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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. I use to fish 100 days a year (literally). Now with a child I am a week end warrior. I do not litter. I do not take the issues with a grain of salt. In fact I appreciate them more as my time is limited on the water.


    Idiots litter. It does matter how far they drive or how much they fish or who they voted for or which team they cheer for.


    I will guarantee one thing. When this is all said and done the morning noise and the litter will not subside magically now that only the Innisfil residents are the only ones able to utilize that access.


    The littering and the noise is not done by the evil city people.


    Actually most of the out of towners that are dubbed the evil city people are in fact other rural people from other rural communities that do not have the luxury of having a lake at the back door.


    This has nothing to do with litter and noise. This has more to do with

    a municipal government securing votes.

    And you are still, like me, part of a very small minority.

    Residents squawk and politicians listen, and the outsiders become the scapegoat. Whether the trouble is local or outsider does not matter. It will also help to line someone's pocket.

  2. For the most part, we are the hard core of the fishing world. We live eat breath fishing.

    The average angler is a 2 week a year weekend warrior. Don't know the issues and don't care. Like most weekend warriors and their hobbies. See it camping, fishing, skidooing, cycling, golfing, etc... Too busy having fun to worry about the impact they are having. Used to having people clean up after them rather than cleaning up after themselves.

    With this prevalent attitude, get used to seeing trash. Get used to seeing angry residents. Get used to seeing restricted access.

    Other municipalities take another tack. Automated parking lots and user fees. I've seen the ticket meters in a few fishing locations as well. The sites were downloaded on municipalities that don't want to foot the bill. So visitors now pay.

  3. So, what's it take to get a permit?

    Can't you just pop into city hall and buy one?

    My guess is it's the township trying to put some extra $$$ in the coffers please the locals. So if it's a pay per permit system just buy one and thumb your nose at the locals when you park there. :whistling:

    You gotta be an area resident. NOTL does the same thing with fishing from public lands.

  4. love the personal tidbits about my fellow membersclapping.gifrofl2.gifrofl2.gif


    HH has the farts asshat.gif


    billy bob shoots groundhogs on groundhog daymellow.gif


    Skeeter loses 4 pairs of glasses a year ice fishing and cooks his perch with bananasw00t.gif


    Splashhopper likes to sleep in a van, down by the riverdunno.gif


    geoff.......hummmm, gotta get something on himrofl2.gifrofl2.gif

    That's a slippery slope your a climbing. :o:P

  5. When we took the scouts out, we needed a shelter for 12 to 15 people. Stick frame for a roof with a black tarp on top. Black tarp for floor, overlapped at the ground. Snow piled against the side wall as high as possible to seal the shelter against wind. Straw on the floor to insulate. Got quite comfy in there for 2 nights.

    A snow drift quinzy is the way to go if there are only 2-3 people.

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