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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. So you dont think moving fish a hundred miles is worse then me bonking them on the head at home instead of at the launch?


    Your not talking apples to apples here.


    If you want to get into the ethics of tournament fishing... thats a different story.


    The original post was regarding the rule of transporting live fish over land.

  2. The point of this rule is so that people arent catching fish and then selling them LIVE to resturants, pet stores, people, etc.


    Im sure it also is to protect other bodies of water from invasive species aswell. IE... catching a fish on Lake X and transporting it and releasing it in Lake Y


    The fact that the fish is being caught ON THE WATER... and transported back to the weigh in ON THE WATER... then released in the SAME BODY OF WATER.... isnt the same scenario !


    Hope this helps

  3. This is a question for the custom rod builders out there ....


    How did you get started ?? what have you found is needed (tools, set up, etc.) to do the job ? on a scale of 1-10... how hard is it to do ?


    Where do you buy blanks from ?


    I have been thinking about doing this to save some $$$...... There is a new member of the family on the way, so money is going to be tight.


    Any help would be great

  4. Hey everyone


    Just had a buddy of mine ask me... " I bought a harness for perch fishing.... its a bit of line with 3 snelled hooks and a snap for the weight at the bottom... is it legal ?? "


    I said it was legal, but Im only 95% sure... so I turned to the experts !


    Any help would be great... Thanks !

  5. Not complaining about the price of cigarettes as I don't smoke either...just using it as a comparison product...didn't have any idea what people pay in Canada to smoke...but at $16 per pack I would think a lot of them quit or don't take up the nasty habit, especially kids.

    I agree.... any tobacco habit is a BAD habit... and an expensive one at that. I think the problem is, no one realizes the amount of $$$ they spend on the habit per/yr.... or even a month. Like I said, I chew from time to time, the only time I can afford to is when I cross the border and can buy the chew there. The price has dropped here... but still $13.5 for a tin that lasts roughly 3-4 days ?? Its expensive, and deadly !

  6. Terry, I really don't think so....as we have our share of beer distributors here also. Yesterday I purchased my beer from a chain of drug stores that always has beer on sale...even our big super markets have their beer delivered from distributors....I just think their is more mark up on many items in Ontario....like we have on a pack of cigarettes.... our NYS tax is $4.35 per PACK...so that drives the price way over $9 per pack...now you know why so many go to the Res here for cigarettes. I don't know for sure but I think your alcohol and cigarettes are also highly taxed for your health care system where NYS just blows it on nonsense.


    Are you complaining about $9 cigarettes ??? I dont smoke, but I think a pack here is about $16 bucks ??


    I use skoal from time to time..... a Tin of Skoal in Canada...upwards of $18 ..... in the states.... you can find them on sale...two for $5 bucks.... reg. price is about $4 and some change. Explain to me where the $14 difference is ?

  7. Calgary (2004) and Edmonton (2006) lost the cup in 7 games and this level of destruction did not happen. :dunno:

    Detroit loses to the Penguins in game 7 AT HOME.... I was there... and didn't see anything even CLOSE to what happened in Vancouver !


    The reaction to Bettman was the same though !!! haha

  8. Anyway you look at it... the better team came out ahead ! The haters can say it was all because of Thomas.... " they rode him to the end " Yeah they did.... but they also scored over 20 goals in 7 games.


    I have been cheering for Boston since game 1, and the reason for that was proven last night by the Canuck fans and there rediculous actions after the game ! The only city I have ever seen that cheers when there goalie is pulled. UNREAL !!!!



    Welp... hockey is over.... Fishing season is in FULL swing ! ..... LETS GO WINGS !!!!!

  9. Hey everyone


    I am in the market for a couple new rods and I have been REALLY looking into the MOJO series....but before I pull the trigger, I want to hear some input from the OFC community.


    I know its a loaded question.... but compared to the MOJO series... is there anything else in this price point that I should be considering ???


    The rods will be paired with Curados.



  10. Those aren't capri pants you're wearing are they? If they are, I don't care how big the muskie was, turn in your man card and your fishing license.


    J/K - Nice Fish!!

    hahah NOOO sir !!!!! They are on the long side of being shorts.... but also, they are a few sizes to big and like to fall off my :asshat: when I'm doing stufF


    Thanks for the replies everyone !

  11. A buddy and I got out on the water saturday for some much needed fishing time !


    We were fishing in about 8-10 ft of water, looking for some Northerns and ended up with their BIG cousin !!!!!


    Never measured or weighed the girl, but Im guessing between 40-45 inches and we figured it was over 30 lbs. It was HEAVY !!!!!!!!






    She took about 5 minutes to get her breath back, but swam away good and strong !


    I noticed she left me a nice surprise on the boat.......





    This is why I love fishing !!!!

  12. They say the Thrashers/Winnipeg will play in the east, taking on the Thrasher's 2011/2012 schedule...apparently already made up for this up coming season.


    The NHL has comprised TWO schedules in anticipation of this happening. Or at least thats what I heard.


    I hope the wings move to the east. That would be awesome. I would love to walk over the leafs 3-4 times a season, as opposed to once every 2 years.

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