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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Everyone changes their tune once one of their loved ones is taken away from them by a drunk driver. As Lew how many families he's had to extract from vehicles after they were in a crash where alcohol is involved.


    And if you are so passionate about listening to the news, I guess you didn't hear the news break where the Star has come out and said that driving hungover is driving drunk.


    This is such a good point FNA.


    For ten years I worked in hospital admin in TO. To us summer is "Transplant Season". That's because the best donors are the result of DWI fatalities. I will not go into the medical details for it, as I'm sure it would offend many. I can tell you that the transplant teams worked every long weekend, and that was over 20 years ago when Dr Cooper was perfecting the double lung transplant

  2. The safety check is used all the time, but mostly for the Commercial trucks and the little kids with their modified street racers.

    We just get the seatbelt blitz 3-4 times a year. 2 officers standing in the middle of the road peering into each vehicle as it slows. Last inspection blitz was 8 years back and it was a good one. They pulled 60 something vehicles off the road in one weekend. Some of the better impounds were a number of expired plates, lack of insurance, 2 drivers under suspension, along with all the usual mechanicalreasons for pulling plates. The MTO does all the commercial inspections as we have the 2 chicken coops here.


    I do remember when the safety blitz was a regular occurrence spring and fall. The one uncle was a police auxiliary. He spent every April and late October doing inspections around the GTA. Then there was the Xmas safety blitz (before ride existed).

  3. If they have not yet been effective in enforcing the .08 limit, how can they possibly think this will be more effective?

    Like so many elements in the HTA, CC of C, etc.., today, enforcement is laughable.

    Any one remember the old safety spot checks? An officer would actually give your car a once over. Check your lights, signals, and such.

    There is no deterrent effect anymore. Simple truth, if we catch you we'll stick it to you, but we don't have the resources.

    MADD has such influence because they have learnt how to effectively lobby. There isn't a single politician out there that does not get needled on a regular basis. The OFAH and the outdoors sporting community could gain a lot from similar tactics.

  4. Sounds like a good day for you!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


    ... but... uh.... if you can't stay out of the water, there's a thing called a PFD... maybe you've heard of it?


    Please read my signature!

    It's not the water that's the worry, it's the rocks and logs and concrete I keep landing on. At least the water don't hurt :lol:


    Seriously, yes I could wear a PFD, and yes I could wear a safety bonnet, and yes I could use a cane, and yes I should also carry a portable chair. Or, I could follow one Dr's advice and find a safer hobby like needlepoint or tiddlywinks :angry:


    I'm still not as bad as Bill Dance :lol:

  5. Bruce you where up in my stomping grounds and I never got a call :angry:


    Sounds like you had to work for them...but it's never really "work" is it? I'm like you...I could sit there and do it all day.


    Enjoy your fish fries.

    Been a little off the mark again lately, so I only decided on rolling myself out that evening when the son offered to drive.

  6. nice catch!!,,,just a question,,,,did you find a lot of eggs in em,,,look like there already spawned out,,just looking for a timeline is all!

    They were all spent and on the post spawn feed. A lot of the fish caught were coughing up other meals.

  7. I would suggest that if your friend doesn't know how to use them, then don't use them. I am an arbourist and have seen many people think they can climb and end up with a gaff in their ankle and a trip to the hospital. You need a proper saddle and 2 lanyards minimum, but like I said, I would strongly advise against using them unless you know what your doing. All it takes is one kickout and you could do a lot of damage.


    I gotta agree. The climb takes practice. Further, cutting while up there requires knowledge as well. I've been knocked right out of a tree when a limb swung back.

  8. Long story short, Wife won't let me go too far without another person in tow. I'm not well. Things happen :blahblah1::blahblah1:


    Got the son up real early and in Orillia by 7. Not bad. "Shoulda bin there yesterday" was all I heard.

