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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I should think that a posted topic will stand or fall on it's merit. Same goes for the poster's credibility. It will be what it will be. No need for flaming or hostility. Either the kid knows his stuff, or he's a 'google' angler or a 'cut n paste' artist. I've seen a few who take written opinion and post them, word for word, as their own. Some very blatant, and others less obvious.

    Do not hold his age against him as there are some amazing young anglers here. Some of us older types also grew up with rod and reel in hand and posessed the experiences many will only dream of in a lifetime. We should remember that.

    This site also, like many sites, posesses its share of armchair critics. Quick to speak if something displeases, but very quiet when it come to solid contributions and fishing reports.


    Lastly, we are talking about fishing. A pastime that should provide endless satisfaction. It is not Polisci 101 so lighten up. For those self proclaimed fishing gods so full of there superiority over us "lesser" anglers, as my uncle would say, stick yer head in a bucket of manure and swallow.

  2. Had a couple of free hours so I went to check out another local pond and toss some baits. I fished all of 40 minutes before the heavens opened up, but the bite was constant.

    2nd cast



    As the rain hit this piggy inhaled the worm.


    There was also a generous mix of dink bass, rockies and sunfish to keep me very busy for that short time. I had to call it quits before I soaked the camera. Left the waterproof bag in my jacket at home.

  3. The product may be altogether different here than what you sampled from Finland. It pours and drinks like a liqueur... you know, a little thick... and it's quite sweet, although not cloyingly so.


    We get other high-proof alcohols from abroad - too bad we can't get this one. The taste is something I would really like if it were a straight full-proof flavoured brandy.


    We can get Bacardi 80% rum (160 proof). We can also get high-proof (54% I think) Austrian Inländer spiced rum at the big Sudbury store... although the real Inländer they drink is 80%.


    You should try some Inländer if you can. Awesome stuff, even at 54% (I have had both).


    I wonder, is Drambuie, domestic Scottish Drambuie, higher proofed than what we get in the export variety? That stuff would be awesome at 80% - the Rusty Nails would not only knock your socks off, they'd raise your hair! :D


    Here's a link to an interesting discussion about Inländer...




    My parents (Austrian born) have always told me it was made from sugar beets.


    Note what one poster says they call liquor stores in CT. Interesting what local customs are!


    Anyway, I'm taking you pretty far off your topic of Swedish meatballs. :D

    Not really. A European cannot talk about food without talking about hootch :lol:

    Kummel is a unique liquor of Dutch/German roots, used to come in a bear shaped bottle. Never available here. Been a long time since I've tasted that.

  4. HELLO



    My brother and I are going on a hike in and around a lake near north west of MACTIER, Its called FOLGOL LAKE. Its a lake surrounded by Crown land off HEALEY LAKE RD.



    My question is 1) Has anyone ever heard of this lake

    2) What kind of fish and fishing can I expect (bass, pics, trout etc etc)

    3) Should I bring bear poppers just in case


    any help would be appreciated




    It's been a long time since I was back there. We used to catch bass and pike. Any back country from Severn on north has black bears

  5. If you can sit quietly and move only slowly and calmly, you can easily get to within 10-15 ft. They will get used to you if they feel safe in your presence. The one I took pics of in the spring hung around, right close, for the free dead minnows I would toss to him. Same goes for loons. I had a pet loon as a teen. Every morning he'd wait by the dock for me to check the bait trap, and I'd feed him a minnow or two dockside. Doesn't take much to get a chickadee to perch on your shoulder.

  6. o.o66. Faster reaction times come from keeping finger on trigger. Most people have a habit of removing the finger from the trigger which adds atravel time of 1/10 to 2/10ths of a second.


    Gets addictive. Had to go back until I got a better time. 0.016

  7. You're right about the LCBO. It's maddening when you can only get certain brands at certain stores, and some not at all.


    I checked the bottle again and it doesn't say it's brandy, but I guess a brandy base?


    It's only 21% alcohol.

    The alcohol count has been lowered to meet laws here. Same happens to good rum or whiskey. Watered down for export to Canada eh!

  8. Bruce. Boy if my diet lady catches me with a feed like that she would go freeky. I love nothing better than a good feed of meatballs with a cold one to wash it down. But comeing down to earth I guess I have to get in the boat and catch a few smallies .She says that feed or two of these are good for me. ;)

    That mountain of meatballs is meant to last through to Christmas. The last large bag is saved for the Christmas smorgasbort

  9. I bet you can get Peter Heering up there as well. Down here I have to cross the border to get good stuff. Specialty items are on a store by store basis where demand merits. There are a lot of Finns and Swedes up your way.

    Lapponia lakka is the brandy. Cousin Hannu used to bring the odd bottle when he was working on Canadian projects.

  10. LOL


    Something like the marjane outfit here at the Molsons plant. Charge the 60+ yr old guy and the rest walked.






    Amongst the items seized in that raid was a towmotor stolen from a Niagara greenhouse.

  11. There was an airport theft ring at Pearson a few years back. Over 6 million in missing goods, etc.., accounted for. The ring leader copped a plea to take all the blame, surrender all assets and the rest of the family walked.

  12. Bruce

    That looks very yum yum.

    I,ll take 4 doz of them. Ground turkey,with savory please.LOL


    If you feel like,push a small piece of asiago cheese in the middle. ;):D

    For a real treat I may just have to put them in a sauce of crushed lingonberries and Napoleon brandy( can't buy lingonberry brandy here in Canada)

  13. It surprises me how many people eat such big fish out of the great lakes though...well over the recommended size according to the guide and big trophies too!


    Anyone have any info on toxin content on beef or poultry? That would be interesting to compare vs. the fishies.


    That would depend on how you define toxin. Just heavy metals and industrial waste? Do you include hormones and steroids? GAF's? Livestock raised on protein enriched (meat) feeds?


    Did you know that many pesticides deemed harmful to humans, and banned here, are used regularly on produce that is imported into our supermarkets.


    You are still eating DDT, Temik, etc..., in your tomatoes and watermelon, and in your canned fruit.


    Truth is there are all sorts of nasty things in the food supply. They are not going away. Learn to deal with, eat and keep living, or quietly go off in some corner to die. in fear

  14. As both parties have signed onto the mortgage, they will both be held liable until the mortgage is discharged. A legal severance of ownership/ division of assets/ separation needs to be done. You need the lawyer and that piece of paper he can produce through the courts because they are ruled to be common-law married.

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