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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Almost every combo I posess falls in the $100-150 range. There are lots of wonderful reels and rods out there. Some with outrageous price tags. Regretably, few would survive a season of bush beating, stumbling and falling down :blush: As a result, my bush rods are mostly Uglysticks and a Lewes. All have lasted several years. I still fish with a 40 year old glass rod.


    Reels tend to be middle of the road for the same reason. Quantum, Pfleuger, Mitchell ultralite310. Lost faith in Shimano years back with such problems as reel reverse and weak bails. I will be using a 300A soon. Found it at a yard sale for $5. Only thing wrong was the finger grip on the handle was gone. Easy to cure with a little maple or oak. ( Yeah, I'm cheap :lol: )


    All the toys in the world will not make a good angler. I've known a few tackle junkies who have every new hot item, bring a dozen preloaded rods, have $2-3000 in the latest bells and whistles on the boat, and they still can't catch fish worth a darn. Their fave excuse; "the lake's been fished out" :rolleyes::P

  2. It's been an unusual week and there has been no time for fishing.Vet checkup for the dogs. The daughter ill from overcooking herself in the sun. Two days in St Jacobs helping a friend tend his stall.


    So my daughter finishes work at 1 and the ladies decide they want to have a picnic somewhere we can fish. How can i say no to that? Unfortunately, everything went wrong. Dogs were all wound up ( they haven't been for a car trip in a while) and bouncing all over. Get to Port Maitland and 2-300 anglers crammed all over the west side. Dunnvillle is crawling with the remains of the morning kids derby at the BBQ. Finally found a nice spot (I thought) above the dam a ways.

    From that point onward everything went sour. Too shady for the wife, too windy for the sunburn kid, too many mosquitos. Meanwhile, we're catching some nice fish, but the camera is still sitting beside the computer :wallbash: After an hour I had all that a man should take and called it a day. Only kept 1 dinner fish for documentary proof. Packed up, headed home and BBQ'd the brats and asparagus tips at home.

    Then we sliced and diced this healthy 19+" specimen for tomorrows dinner.



    OF course, it could be worse. I could be in TJ's shoes all weekend :whistling:

  3. That were no man you were fishing with. Can you say "child" :lol:


    For years my fave fishing partner has been my mother, and she has managed to regularly hand me a platter of humility over the years. For that matter, so could my Gram :D


    You just keep on shining and be the best you can be.

  4. I may never post again if she ever holds up a big ole slimey carp. My heart may give out from the shock. Given that she refuses to take little mouse floaters out of our pool skimmer I doubt she'll be much good with squirming fishies. Methinks she's gonna be a rock bass kinda gal at best, but who knows.



    My wife likes to go fishing when it's sunny and warm and no bugs are biting.


    She still won't bait a hook or take a fish off, but she does have a pair of pink gloves to occasionaly hold a fish for pics. It's still fun to share the time together. Especially the look of fear when she catches a pike. :lol:

  5. Always allow 24 hours leeway with any forecast. It changes hourly and is dependant on the forecaster's mood swings, or how much he's had to drink so far in the day :lol:

    All I needed to know was at some point today it was going to rain and planned accordingly.

  6. Well last month it was a mudhole, and now it's a dust bowl! :rolleyes:


    I'm still tilling and shaping, but making some pretty good progress now!... maybe I'll be done by first frost :rolleyes:


    I need me arse kicked for even starting this project... what the hell was I thinking???


    It was probably the bottle of sour mash that was doing the thinking for you. :P

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