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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. no rubbing in faces, but that did make me chuckle.... lady fish sure are poor man tarpon's nice acrobatics sorta like a chromer on crack...no I didnt make it to a sand bar in fact if Im thinking correct that sand bar is off the first causeway and now is a boaters destination....


    Joey space mountain was the highlight to be honest.... I had a tough childhood and one of my fantasies was to ride that attraction call me a nerd but Im a bit of a sci fi sorta guy and....well its obvious attraction....getting to see a shuttle launch over it right after I rode it was a life long dream.....sorta welled me up inside if you knwo what I mean..add to that I rode it with my two sons who it ended up being thier first coaster experience just made it perfect


    Kinda feels good finally being able to live out a couple of childhood dreams, :clapping::clapping:

  2. Everybody was too busy last night feeding to take any pics. On the menu was a generous mound of walleye, perch and smelt, served up with sides of fresh buns, sausage, beans, salsa and smoky fries. Topped off with trifle and apple pie. Washed down with liberal quantities of a strange amber beverage I'm not too familiar with :P


    That salmon sure looks mouth watering :thumbsup_anim:

  3. Great getting out Jacque. But what are you going to do for a fishing partner when she "finds" boys....


    He just has to set rules. The boy has got to be able to fish and hold his own against the daughter. IF not I just embarass him to death. It has been a great tactic for weeding out the weenies and hormone jockeys.

  4. My Mom is nearing 70 and a regular in my boat. Fishing has always been a part of our family's way of life and I'm proud to have Mom along any time. She tough's it out in the gnarliest weather (and she wonders why I'm such a stubborn cuss :rolleyes: )




    Be thankful for that Mom of yours, and cherish her always.

  5. I just keep making more tackle,



    and more tackle,



    and more tackle........ :wacko:



    Wifey wants to know when she can have the kitchen table back :dunno:


    I'm hoping to escape to the water real soon before I use the cat's tail for a muskie bait :whistling:

  6. I like to keep my fish fresh and alive til I get home. Clean them in the kitchen and green bucket for the waste. There were a few mornings in the summer and fall where the trash collector looked like he would be violently ill. A couple of collections go to the compost.

    I don't put the scraps in the freezer. If you did that at a restaurant, the health board would shut you down. So how is it suddenly OK to do at home?

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