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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Nice carp there.


    I had the same thing happen with one of the bigger cats Sunday. Turned my back to grab a cup of coffee when the son yells at me. The rod and the stand had been pulled down into the water. Good thing I was wearing boots. Got it just in time. Happens to me every year.

  2. Congratulations. Now begins a wonderful, and often crazy new adventure :P . Enjoy and relish every minute. They grow up faster than you expect. Today he is a bundle of joy. Next thing you know he's graduating high school :( .

  3. Great recipe for the BBQ grill. Grill some onion, sweet pepper, etc...(your choice), leave in reserve.. Now wrap individual fillets in prosciutto. Put on the grill, low heat, 10 minutes, lid closed. After 10 mins. gently flip each piece, place a thin slice of a mild white cheese ( mozzarella, friulano, jack, etc...) cook for 5 more. Once done serve with the the grilled veggies as a side, or 2 fillets on a bun as a monster sandwich with the veggies as the garnish. Real yummy. Works with any white fleshed fillet.

  4. Great report Bruce!!! :Gonefishing::thumbsup_anim:


    I don't know how clean that water is, but if you're eating some of the fish out of there... you really should take home some of those catfish!


    They is goooood!!! :P


    We always grab a couple of feeds in the earlier spring when the water is cold. Once the water warms up, the flesh takes on a muddy taste and is not as firm.

  5. 07syd.jpg


    I got a great chuckle out of that pic Cliff!!! :w00t::thumbsup_anim::Gonefishing: ... another one "suitable for framing"!!!


    When are you going to let Sydney start fishing for a little bit bigger fish?... maybe some Bass when the season opens?


    Thanks for posting that, I always enjoy your family fishing reports!!! :clapping:

    Cliff's just worried about the whoopin that his little girl is gonna lay on him :w00t:


    That Sydney looks to be quite the animated young rascal. I enjoy your family reports. They allow me to vicariously relive some of my own fond memories of my kids. Thank you.

  6. After being stuck home for a week, it was good to get out on a gorgious day like today. Judy dropped me off at the park before 8 and I walked in to my secluded spot. Got a mixed assortment for the early part of the day.





    I was having quite the morning out there all by myself. The blue in the last pic was5-6 lb. but he was all head. About 11, my tranquility was shattered by the brood. They decided to hunt me down for the day and share some time. Wasn't long before we were all furiously hooking into fish.

    The daughter's first cat , and she won't go near one to touch it. :P


    Amy's first cat, same problem :lol: ( the son's main squeeze)


    Jr. Playing net minder for me.


    The fight was pretty hot on a few of the larger fish we were catching. Lots of head shakes and runs.





    The girls were still having fun as well.




    At the end of it all, I'm so glad they came out and joined me for the day. We don't do enough of this any more. It was a lot of fun. :wub: I think some will have serious sunburns to deal with tonight :stretcher:

  7. Are you certain of this? (With all due respect, just want to make sure!)

    I am all too certain. We fish Nippissing on a regular basis. We got dinged our first year up at a roadside check for not having our fish readily measurable. Nippissing has a slot. Only proof that the fish are legal is to keep them whole but gutted. You cannot get an accurate measurement of length off a fillet.

  8. Good point Roy.


    On a personal note...


    Caught a few OOS smallies this past winter. Four guys, 8 holes, spread right out in depths from 4 to 18 feet. One of my holes gets 3 OOS smallies, big suckers too. Best smallie outing I've ever had. Meanwhile, the other guys holes not twenty feet away are firing walleye. Am I moving?... no way. Later caught 3 walleye too out of the smallie hole and missed some fish. Wasn't there targeting bass but I feel it's absurd to pass on a great fishing area because OOS fish are being hooked 1 to 4 to the target species. Scenarios like this have happened other times as well... heck, I caught 2 OOS sturgeon recently while using deadbait tactics to take 12 (I think it was) mixed bag walleye and pike at locations where all those fish swim. Also catch most of my ice-out pike at warm water outflows where OOS walleye may be lurking as well. Fishing in-season fish is allowable but I wonder what a CO would have said about some of these cases...?


    The bass season IMO isn't right. This fish on a pedestal is absurd. The "slow" growth for these fish compared to U.S. fish means nothing, as, it applies to pretty much all of our countries sportfish. Walleye and trout across the province need to be stocked yet they're seasons allow ice fishing and much shorter closures. Bass are open year round in some parts of Northern Ontario where bass are fewer and farther between, so why in the south do they close this fish?

    I'd be happy with a shorter closed season with bass. There is no real sense in the fall closure. Personally, the pike/ walleye opener should extend 2 weeks later, but that won't fly with the tourism industry. I 'm happy they have finally closed pike in Niagara. It was also still legal here to net them a few years back, and they were easy pickings during the spawn.

  9. Some fish just do not do well frozen. Crappie, unless dried out in the freezer a bit, tend to be mushy once thawed. Other panfish it makes no difference. With the new over/under slot limits on pike and walleye, you are supposed to keep them whole for measurement. That makes a big difference in the taste of a fish when frozen

  10. Withh OOS bass fishing, the biggest influence is U.S. media. Because they feature shows where the tactics target pre and spawn bass, and it is not illegal in most states, the boobs expect they should and can do it here.

    Growth rates for a bass are double that of Ontario in the Southern states. A 5lb bass, in Ontario, is an old fish. Not so in Florida, Georgia, etc..., so our rules and regs have to reflect differences. I do not believe in Monkey see monkey do. Further, we do not have the enhanced fisheries management programs like habitat restoration projects or stocking for bass, or aggressive enforcement.

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