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Posts posted by bigugli

  1. The cannery has been going full tilt while I was stuck in the house.

    A bushel's worth of dil pickles


    More salsa


    Peaches. Had a hard time keeping the vultures away. They had eaten 4qts of fresh peaches overnight :wallbash:


    Will be at least another week before I'm allowed off my leash to go fishing, but I might still need the chauffeur.


    Elderberries are ripe now. Time to stock up so I can make some more brandy.

  2. First, may I offer my condolences. From the sound of it, Grandma is in a better place now.


    As for the relation without a smidgen of sense. Depriving those dear and departed of their last vestiges of dignity in their final days. Well, that's just plain disgusting.

    You've been civil about it. All you can do is take the higher road.


    P.S. Don't be surprised iff the individual proves to be an estate vulture as well.

  3. If you want to see a real nasty mess, go to Union Station. Look on the tracks at any platform and you will see a sea of McD's garbage all over the place...

    Same at track level either side of every subway station. I used to clean that up some decades back as a "track rat".

  4. It's part of the "disposable world" we live in. Just toss it out. Nobody notices. Nobody cares.

    Prior to downsizing to an apartment, the puppies and I had a great sideline. On our morning walks we would pick up all the cans and beer empties littered all over the neighbourhood, and at regular fishing holes. That was over 1000lbs of aluminum a year. Would pick up enough beer empties in a year to pay my gas for a round trip to Florida.

    Truth is the problem has been around a long time, but there are more people littering and fewer caring.


    On a side note, the tally of beer empties to date, in the neighbourhood and fishing spots, is $175

  5. When it first aired I was surprised. Folks there may be hospitable, but tend to keep their affairs quiet. Honest, upfront, hard working folk. A lot like the folks down east that work the lobster lines.

    Network must have sprung a lot of coin to get the boys to open up and show the way of life they've always known.

  6. You were only 15mellow.gif Cripes.....where can i find some old coots i can relate to in hereunsure.gif


    I bet you dont even know who Phylis Diller iswallbash.gif


    Young bucks.....sheeshdry.gif

    I think I dated her younger sister :oops:


    Elvis didn't have too many fans around my neighbourhood, but we loved teasing the ladies who drooled over the "Pelvis". Often at risk of severe pain. :devil:

  7. I have noticed some of the inconsistencies in the pricing, and in the quality of Timmies coffee. Hit the Timmies on the 400 service plex and it is the worst dish water I've ever tasted. Hit the Beamsville QEW Tim's and it often tastes burnt. Then there are some good outlets as well, but I don't want hit and miss quality.

  8. Ohhh.... I see....


    Government doesn't control my bank account ;).... I ll live off whats in there when the time comes to retire! only 35 more yrs to go ! haha

    Actually, the government does have the authority to control and manipulate your bank account, up to, and including, suspending operations and payments until reserves stabilize and to avoid a run on the bank.

  9. well-- for those you think the riots started because of the shooting of a protester-- needs to stop listening to CNN CBC, or any other newspaper--


    this is about the stealing of money that good people worked for all there life- its coming to USA very soon, many many people already know that their pensions are gone-- it could very much happen here in canada as well- so the question to all of you-- what are you going to do, when you find out your government as robbed you of your money?


    Sorry-- retirement doesnt sound fun- when you have to live off of your kids...

    My pension funds were wiped out a few years back. The financial institution just does not declare the fund bankrupt, thereby avoiding a panic or public investigation. Instead they suspend payments from the fund until it stabilizes and recovers. That was 5 years back and the funds are still locked up.

    My other defunct pension was with a firm that went bankrupt and did the same to the pension.All we could do was take a number and get in line with the rest of the crediters.


    Get used to seeing this happen more and more, but don't expect big publicity til it is too late. No media company is going to risk the advertising revenue generated by the banks and insurance companies.

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