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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Good choice Gerritt.

    Canoe rentals, the concrete pond. Lots of fishing in the park or down the road in town or port maitland. A mini- putt at the Grand Island BBQ for a diversion.


    I've had cubs and their families at Byng for a family camp. It's a nice place.

  2. Thanks for the encouragement guys. I'm still going fishing from shore on good days, and still stumbling or falling. It just isn't really safe for me to be running a boat on my own or trying to manhandle the heavier boat at the ramp.


    I've been stuck in the 'chair', and carried a stick before and after another repair, but the repairs are temporary. The last fix lasted 15 years, but I still farmed, timbered and built houses. Still had to pay bills so I accepted the risks of ignoring my handicap. Banks don't give out mortgages to handicapped people, it's hard to get insurance, and few will give you a job. So, yeah, it's self inflicted.

  3. :angry: Sometimes life can really suck as our bodies age. As I am progressively losing my balance, stability and mobility. I am being forced to accept some hard truths lately. 3 years back, I had to give up hiking and skating. 2 years ago I gave up my waders and golf clubs. Now I'm not steady enough on my feet, nor alert enough to, to use my boat. All I've got to look forward to, next, are the wheelchair and depends.


    Sorry for the rant. If interested I'll give a member of the community a better shake than most.

  4. More media hype and more blame fools running around screaming "the sky is falling" :P


    Truth is there is a certain minute quantity of natural toxins and heavy metals in every morsel we eat. Then you can add in all the noxious man made stuff we've smothered the planet in. There is no species, animal or plant, that is 100% clean. Science has also redefined the safe tolerance levels a few times over the past 50 years. We used to talk of parts per million, but now we often talk of parts per billion or trillion. What was safe then is potentially lethal now.


    Grin and bear it, or starve. You cannot avoid it. That is reality

  5. Dealing with HD, Walmart, Lowes, etc.., requires deep pockets. Margin purchasing, consignment sale, guaranteed sale ventures, long payment schedules, all require a big credit line on your part.


    Your computer system must be compatable to, and work with, their purchasing systems. With Lowes and Walmart you must be able to distribute chain wide within 7 days of go date (especially for an ad).


    HD has their system broken into purchasing districts. You must introduce yourself, and befriend, each district purchaser for the relevant dept you want to sell to. Once you have enough of them on your side, you can then seek head office approval to carry your product as an approved vendor.

  6. Got out for a few hours this morning to try yet another pond. Biggest bite today was the one that swallowed my bobber as it hit the water. It was a big boil and it probably still has it in its gullet.


    There were quite a few large WGSF around getting in the way.



    There were also some 1/2 -1 1/2 lb bass to keep me entertained.



    I'll have to work the other shore next time out.

  7. Just made a shopping trip to North Bay today and counted 3 signs, all advertising "pickerel". I guess the term is alive and well around here.


    That's because you are in a part of Ontario that has not been sufficiently Americanized and lobotomized :lol:

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