosebunk's epic reports. Stuff most of us only get to experience vicariously through this forum. It seems a lot of the more friendly banter has disappeared. Sad really. I wish I was contributing more fish reports, but life just gets in the way sometimes. I'm sure that is true for many others. I know some have given up posting reports thanks to the flamers and perfectionists.

    Ice down here is anything but consistent, so I fill my time making more tackle. Taking a few minutes to scan OFC is a great break from bending over my vice and bench.

    If Nothing worthy here, I switch to viewing Simon's videos on youtube.

  7. As OIM said, quick and simple is often the best. Nothing better than a 20 minute pasta dinner.


    Pasta al carbonata is simple and delish. Fry some bacon til really crisp and crumble it. Boil any pasta you desire. While cooking the pasta, whip together 3-4 eggs, salt, pepper, garlic powder, onion powder, diced oregano and parsley. Once cooked drain the pasta quickly, Then while steaming hot put back in the pot, stir in the egg mix. No heat required. Egg mixture will cook right onto the hot pasta. Add whatever cheese fits your appetite

    My lunch favourite was pasta al olio. A blend of EVO, lots of garlic, dried mushroom, chopped chive, oregano and basil, poured over the hot drained pasta and dressed with cheese.


    As for cheeses, parmesan is O.K. Personally I prefer finely grated friule or shredded asiago. Regretably, that does not happen often. My family has no taste for things that are different and, often, finer.

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