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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. There is no substitute for that private time alone where the child has you all to herself. Moments to forever cherish. I was notorious for pulling one or the other out of school for a father/son or father/daughter fishing excursion. They need it and, whether we like to admit it or not, we need it too.


    Well done dad :thumbsup_anim:

  2. It's not North vs. South. It's city slicker vs. country bumpkin. The difference between gathering up your food yourself or running to the supermart. I grew up in that subsistance culture and I spent 20 years living in Toronto. I was only too happy to leave the urban environment.

    I still C&R but I still take enough for the table on a regular basis.


    By the way, where is this shortage of fish in FMZ 17. I find lots of fish every time I'm out that way.

  3. Seeing as I had some tackle to deliver to a lodge north of Orillia, I thought I'd throw in some fishing time ( Duh, who wouldn't :P ). So, the wife and I leave sunny Beamsville at 5:30 and we're in Orillia before 8. Good travel time. From that point things went downhill. Lit up the Coleman to get the coffee brewing and the wind starts to howl. Once I finally have the thing brewing go to get brekkie ready. Open the cooler and there is the margerine, milk, sugar and syrup, but no griddle cake mix. I forgot it in the fridge :wallbash:

    So next we try fishing the town dock. Talk about miserable, but the bride stuck it out long enough to say she was fishing.



    After that Judy scurried back to the van to stay warm and we made a muffin run to substitute for breakfast :blush:

    Next we drive to the ultra secret perch hole. Tried the worms , all I got were sunnies, but there were lots of minnows so I scooped a couple dozen. All of a sudden the sky goes black, the minnows disappear before I can get another scoop. All of a sudden its Freakin snowing! A few flakes at first then followed by corn snow and hail. Haven't seen that happen so late in decades. Despite the wind and snow the perch were feeding. Lots of dinks with a few good sized ones mixed in for variety.


    OF course it wouldn't be a typical "Ugli" day if I didn't fall down and get wet. Judy thinks I stepped in a soft spot. We won't tell, will we? :angel:

    Despite the adversities, it was still a fun day. After all this is Canader, eh? :canadian:

  4. I'm with moosebunk. Fishing is as much about the harvest as the sport. Take away the harvest and the 'granolas' will be screaming animal cruelty. I've heard that stupid line a dozen times last year in Niagara while doing the C & R thing in St Catharines for bass.

    I come from a family that has always loved outdoor living. I am proud of the fact that we are fisherfolk rather than anglers. Gram always told us to 'never play with your food' :P We were also taught to only keep what you need.

    For those crying about depleted fish stocks, I don't hear too many telling us to stop eating bluewater fish. We've lost the cod. How long before it's tuna and halibut that are gone, if they are not better managed?


    As for keeping bass, why not? Keep younger, smaller ones, up to a pound or so. Goes great with bacon and eggs in the morning

  5. Now that's a great day of fishing! Nice pics and fish there...hope dinner tasted great!

    Us 'Grumpy Old Men' are having the time of our lives. By the way, fish dinner, breakfast, etc... at Ugli Acres is always great. Just ask any of the victims of my cooking. :lol:;)

  6. If you want to compare fishing, now, with fishing back in the 1920's-40's, it is nowhere near what it used to be. If you make the same comparison with the 1970's and 80's, in Southern Ontario, things are much better. We have far better fisheries management, albeit underfunded. Whitfish and lakers were wiped out on Simcoe and other lakes and now make a comeback.

    Yes a lot of anglers keep fish. Many obey the rules, many don't. Some still kill pike as a nuisance fish, believing it will help muskie and walleye populations by doing so. Those who regularly max out their catch are a minority. However, taking perch as a typical example, they have always been considered a food fish. People travel 2-8 hours to Simcoe for the purpose of getting a supply for that reason. Posession was also cut by half a few years back. You were allowed 2 days posession of limit for Simcoe perch, now it is one.


    It's all a matter of perspective.

  7. Buddy Bill and I decide, last night, we should get out before 6 and lay a beating on some Lake O perch. We had to change plans. The north winds were pushing waves onto the pier so we opted to move furth in shore. Turned out to be a good plan B. Out of the wind, the sun is shining and the fish biting. We seemed to hit a wide variety of species again without any OOS fish.





    We both managed to find a decent take home meal.DSCN2520.jpg

    By 1pm. everything had shut down and we called it a day

  8. Know your rights and stand up for them people...nobody else will do that for you.




    In Canada this is not just about rights. There are also responsibilities. In Canadian law, the Crown's law, we have an obligation and responsibility to report breaches of the law when they occur. Otherwise the law, and your rights, are worthless. You witness an offense, report it. If the authorities don't want to act, then report 'that' to the media.

  9. There are a lot of arrogant people on the lakes. They believe they own the fish and water. I've seen signs posted as "NO Fishing, Spawning Area", yet they have a line from their dock into that location. Another :asshat: who hops on his jetski and does circles around the boat until you leave. One individual likes to launch golf balls from his dock at anglers in "his" bay. One cottager used to cut rock markers set up by a local lodge for years until someone got him on tape.

    Not one of these people believe they are doing anything wrong.

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