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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. I went out Saturday and Sunday this weekend.


    I wish I had someone with me to operate the camera on Saturday because it was my best day ( size wise ) on LSC to date. Im not even going to get into it because I dont have pictures to back it up ! haha

    Sunday however was just as epic, I would have to say it was the most fun I have had on that lake I think so far !

    We fished 5-7 ft of water for the most part of the day.

    I started using a spinnerbait and took a couple fish..... once I realized there were fish in the area, I switched to a loud crank bait to call them in, and it was the ticket !!!! We caught fish on everything we got wet.... but the consistant bite was on cranks.

    The fish are aggresive right now..... but we only had a couple fish that had followers with them. So it seems as though they are just cruising flats chompin down on bait fish by there lonesome.


    Heres a couple teasers from Sunday





    Couple 3 lbs + fish




    4 lbs + twins...... I LOVE the fall !!!!!

  2. Bite the bullet and get Itunes if you want to download music. Downloading sites and software are full of viruses and BAD quality songs.

    I have stopped downloading music, and I just make playlists on you tube and groove shark.

    Grooveshark is nice because you can creat an account online and make playlists WITHOUT having to dowload anything to your computer ! Only downside ... you cant put it on an MP3 player.... I have my computer connected to my home theater, so i just play the music through that.


    Check it..... www.grooveshark.com !

  3. Hey everyone !


    A buddy and I are headin out on Sunday to chase some Smallies @ pelee island. We will be launching from Leamington.

    Im not looking for any way points or anything..... just want some tips or direction on what patterns we should be trying right now.

    Last time we went out (Start of July ) we got skunked... well for smallies.... we ended up with approx 40-50 sheep head. It was NUTS !!!!! I even caught a couple on crank baits in about 3 ft of water !

    We moved all around... just couldnt find the smallies.


    I have been told Jigging spoons are the ticket this time of the year ? Is there any truth to that ?



    A BIIIIG thanks in advance to anyone who can help us out ! haha :)

  4. High school..... between first and second period. A buddy of mine comes up to my locker... not the brightest guy out there.... " hye you hear like the pentagon blew up or something ??? " .. I said... " what are you talking about ???" in a confused tone..... I had spare, SO I was getting picked up to go home for lunch. I got in the car and thats when my Grandma told me the real story.


    Once I got home... I watched Tv from about 10:30 till 1 ( when I had to be back at school ) then we watched it in class room for the rest of the day !


    It was unreal to me at the time. It didn't sink in till later on.

  5. That happened here in Chatham a few years ago. I watched the whole thing from the 4th floor apartment. The wind was blowing against my building and the hail was smashing against the windows. I was running back in forth like a mad man waiting for a window to blow out. Luckily none of mine did, but some of the other tenants didnt get so lucky.


    The dents in cars were insane, My grandparents honda accord had over 1500 dents in it!!!! Roofing companies sprang up everywhere also, because everyone was getting new shingles and new siding !


    It was a pretty wild event !

  6. They probably accidentally hit medium instead of small on the cashier, it happens. I'm not defending anyone just saying drive-thrus make mistakes and I'm sure they don't have weekly team pep talks to tell their grunt workers to "accidentally" hit medium on people routinely to make more money.

    I thought about that.... but it doesnt work.... A medium is $2.49... I only paid $1.98

  7. Hey everyone


    This post is in part with the post a few months back about Tim Hortons over charging for things.


    This morning, I decided that I wanted a Ice Cap ( I know.. Im keeping my man card though ) haha anyhow..... price for a small Icecap is $1.49..... after tax should be $1.68...... I was charged $1.98.... ?????? I was late for work and in a rush so I just gave the toonie and left before it hit me !!!!


    Im gunna continue to do this and see how many different prices I get! asking for a receipt everytime... to keep track !


    Any one else start paying attention to there Timmys prices since that post earlier in the year ?

  8. well-- for those you think the riots started because of the shooting of a protester-- needs to stop listening to CNN CBC, or any other newspaper--


    this is about the stealing of money that good people worked for all there life- its coming to USA very soon, many many people already know that their pensions are gone-- it could very much happen here in canada as well- so the question to all of you-- what are you going to do, when you find out your government as robbed you of your money?


    Sorry-- retirement doesnt sound fun- when you have to live off of your kids...


    Ohhh.... I see....


    Government doesn't control my bank account ;).... I ll live off whats in there when the time comes to retire! only 35 more yrs to go ! haha

  9. You would think that they would come up with some kind of "tagging" for your boat to show that you had been checked on a given day. Just a brightly coloured piece of paper, it could be held up before they even got close to ID you had been checked on a given day. This would allow more time to check others who haven't been. Rotate through a selection of colours to avoid "cheaters". Yes there would be some costs involved but you'd have some happy boaters.

    We were stopped on Erie by pelee island a few weeks ago.... the OPP boat gave us a yellow sticker and said " put this on your boat where it is visable, that way if another OPP boat comes by, you just point to the sticker and they know you have been checked ! "


    They were doing there "random safety checks" on the lake that day..... 2 out of 3 strikes (no anchor and no flash light ) ... you were good to go ! 3 strikes... you got a ticket hahah

  10. ? Care to translate?


    So... you know an auto tech who sells cars and doesn't bother with the Emergency brake? Or does a terrible job repairing/installing the Emergency brake?


    And you bought a car from them and now learnt that the guy doesn't care about Emergency brakes and so now you're concerned about the Emergency brake on your newly purchased car?


    Is that what's happening?



    Post makes little sense at all...



  11. Im sitting in an Air conditioned office reading all this..... kind of a bitter sweet scenario.... I would much rather be sweating my jewels off fishing in this heat.... but if I cant do that... A/C and OFC will have to do for now !!!

  12. Thanks for all the replies everyone as some of you suggested go to a doctor I have done this and so far all he did was prescribe the drugs. I have tried the heat and cold without much success although the hot shower seems to help for a while. Right now the pain is so bad I wouldn't want to try much in the way of exercise or stretches as I can feel it as soon as I try to do too much will see what happens in another day or so then it will be back to the doctor to see what else can be done.

    Thanks Kawartha Kev


    If you are still mobile, I wouldnt be to worried.


    I threw my back out playing frisbee a few years ago... I had to take 3 days off work and I couldn't sit for longer then 20-25 minutes at a time.

    If your watching tv, or resting.... lay flat on your back, put a couple pillows under your knees... that will take any pressure off the lower back.

    When sleeping, as already suggested, lay with a pillow inbetween your thighs

    There isnt much in the way of midication I found that worked.... other then the over the counter muscle relaxers. Then "helped" but that was about it.

    Any time I was @ Home, I was flat on my back on the floor. It was the greatest feeling ever..... it really helps relief the pain.

    It took a few months for things to get back to normal. But I didn't even bother with the doctors because I knew it would be a LONG drawn out process! and on top of that... I knew they would initially just prescribe some pain relievers and send me home. I figured I am still mobile ... can't be that bad!


    My advice, rest, ice/heat pad, some muscle relaxers to help with the spasms, and ride out the storm...

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