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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. you should have motored away when you saw they came un prepared !!! Let them figure out how to get the hooks out !!


    I troll alot in the thames, and I just want to smack the people you see in a small tinny with like 6'6 ugly sticks and spinning reels !!!


    I dunno....

  2. Looks alot bigger then 45" unless buddy is 5'5"....Beauty anyway!!!!!


    hahah Well i am sitting down when I took the pic, so it looks bigger then it is ! But he called it @45 so if he is happy its all good ! ... the more I think about it, the more I wish I had my tape with me ! haha


    Wow! Epic fish! Awesome that you got it so quick into the trip! I bet the rest of the trip was a downer lol.


    hahah well it was only an hour and a half or so trip... but we had one more nice rip but by the time we got the rods in hand, it was gone !!!

  3. I use a nail knot for almost everything. Line splices (any diameter), terminal connections, snelled hooks. Simply put, a very versitile knot, non-slip with braid and amongst the stongest.

    Its not braid Im using though... its Mono I believe ? hahah I like to use braid but was talked out of it when I bought these new reels...

  4. Hey everyone


    I just wanted to share a pic of my buddies first Musky

    Earlier this summer, we were bass fishing out on St.Clair and he hooked into a smaller but VERY nice looking tiger musky..... My stupidity got the best of me while tryin to land the fish and I snapped the line.... he then told me he had never caught a Musky before !!! haha so not only did I lose a $10 lure, but I also lost a big fish for him !


    So... I owed him big time ! haha well on Sunday we decided to hit the river for some trolling action....


    Not 15 minutes into our trip the rod goes off.....




    and we land this beaut... No official measurment but I would say approx 45" +/-


    Thanks for looking !

  5. I started to pvr it after I saw the guy lose his finger to the eel, hahah

    There was a video on break of a guy feeding Eels hot dogs and one grabbed his thumb and he lost it. They took his middle toe and replaced his thumb with it ! It was good as new !!!! Showed him playin playstation at the end of the video ! I thought it was pretty neat !

  6. I have been told many times to cross pattern the brakes.... kind of like how you would tighten the wheel nuts on a car ! It keeps the spool in balance !

    On my curado I have 2 brakes on I believe.

    Like it was said before, once you get the hang of it, you will have most turned of! I would start with half on and half off... then slowly move down from there, you might think it wont make a big difference, but a few backlashes will change your mind ! hahah


    What reel did you pick up ?

  7. This one is much better than the last one. There were too many gimmicks like breaking paintballs and crushing fluoresecent lights in the last one. Only thing is I rather him drive the subaru.


    Are you kidding me ?? That is the best one ! The effects in HD are awesome !!!!

    IMO there was alot more driving too... regardless Ken Block is crazy awesome !

  8. Hey everyone


    I might have an oportunity to fish Kentucky lake in mid october


    I have not got the slightest clue about that lake and I was curious to know if anyone has fished it before ??? Just curious what kind of structure I can expect ? what the best types of baits would be for that lake ?


    Thanks !


    They are also after-market bearings and not what we were talking about.


    I said the A-RB's are as good as any Stainless Steel bearings available and I believe that is true.



    Im not disagreeing with you, you said "they are as good as stainless steel reel bearings get" ... I didnt know we were just talking about the bearings already installed in the reel !


    I agree, they are hella smooth for stock bearings !

  10. Sure you can also get Abec5 or 7 ceramic bearings but they will also double the price of your reel.


    I wouldnt say they double the price of the reel... you can get a set of boca's for a curado E7 for just over $30.. install them and away you go ! (easier said then done, but you get the picture )


    I have a Abu revo SX.... 10 BB's :blahblah1::blahblah1: ... plus I have an E7... 5 bearings.... When tuned right, I dont see any difference between them!


    One of the marketing tools Abu uses for bearings is claiming the reel has 10 bearings... which it does... 4 of which are in the handle... 2 bearings per knob !


    I don't know if they come on the new Citica or not, but a fine reel mechanic told me that Shimano's A-RB bearings are as good as stainless steel reel bearings get.



    I would have to disagree with that statement. You can get a set of "boca orange seal" Abec 7 bearings... and its smooth as glass ! I guess they have even come out with abec 9 bearings. I have heard they are almost to smooth ! haha


    Ceramic bearings are better then stainless steel.... less resistance !

  12. I have a 7' medium I bought for my tube rod... HATE IT .... to light and hard to detect bites.... I use a 6'10 MH ... I now have 2 and I they are now what I will use for all spinning techniques.... except I will keep the 7'medium for light crank baits and drop shot.... but even for drop shot, its a little to "whippy"


    I agree with the "technique specific" rod marketing somewhat.... I do like specific weights of rod for specific techniques.... but I also like those rods for a range of fishing styles... I dont own a specific tube rod/drop shot rod/wacky rig rod/forg rod/ etc.etc. ... I won a few rods that cover the entire spectrum ! Also... I agree with the " I believe that many anglers miss more than a few finesse bites because they switch rods too often and don't develop the "feel" for one rod/line set-up."

  13. If you enjoy LOTS of weeds... and algea... you should have a good time !


    In all honesty, I live about 15 minutes from rondeau and I have pretty well give up on the bay for the year.

    There was a tournament there yesterday, and if you werent flippin weed edges, you didnt catch fish !


    For me, the work isnt worth the reward in there right now. I would much rather Lake St.Clair/Michells bay

  14. What Flouro were you using???? I switched as I found using braid/flouro was just another knot or two to go wrong. Once you get the hang of running straight flouro you'll see the advantages. Myself and most my buddies who are also hard core big water nuts run straight flouro.


    I know you are talking about tube dragging etc.. but try it with jerk baits too....



    I use stren ... the one in the yellow box ??? hahah Im not much of a floro guy because I fish Rondeau bay alot... and if ya know the bay... you dont stand a chance with floro... most of my reels have 40-60# power pro.... so when I need to re-spool a couple reels I switched to straight floro because this year I wanted to focus on St.Clair and smallie fishing ! haha the transition hasn't been the easiest but Im starting to get the hang of it !

  15. 6'6"-7' Quantum Energy PT spinning rod, Quantum PT Energy 20 reel, 10 lb Spiderwire Ultracast w/ 8-12 lb fluoro leader.


    I see you and river fisher use the same approach .... I have found that with straight floro... the stretch is crazy... its tough to feel the bites, when I tie on straight braid the feel is amazing, but then in clear waters... IE lake st clair... you get less bites.


    Im going to have to learn how to tie on a floro leader and try that

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