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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. $50 bucks a cut.... bottom line.


    Thats roughly $1500 for the season ! Cutting and Trimming...... "Lawn Maintenance"


    I deal with commercial cutters all the time. I have 3 that I look after myself ( Sell them Equipment )


    $50 a cut seems to be the norm in my area

  2. Just looking at Toros website....... If your budget allows for it ... Toro makes two models with the Honda Engine.


    One with the ability to keep the engine running while shutting off the blade....$699.95

    and one WITH OUT the ability ! hahah and its $649.95

    Those prices were from a local dealer here in town .... I dont know where your from.... but if its near the GTA, I would assume they would be a little higher.


    I know your about $250 over budget, but if it were me, I would dish out the extra bit of money in the name of Quality (Honda Engine)


    Hopefully I helped a little.... if not, well Ill stop talking haha

  3. Judging by the brands that you listed.... your shopping at a big box store.

    One thing you have to understand is the mowers you find at the big box stores are NOT built like the mowers everyone is talking about on here.

    Your going to run into issues with parts and service..... because the retailer, is not the fixer...

    My suggestion would be to up the budget a LITTLE more and head to a local specialized dealer. One that provides in house service and a parts DEPARTMENT.


    Lawnboy is a GREAT brand.... my neighbour has had one for 20+ years.... 2 stroke... still running strong ( NOT WHAT YOU WILL FIND AT HOME DEPOT )

    My grandfather has a Toro that starts first pull after a winter of sitting, Honda Engine..... approx 15 yrs old ( NOT WHAT YOU WILL FIND AT HOME DEPOT )


    Like I said, if you can find a small engine dealer... a store that tends to the commercial cutters and lumber jacks.... you will have better luck finding a product built to last.


    Oh ya, I work as a salesmen at John Deere.... but Im by no means an expert ;)

  4. You need to read better.


    I suggested the most extreme training with a no get off clause.


    You have probably never seen a dog go into this trance like state. Put your child between this dog and a chicken your kid is hurt maimed or worse and the chicken is dead.


    This dog is dangerous.


    Last time I checked.... everyone volunteers there child to jump between a dog and its food.


    Do you know the dog ? Why is it dangerous ? Because it was tempted by a bunch of "treats" behind a fence ??

    Is a cat that attacks a mouse dangerous ?

  5. 11th prestige!!! How did you put the controller down long enough to post!?!? lol


    i'm on to "lovetofish"


    He should be on the 50th prestige about 6 times by now if he is still playin COD4 !!!!! Its been out for what... 3 years now ?

  6. have over 30 days of playing time on EACH COD since COD4! Highest prestige in all of them. Time to stop and get a life. ON XBOX tho


    Im calling Bull on this !!!!! over 30 days of play time ???? that would mean you average 5 and a half hours of play time a day SINCE the game came out in november.... I cant remember exactly, but I think it came out Nov. 9th.


    Bragging about how much time you waste inside isnt "COOL" ... and if infact you can prove that number, its even more pathetic !


    I have seen guys with 10-12-15 days play time with top prestige.


    On the other hand.... Black ops is pretty sweet, I have about 6 days play time now. Im on 4th prestige. Im kind of losing interest now though. Ive got a house to renovate, work to be done and fish to catch !!!!


    See ya on the water !



    PS.... PS3 rules all !!!! hands down ! ;)

  7. Hey all !!


    I was in the LTS the other day and held a Quantum Smoke rod and reel for the first time ! I also held the new Curado 50E as well.... I HAD saved my money for the new Curado, but after holding both side by side.... my money is going to the new Smoke reel ! I couldn't believe how smooth the new Quantum reel was ... and light as heck too !!!!!


    What turned me off the new Curado is the fact Shimano cheaped out and went with a PLASTIC drag star !!!! IMO... A $200 reel should have a metal drag star.


    The reel overall wasn't very smooth, I tried to mess with the settings and I just couldn't get it to match th Smoke. Im sure cleaning the drive train and using your own choice of lube will help with the Curado but who knows.


    The new Smoke rod is pretty sweet as well. The first time I saw it I couldn't understand what was going on with the guides ! hahaha I had never saw micro guides before ! There isnt much you can say about a stick till you use it !!!


    Has anyone here had the oportunity to use the new Smoke rods and reels on the water ????

    If so, what did you think about them ? balance, feel, sensitivity ?

    Im looking at investing in a couple combos for the up coming season so I would like to see what others, who were able to actually use them, like them/dislike them !


