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Everything posted by bigugli

  1. What a darling. WTG on a most successful outing. Even now Anna does not like to touch the fish. I do most of the handling unless she has her "glove" or a boca grip, but she likes to fish. Averie's got Anna beat by a country mile.
  2. Had a couple of free hours so I went to check out another local pond and toss some baits. I fished all of 40 minutes before the heavens opened up, but the bite was constant. 2nd cast As the rain hit this piggy inhaled the worm. There was also a generous mix of dink bass, rockies and sunfish to keep me very busy for that short time. I had to call it quits before I soaked the camera. Left the waterproof bag in my jacket at home.
  3. Not really. A European cannot talk about food without talking about hootch Kummel is a unique liquor of Dutch/German roots, used to come in a bear shaped bottle. Never available here. Been a long time since I've tasted that.
  4. It's been a long time since I was back there. We used to catch bass and pike. Any back country from Severn on north has black bears
  5. If you can sit quietly and move only slowly and calmly, you can easily get to within 10-15 ft. They will get used to you if they feel safe in your presence. The one I took pics of in the spring hung around, right close, for the free dead minnows I would toss to him. Same goes for loons. I had a pet loon as a teen. Every morning he'd wait by the dock for me to check the bait trap, and I'd feed him a minnow or two dockside. Doesn't take much to get a chickadee to perch on your shoulder.
  6. o.o66. Faster reaction times come from keeping finger on trigger. Most people have a habit of removing the finger from the trigger which adds atravel time of 1/10 to 2/10ths of a second. Gets addictive. Had to go back until I got a better time. 0.016
  7. The alcohol count has been lowered to meet laws here. Same happens to good rum or whiskey. Watered down for export to Canada eh!
  8. That mountain of meatballs is meant to last through to Christmas. The last large bag is saved for the Christmas smorgasbort
  9. I bet you can get Peter Heering up there as well. Down here I have to cross the border to get good stuff. Specialty items are on a store by store basis where demand merits. There are a lot of Finns and Swedes up your way. Lapponia lakka is the brandy. Cousin Hannu used to bring the odd bottle when he was working on Canadian projects.
  10. Amongst the items seized in that raid was a towmotor stolen from a Niagara greenhouse.
  11. There was an airport theft ring at Pearson a few years back. Over 6 million in missing goods, etc.., accounted for. The ring leader copped a plea to take all the blame, surrender all assets and the rest of the family walked.
  12. For a real treat I may just have to put them in a sauce of crushed lingonberries and Napoleon brandy( can't buy lingonberry brandy here in Canada)
  13. That would depend on how you define toxin. Just heavy metals and industrial waste? Do you include hormones and steroids? GAF's? Livestock raised on protein enriched (meat) feeds? Did you know that many pesticides deemed harmful to humans, and banned here, are used regularly on produce that is imported into our supermarkets. You are still eating DDT, Temik, etc..., in your tomatoes and watermelon, and in your canned fruit. Truth is there are all sorts of nasty things in the food supply. They are not going away. Learn to deal with, eat and keep living, or quietly go off in some corner to die. in fear
  14. Wrong species. What you have there is a snub nosed bill pickerel. Now this is a pike http://www.civilwar.si.edu/weapons_images/joe_brown_pike.jpg
  15. Up into the 1960's there used to be a commercial catch of white bass in Lake Erie which ran in the 100,000lb + catch per year.
  16. As both parties have signed onto the mortgage, they will both be held liable until the mortgage is discharged. A legal severance of ownership/ division of assets/ separation needs to be done. You need the lawyer and that piece of paper he can produce through the courts because they are ruled to be common-law married.
  17. For those with cholesterol problems, substitute with copious amounts of red wine.
  18. For those with cholesterol problems, substitute with copious amounts of red wine.
  19. I'll take my ruddy great axe over my chainsaw any day. Welcome to the demented zone The harbour can have some interesting fishing.
  20. That was the opening and "Til we meet again" was the closing waltz.
  21. Well, here I sit in an empty house. Anna is away for 6-8 weeks of treatment, the wife is also in hospital, and the son has moved out. Just me and the fish theiving dogs left. Oh Well Life goes on. Time to do some cooking. First we start with 15lbs of secret mixed ground (have to do something with the roadkill ) Then add eggs, bread crumbs and seasonings. Roll into balls and flour. To establish a good rythm one needs some good down home music and copious amounts of wine. Pan brown Then toss in a roast pan with more copious amounts of white wine to simmer for 2 hours. Result, 600 Swedish meatballs and one slightly preserved cook
  22. Gram was soooo upset when they cancelled the show, and she loathed Tommy Hunter. It was my Gram's TV, so certain shows were going to be watched, and that was that. She had good taste.
  23. Thank you all. I will pass along your best wishes to my Anna.
  24. We used to fish at the base of White's Falls decades back, but there are far too many swimmers there now to fish that spot. Just have to search for the ledges and weed humps along the west shore.
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