    Not that we didn't catch fish. Hundreds of dinks everywhere. Every once in a while there would be that we glimmer of hope for a better bite. 10 hours later I'd only put together 2 feeds. The son added one. Met a young couple new to perchin and showed them how to rig up and switch to minners. They were having a blast.

    Funny thing is he spent most of the day sleeping in the car(woman plumb tuckers him out :P ) So for me it was a nice day out. There were a few moments where I needed to sit. Mother would have been right PU'd if I had fallen in again. Even more PU'd at the son for crashing in the car.

    Here's the evidence:





    I could sit along that Orillia shoreline for a month straight and never get bored.

  9. I peeked around on Google Earth and see a landing and numerous docks on Hungry (presume a launch there?).. on the West side of it's Northern Bay. Access would be the road off the 400 after 6mile PPark (when heading North).. in on it and then south down the road on the Pennisula in the middle of the lake.

    That's a community dock and private . Got chased outta there 3 years back. There used to be a public launch on Crooked Bay, but it got sold off.

  10. Looks great! Since you live in the area, do you happen to know of a free launch above Big Chute (ie between big chute and swift rapids)? I have launched by the liquor store at severn falls in the past, just wondered if there's a way to save a few bucks

    There may still be a ramp at the Big Chute. There is a campsite on the pool side of the road and opposite that is a dock and ramp.

  11. Boy! I say Boy! ( Pays attention to me there son) . Go fetch me my shootin iron out of the back of the truck Cleavis. There's a tree here that needs teachin a lesson.


    :lol::lol::lol: To think I grew up with fellas just like you :w00t:

  12. You may be on to something.

    After all, "Swine Flu" is just past tense for "Pigs Fly". :huh:


    In the mid 1980's we had the big swine flu scare in Toronto, Emergency and contigency protocols were established. Immunization was strongly urged, but not ordered mandatory, for health care workers. We had the big media blitz on radio, television and print. The end result, more health care workers were incapacitated by the vacinne than the virus.

    Truth is that in this crowded world, disease travels faster than any policy or program. Governments don't have the oomph to lay down quarantines like they once did. Any body remember the red cards that were posted to your door if you had mumps or measles. Immigrants used to be quarantined on arrival. Closing the border to specific nationals. These are measures which are designed to slow the spread of an outbreak until suitable countermeasures can be put in place.

  13. bigugli r we talkin about the same park?

    The place I know is in Annapolis county on the secondary route connecting Annapolis with the South shore. It's a lot more developed now as opposed to 30 years back. We'd rent a canoe and head for the backwater far from the beach for a weekend.

  14. LOL Bigugli... we got all pissed up at the Lee Hotel in Smiths Falls on the Friday night and put the groom on the train (handy.. right across the street) to Thunder Bay with no money in his pocket. Thunder Bay was picked because that was as far as we could get him with all the money we could scratch together and told the conductor to take good care of him. Was hillarious at the time... but wasn't overly funny standin at the front of the church without him the next afternoon..... :o:oops:

    Thursday night doing the Yonge st. strip til last call and dragging the poor fella to the Bay st terminal for the overnight to Sudbury. A return ticket and chump change pinned to his jacket. He got back late the next morning. He got even 2 years later though :lol:

  15. Have you been to the Grand yet? The kitties there are in a different league than anywhere on Lake O. Both size & numbers.

    Anywhere you can find shore access below the Dunnville dam the river is just stuffed with kitties now.


    I'm usually there every spring but I gotta stick closer to home right now.

  16. I wasn't sure I was getting out today. It was grey and a raw wind from the East. Did another road cleanup instead and decided on a nap. By 3 the sun was shining and the wind dying so off I go. The rains stirred things up real good. Took a while to figure the bite. Today's mix of baits were cutbait and worms.




    I was surprised to have this fella hit a worm.



    Went 5 for 7 in the 4 hours out this evening. Don't know what the last one was. Probably another big carp. He took off and never slowed down. Spooled me in all of 2 minutes.

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