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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. good guess bigugli on the raven haven. r u from down east


    keep ur bobber on the water


    Me uncle was a navy lifer. Spent a lot of time at his home in Dartmouth and Oyster Pond as a kid. Did a stint at 'Corny' and would take leave up at the park for some paddlin and fishing.

  2. A lein is the morally wrong thing to do, the property owners are not responsible for the work that needed to be done. I repaired water damage that was caused by defective water bottles on behalf of the water bottle suppliers.

    That does make a big difference if they did not contract the work. The collection route is the only other option, but on smaller sums the return can be negligible.

  3. Congrats Bruce on freeing those fish even though it meant loosing you chance at the fishing :worthy: and you got to release a trout in the process ;)


    Wait until Dawg see's this post :w00t:


    Somebody should send him a banana :P


    I was pretty bummed about the creek. The nets are quite long. They are used to keep starlings off the ice grapes. They dig into the flesh rather quickly

  4. Like most of us, I awaited, with eager anticipation, the trout opener.The small sucker and trout stream had cleared and I knew the trout were still in the one pool.

    Here in Niagara it was a beautiful spring morning. The sun was shining. The first of the woodland blooms were coming out.


    I quietly sneak up to the edge of the pool and there, on the edge, were 2 suckers and a small bow stuck in a mess of grape meshing. So out we wade, scissors in hand, to cut open the net and free the fish. With a little work, all three swam away O.K. So much for my chances at the pool. I had spooked everything else, and they were now hiding under a log jam. :angry:



    My plan B was the mouth of Jordan harbour, but the place was crammed with trucks, trailers and boats. Derby time :angry:


    Now we are on to plan 'C'. Charles Daley to fish the pond. The recent storms have given the beach a real pounding. So one is either walking the surf or pushing through the scrub. Debris everywhere.



    I'm there all of 10 minutes and I have a cat on.


    I 'm figuring the day isn't going to be so bad after all. 20 minutes later. "Bang" The drag starts screaming and you can see the fish's wake. I've only got 6lb mono so its a good 20 minutes to work thig pig in.


    This carp is 32" long. The arm holding the tape is a local Scout who was doing a shorline cleanup when I hooked the fish. Him and his bud did the honors of netting the beast, thereby doing their good turn for the day. I can't post their pic because I don't have a Scouts Canada release. Afte rthat it was kitties all day long. All 1-3 lbs.



    A great end result for the day despite the sunburn.

  5. Boy there are a lot of scared people here. Thats O.K. It increases the odds in my favour. We have done 3 weekends at a resort where they try to sell a timeshare. Have won 2 free weekends outright. Then there are the free BBQ, stereo, $100 in gas, $300 in cash ( last week), $80 for doing a Ford product review seminar.


    Admittedly, I have not won the big prizes, but what did it cost me? Still cheaper than the lotteries.

  6. Not all are scams. We've gotten a lot of the scam prizes, offers, etc..., but every once in a while it's the real deal. Whether its the trip, a week at a lodge , the brand spanking new boat.


    Even if you have to listen to the cheezy 2 hour sales pitch, what did it cost. W've been to a few free gimme weekends. Some with the sales pitch, some with no strings. It is still 2 nights accomodation with a little entertainment kicked in.

    Like they say; "Nothing ventured, nothing gained."

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