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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Just got back from Cooks Bay. Went out with Terry Goy's huts..  Simple, clean and warm huts, and hundreds of fish to catch. Unfortunately they were almost all dinks. Lots of pike keeping the perch spooked as well. We brought one of the toothy critters home as a dinner guest.

  2. On 12/28/2017 at 3:49 PM, DanD said:


    A couple of years ago, I would have disagreed with you Terry; my wife was ever so calm and nice. Then came menopause and I felt like I was living with a possessed person. I swear the one night she pulled a Linda Blair and her head did 360° spin and didn't stop for a second, telling me what I did wrong that day. LOL So guys, yeah respect anything called, Lady.


    I nearly pissed myself reading this. Wife had to rush over to see what's the matter. She now wants to blackmail you for the big dollars

  3. Looks like I am heading up to Lady S Sunday morning. Have to make a tackle delivery.  Hopefully we are going to get out on Cooks. I know the hut operators are waiting for a few more inches of ice.  Would be best for a first time out with one of the grandaughters in tow. A mile walk in snow is not easy for a five year old.

  4. On 12/23/2017 at 12:07 PM, farsider said:

    Merry Christmas Bruce

    Having some Pulla with coffee right now at the computer.

    All the best




    With our growing family I had to bake 2 batches of pulla.  One batch done as sweet rolls. The grandkids like it Frenchie style, smothered in icing (yeecchh). Must get it from their 1/2 French mother. The second batch done as loaves on Christmas eve which we will have for breakfast tomorrow slathered in butter.

    One thing I'm not used to any more is getting up at 5 am with the grandkids bouncing off the walls.

  5. 12 minutes ago, jerpears1 said:

    I think the biggest problem that I have with this is that she had almost 10 years that her husband was in office for, that she could have been talking about and discussing environmental legislation if she had such a problem with this. Or at least could have brought it forward and then had environmental biologists tell her that she was wrong. 

    Now, she is a law abiding citizen just like the rest of us with zero power or influence. What she is angry about is perfectly legal and yet she is still upset about this. 

    Spend your time chasing after the real criminals. The poachers and the thieves rather then going on a crusade because you don't like what someone did. 

    First rule of membership in a political family. Family members are merely eye candy subordinate to the politician and his/her party. There are rules of behaviour for family. Breaching the rules can sink a career as quickly as a politician's indiscretions in bed.. A classmate of mine was stuck in that trap as the son of a politician, and having to behave perfectly, without an opinion of his own for 15 years. Of course there are rewards for such submission, such as a well paid internship in the PMO for a summer.   But you do not own your life. The party does.

    So now this lady is free to flap her gums any way she wants.

  6. On the subject of bread...  First batch of Finnish pulla is now resting on the counter. The house just reeks of yeast, cinnamon and cardamom. The kids wanted sticky buns for Christmas morning. I'll probably hunker down to batch #2 on Saturday. Tomorrow we be feasting on fish head soup and good dark rye

  7. 3 hours ago, crappieperchhunter said:

    I never noticed this the first time through or I would have commented then.  When I do my no knead bread in the cast iron pot in the  oven the bottom of the loaf would get over done a little. If you have totally corrected this with changing your oven temps then you have no need to read further. However if your still playing with it I would suggest putting an empty baking sheet on the rack under the rack your loaf is on. This has worked really well for me to solve the overcooked bottom of the loaf.  

    Another alternative is a steam tray on a rack under the loaf

  8. 1 hour ago, dave524 said:

    Yeah OI, I don't get meats much at Basics, the one in Grimsby doesn't cut meat, it is all bused in prepackaged, so I question the freshness and handling. Make the trip down the road to Superstore for meat and more recently the new Costco. Really, I don't see how our Sobey's stays in business, their sales flyer prices are often higher than Basics regular price :wallbash:

    I don't trust factory pack meats. Freshness is not the only issue. A number of area meat shops/butchers have better prices on better quality meats, and certainly a lot fresher.

  9. 9 hours ago, Old Ironmaker said:


    Hey even Mom and Dad stopped making the Salsa as you call it, we still say Succo from the cans about 40 years ago. There was no one at home to fill the garage with bushel baskets of Romas, let alone carry them downstairs and help with the canning. Was that stuff any better? You bet your bottom Lira it was. I would commit a crime if I could get my hands on a few Mason jars or the old glass pop bottles of it. It was called conserva pronounced con-sair-va. Do the math, a minimum of 5 jars a week X 52 just for Sunday succo, minimum 260 jars a year. Now at 90 and 86 they don't own a frying pan or a pot in the little apartment at the retirement residence and it doesn't bother them a bit. They have been out to dinner more in the last 4 years than in the previous 60, for sure. They ask." Nice here, how long has this place been here?" "Oh I don't know Mom, I've been coming here for more than 40 years." Going out to dinner was just not part of life for them. Time to relax now, they earned it.

    I  remember only too well the ordeal involved in making succo and vino. A few families would go out and pick 100 or so bushels of pomedoro on the Saturday.  Come Sunday we would spend the entire day processing what was picked. There would, of course, be mountains of food and far too much vino passed around before the day was done. My wife's nonna was there to supervise.

    I cheat by putting bushels of tomato in the freezer til needed. Mind you we only use succo once a week 

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