    Thanks for any help !

  8. Hey everyone


    A buddy of mine and myself are headed up North in a couple weeks to meet up with some old friends from College. We are going ice fishing for the weekend and have a camp on "Rocky Island Lake"


    Im not looking for any hot spots or secrets or anything, just curious is anyone knows the lake and could give me some feed back on what to expect!


    Thanks for any help !

  9. I have no problem with the way they celebrated

    On the other hand chippy play and faking an injury is 100% disrespectful and needs to be taken care of by th IIHF the Russians are trying to turn our beautyful game into a cold game of soccer



    AGREED !!!!!! One minute, he can barely stand on his own two feet, two guys carrying him off the ice.... 5 minutes later, its like nothing happened and he scores two goals ! The game against the Chezs with the " hit to the head " .... or hit to the chest that was perfectly legal, except the panzy was taken off by stretcher. Did anyone else see if he played the next game ? or was he ACTUALLLY hurt ?


    there hockey players, bud...

    hahah true.... but there was one point where they did a close up on the bench and there was one guy that was the FUGLIEST thing I have ever seen on the ice ! hahah he looked like a gremlin or something ! ) No offense to Russians or anything.... just that particular player ! hahaha


    It was a VERY good game.... the better team ( in this game ) WON ! Plain and simple..... the Canadians are lucky that the same thing didnt happen with the Americans... but they came up with to little to late !


    Better luck next year Canucks !

  10. I have the original 1 hr In Fishermen specials from the mid 80's and still watch them every year or 2.


    What's new is not! Lot's say Gary Y brought dropshot from Japan.


    The Linders have a segment on dropshotting mid 80's and 20 years later it's new.


    My 50 yr old uncle was telling me how they used to fish rondeau bay back in the day with drop shots. When i say back in the day i mean when he was a teen ager !

  11. Well, I've got a nearly new Toro sitting here, infact it's only been used twice and is still under full warranty, but after cleaning up the last snowfall I can't use it anymore because the handle that controls the chute is outta whack now and I can't aim it anymore.


    I called the Toro dealership today and they said they'll come and pick it up and repair it under warranty , but to do that and then return it to me will cost me $100 which I'm certainly not gonna pay.


    I had to load it into the back of the pick-up this afternoon, which wasn't easy by myself seeing as it weighs 222 pounds, and tomorrow I'll make the 40 mile round trip to drop it off.


    They said it'll take about a week to fix it...if they've got the parts....then I'll have to do another 40 mile round trip to pick it up.


    Sure hope winter doesn't get nasty for a week or so :angry:



    $100 for "warranty" ???? pick up and delivery should be free while still under warranty !


    Hopefully you have it back by the end of winter ! ... my experience with toro and service !

  12. SAMSUNG plasma 100% !!!!!!!! I have a 42" Samsung 720P Plasma that I won in a sales competition about 4 years ago. Still running strong... its currently my computer monitor !


    I purchased a 50" Samsung 1080P plasma ($1099) last spring and I love it ! I just got my home theater set up and watched "Toy Story 3" last night on Blu-ray .... Amazing !!


    50" Samsung 1080P Plasma

    Bose 5.1 surround

    Playstation 3 ( blu-ray)

    HD Satellite

  13. If you can, get them to throw in the chaps and the helmet with screen face and hearing protectors..safety first, you might leave tree stumps... but don't make your legs stumps either.


    Great advice! But I dont think you will find a dealer that will "throw in" almost $200 worth of stuff !


    The chaps I would be getting first, simply because they are made for saw, the material will actually bind in the chain stopping it if it comes in contact ! We saw it on a training video (they didnt use a real human for the demo though!!)

  14. Stihl !!!!!!!!! ( im kind of bias since i sell them ) hahah


    depending on what your looking for.... more commercial model ( lighter, stronger, more $$$$ but will last longer ) or more of a residential model ( they weight a little more, they are less $ )


    I work at a JD dealer and i sell a mix of each.


    I would suggest a "MS260" with a 20" bar. Its a commercial grade saw that I feel would be best suited for what you are doing. Moving to a wooded area, you will probably be cutting wood for a good portion of the year! Its light so you wont get tired if you have to use it for any length of time. The bar is a good size, not to big, not to small ( like you asked ) you will be able to take down any small trees/trim any good size branches !

    At the moment, they have the " wood pro" promotion on, which includes a carrying case($50) and an extra chain($30).... Everything included for $579.95 !


    If you have any questions.... shoot me a PM !

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