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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. Have not had a lot of time for fishing this summer. Busy with family, canning and tackle making. Last Sunday and this morning I've finally had time to hit the water with my son. Last Sundaymorning we we vertically jigging smalljaws. Not big numbers, but a dozen odd respectable fish. THis morning we were on the lower river and it was a tough bite. 4 fish tween 3 of us, but all quality. Biggest fish goes to my 73 year old mother with a 26" walter. I pulled another walter at 22" and the son popped 2 small jaws.

  2. Wht do Canadians have to repeatedly pay for American problems? Simple. THe oil companies closed up most of the Canadian refineries. We have to ship our oil to the staes so they can refine it for us and charge whatever they want. Thank you Mssrs Mulroney and Reagan for NAFTA.


    In the 80s in the evening at sunset (amazing to say the least) they had an "oldies" night under the welcome to SaublenBeach sign. One of my acquaintances was Don Daynard from CHFI! He came down from his home in Oliphant and MCd the evening.





    Good old Dazzlin Don. Used to love digging through the stacks in his record shop.

  4. This site needs a way to upload from mobile. Period. I would post photos again if that were the case. How many of us actually sit down at a PC anymore?? For me, rarely, and even then I dont' upload my photos from mobile to PC.



    I'm a PC kinda guy. Ditched all mobile devices on retirement.

  5. A little O.T. ... I used to work for a fellow who raised racing pigeons. He had hundreds in his coup and would attempt to mate the fasted birds, in an effort to win the various races he competed in. He would "cull" the losers by bringing them into the office in a large carry cage. I would come into the office and hear all kinds of "cooing". When I returned to the office after lunch, the "cooing" was no where to be heard. I asked what happened to the pigeons...

    Well, one of the managers was of European descent and his father lived near the office. Pigeoni on a bun was dinner that night! I LMAO, knowing that those pigeons were probably the best fed birds in the province!


    Nothing wrong with a good feed of squab

  6. It's Monday morn and I've finally caught my breath. On Saturday my son finally tied the knot. Lord knows what it takes to make that all happen. What a great way to celebrate fatherhood. Took us all of yesterday to clean up. Almost done planting the pepper patch. Also been busy helping my son produce 1000 jigs per week. There certainly has been no time for fishing.

  7. Tonight we celebrated my little George's 2nd birthday, We tried something other than the usual fish fry . We opted for fish tacos (chicken for the one uncultured barbarian in our clan who will not eat fish). Crappies and bluegill fillets lightly floured with garnishes of lettuce, mixed peppers, tomato, shredded cheeses, sour cream and salsa. Not a scrap of fish or chicken leftover either.

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