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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Took our cubs and scouts there about 5 years back. They had a blast. I do have to admit that many displays were the exact same as they were 20 years back, and may seem stale to anyone visiting on a regular basis. Museums are the same way outside of special showings.


    The annual P.S. trips to the ROM always started in the lower level with the native peoples exhibits and the same static displays year after year. My class trips, decades back, would be repeated, exactly, by my kids some 20 years later.

  2. How well do those dog life vests work?? Do they keep the dogs head above water?


    My dog is only 11lbs. Do they come that small?


    My dog knows no limits. Sometimes she'l jump in the water and swim away from shore, and not look back untill she's 100' out. Then she panics, and tries to rush back in. Only to turn around and do the exact same thing again.

    They work great, and in sizes right down to a teacup miniature. Both dogs have jackets for 10 to 20 lbs.


  3. I took my dog fishing last weekend. The little buger did a superman dive straight off the bow platform on my boat while the trolling motor was in 5th gear.


    I grabbed her as she was going under the boat, toward the prop.


    She loves swimming, but she's not used to jumping in from that height. So when she hit the water, she sank about 1 foot. Before she could surface, the boat was on top of her. I had to reach under the boat, and pull her out. I’ve never reacted to fast in my life.


    She was coughing up water for 5 minutes after that.



    That got my blood flowin'


    The fish thievin dogs have life jackets. Although they can swim, most dogs can only last 5-10 minutes in the water before they tire out (retrievers don't count). Had one dog that sank after jumping off the boat. he could not keep his head above water. Lesson learnt.

  4. My old glass rod


    2 ultralites (one for floating, one for drifting)


    1 baitcaster (one in reserve)


    3 6'6" spinning rods of differing weight


    1 heavy rod



    The ladies of the household have 4


    the son has 10 St Croixs


    We have 8 ice rods

  5. Despite all the ultra modern gear , and all the bells and whistles, that one can spend thousands on, Some old stuff just can't be beat. Every once in a while I get out my old blue glass rod for an outing. It was the very first grown-up fishing rod to call my own and after 40 odd years of abuse it still holds up. It flexes like a whip so it has great casting range for a 5' rod

    DSCN2247.jpg That was one of last year's victims.

    I also have a few treasures in the tackle box. Old hula poppers, chugbugs, rapala minnows, etc.. I just keep changing the hooks. Today's weapon of choice was a broken back rebel minnow I've had forever ( lost it a few times but always managed to get it back). Just twitch it and let it float back up, repeat. Reel and stop, let it float to surface and repeat. That old lure still managed to coax up a couple of snot rockets in the cold front today.


    The 2 fellas down from me caught squit.


    Sometimes it pays to hold onto them old faves of yesteryear.

  6. Slip bobbers allow you the greatest degree of flexibility. You can fish the float in 6" or 30'. You cannot do the same with a spring bobber. you also remove the tendency of having the line crimped with a spring bobber.

  7. But it's no KAWARTHA DAIRY




    Nothing like running to the Minden KD on a Sundy afternoon. A few neices and nephews have worked their summers there. Soon it'll be great neices and nephews :P ( just as long as uncle always gets the extra big scoops)

  8. Not on it . Don't want to be bothered with so -called school friends who could not otherwise bother with keeping ties.


    As for the employment issues, companies take several different approaches. To date I know of two individuals stupid enough to incriminate themselves on facebook and get fired. It's as simple as calling in sick but plastering party pics that night. To quote another policy: "At no time are the affairs of _____ and it's affiliates, its employees , agents, etc..., to be made a subject of public scrutiny. All violations will be subject to immediate dismissal".

  9. A thoroughly enjoyable read. My kind of report.


    I'm glad you both enjoyed some quality time together. At some point in time they all insist that they do it all on their own. Whether it's fishing, lighting the first fire, or doing a camp meal, they need to know they can do it. It's a huge confidence booster for them.


    WTG :thumbsup_anim:

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