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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. What a great seminar. Learnt a few new things, and got some good laughs. Love the "Poopie dance".

    Met some great OFNer's in person finally. Hometownhandyman was giving Powis and DeRose a good run for the money. Then Nautifish and my Mrs got into the act with Dave. Funny. :lol: Gotta love being in the rowdy seats :w00t:


    Subway was more than generous as a sponsor. Free eats ,and a gift card.


    Finally, if only briefly, I met the boss and his "boss" and more people than I can put name to at the moment. Well worth the drive out.

  2. It does not take much for a 7 year old to get bored. One hour is a very long time for a boy that age. I'd be very content with a fish every 20-30 minutes. That is a looonnng time for a young lad. You need to be somewhere to put in a few "Plan B" options to keep him busy, interested, and wear him out.

  3. Really nice report and great photos!


    About those silver basses (sometimes people call them blue basses). Last May - June on Grand (Caledonia) I got many of them. One was a big one (for that kind of fish) 550 – 600g. However, they almost did not bite in July – September.

    The silver/white bass only come up the river to spawn. By July they are back in L Erie. They are a schooling fish and if you suddenly see a big commotion on the surface, that will be a school chasing a bait ball to the surface. You can have a real blast casting into the middle of that.

  4. Nice Morone americana in the first pic, looks real healthy!!!


    The Crappie would've been a throw back here, 9" limit on most lakes and 10" min on others.


    Those Bullheads fry up real nice if you've never tried them!!! :P


    That crappie was just over 9". I've got big paws :P Anything less than the spread of my hands goes back. (except smelts)


    Actually, I love eating coldwater cats this time of year. I just kept enough pannies (3) to give the puppies and I a decent brekkie tomorrow.

  5. read the previous posts mike




    great report bruce, thats quite a mix bag of fish. is the tail on the cat in the 3rd flat with the back? or just the way it appears in the picture?



    Once a bullhead sticks the fins out you cannot lay the head on it's side. It's just a deceptive appearance thingy.

  6. Nice silver bass. Can we take them in this period or they are closed as pigs (small & large M basses)?

    Silver/white bass and white perch are classed as panfish and open. They come from a different family of fish 'Morone'. Whereas what we normally call bass are sunfish in the 'Centrarchidae' family.

  7. Got out this morning for a little fishing and peace and quiet. had the pond all to myself until noon. Not a sniff for the first hour or so until the water warmed a little. Float fishing was a waste and settled on bottom rigs. With this NE wind everything seems to be hugging the bottom. 10 minutes after switching rigs I get that first tap,tap,tap, followed by 2 hours of steady action. There were perch, gills and rockies. There was also a few of:





    This fellow lost a fight with something (another rocky)



    Back home by 1 to meet my daughter from school and whip up a pot of scratch pea soup for tonight's supper.

  8. are contacts not an option? that way you can use non-prescription polarized glasses.

    Not possible for everybody.


    Unfortunately, when it comes to glasses, some scripted lenses become very expensive. My first pair of lenses are covered at $400. The second pair is not, plus frame, plus polarization compatible to the lense.

  9. Bigugli, thanks for reminding me about Chippewa, I have not been out that way for a while and I need to keep it in mind for some day fishing trips to.

    Byng's not bad either. If the bite is off they have the big pool, and the mini putt around the corner.


    A friend of mine used to have a family sized sleeping bag when his sons were small on their early camping adventures.

  10. I have a pair of wrap arounds to put over my glasses. They aren't bad, but not as good a lens as my old prescription shades. One drawback when driving. There is a blind spot on either side of the frames so you have to turn your head to the side more to check your blind spot.

    New script shades are out of my league as well. I paid $200 20years back. I was quoted $600+ last fall. :wallbash:

    The scripted polarized were very good and far more durable than most sunglasses on the market.

  11. I've heard those Pucker Lipped Trout are decent table fare, why don't you give them a try?


    ... I triple Dawg dare ya!!! ;)

    In cold water, at this time of year, they actually are pretty good. Also have had them pickled, like a herring, some years back.

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