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Posts posted by Lunker777

  1. Well... finally got my first part of the action on the Thames this year. My uncle and I went out yesterday.... it was a great day weather wise.... the fishing could have been a little better. Only one fish boated. But it was mine !!! hahah FINALLLLLLLY...... :worthy:


    I forgot to mention that its my PB musky too !!! :thumbsup_anim:


    There was no weight... but she came in at around 47-48 inches. I only got a quick and dirty measure because I had her out of the water for some time ! She was a fat girl as well... I wont estimate the girth, but she was a fatty.... I would say around 20-25# ? :dunno: Her back was about 7" across




    Well.... I better go get ready.... heading out in about an hour to try and beat it ! hahah


    Tight lines !



    PS... she swam away good and strong after about 30-40 seconds in the water !!!

  2. Hey all


    Im looking for a SD card for my Handhelp gps. I have a magellan meridian gold. I bought it used with no manual so I dont know what works with it ??? Im new to the GPS thing so


    Im looking for maps of rondeau bay... lake st.clair... basicly southwestern ontario !


    Looking for something fairly reasonable in price, or used even ???


    What should I be looking for ?

  3. sounds like some tough fishin! any idea on what the surface temp would have been? i would give it more than 40 this one is 36 and i' 6 feet tall


    The surface temp was between 50-55 degrees.


    Ill be sure to call my uncle and tell him that we under estimated his fish ! hahah He'll be pretty stoked about that !

  4. Well, This weekend was full of fishing.


    Saturday... launched around 2pm .... trollled till dark... no luck, saw 8-10 fish caught.. but couldn't manage to land one. Saw Fellow OFC'ers Mreh and Slowpoke... They had a better day then we did... Good job guys !


    Sunday.... Launched around 8 AM.... trolled till about 1:30..... No luck.. same thing as the day before... tonnes of fish being caught... some nice girls too... a 48" and 49" but we ended with the SKUNK again ! Its a real killer when you see 2 boats.... one about 100 yrds ahead of you, and one about 30 yards back.... catch fish at the SAME TIME ! haha :wallbash: :wallbash:


    I only have a few lures to chose from... it seemed like everyone was using believers, or something jointed with a big profile.

    Sunday night, I called a buddy of mine that has a few extra musky lures. He had a few believers in the right colors and a few other things. He didn't hesitate to help me out.


    Also, my fish fidner hasn't been working the last few times out.

    Monday morning.. I took a quick couple of minutes to check the connections before headin' out.... I cut out the spade connectors I was using and just spun the 2 ends of the wires together and she worked. PERFECT... the days starting out good. :thumbsup_anim:


    I forgot to mention that my uncle has been fishing for his whole life... He has never caught a musky. He was with me all weekend. hahah The only one determined enough to sit in the cold like that....I almost brought the wife with me Monday, she was getting upset at all the time I was spending fishin this weekend.... :blahblah1: (sorry hunny !)

    But I explained to her that tomorrow was going to be a LONG day.... and I had NO intentions of leaving the water till there was a fish in the boat. She isn't a fan of being cold AT ALL... so she decided to pass.

    The phone rang at 6:30AM as a wake up call for my uncle hahah I dont think he was ready to go out that early !


    We hit the water just before 8AM.... It felt like the day to catch one....There were a couple of boats ahead of us , so we set up the lines so we could get right to it once in the water. I had on a 10" perch believer and I handed my uncle a big spinner bait. He says " THIS ??" ...... I said "YEP... Try it !" ..... We got the boat in and we started the troll. We had only been out for 10-15 minutes. All of a sudden my uncle jumps to his feet and go for his rod..... he thought maybe it caught a snag... it snapped the rod holder as he got his hands on the rod ! haha I looked up and said " Head shakes?" .... "OHHH YA !!!" haha so turned the motor off, pulled in my line and waited !




    No measure or weight, but I would say it was between 35-40" ... It was his first fish and he was PUMPED !!! His first musky EVER !! :clapping:

    I think I did everything as well as I could with this fish. There was no recovery needed and it swam away strong as soon as he hit the water.


    So it only took me 6 trips to LSC/Thames and finally got some slime in my boat(and on the Cradle from Slowpoke !!! Thanks again, worked GREAT !) ..... I personally still have a scent of skunk on but.... thats what next weekend is for !


    Tight lines everyone !

  5. Overpaid ???????? These guys get the crap beat out of them night after night.... tonnes of retired hockey players have life long injuries or things of the sort in life after hockey !


    But meanwhile... you have baseball players making $20,000,000 + a year to throw a ball and hit it... LITERALLY !!!!!! oh yea, they run too !!!! But thats not over paid!

  6. Pretty sure it has to be a typo ..... 52 lbs should actually be 25 lbs.


    No one in their right mind would believe that fish is 52 lbs. Not even if it had lead teeth.



    I would agree with you on the typo... but the fact the guy called TWO different news sources.(CBC & The Chatham Daily News ) Both of which had the claim of a 50# fish..... I don't think its a typo !

  7. This is pretty old news.


    The guy is a joke, he called the CBC and the local news paper about his amazing CATCH !!! It even said in the article that he release the fish " Bob Izumi style, gently moving the fish forwards and backwards in the water" !!!!! IDIOT !!!!! He looks like an idiot holding his 20# fish with the cool thumbs up ! hahahah


    I took a post off a local board ( bassheven.com) ... scroll down the page a bit and you will see a comparison and a pretty funny story hahahah



  8. Well ... Mreh found me a pretty good deal on a handheld GPS the other day.

    I met with the guy last night and picked it up... Magellan Meridian Gold.... seems like a decent unit. Haven't gotten to use it yet !

    It has a SD slot for maps etc.

    Curious as to what map card would be a decent one for southwestern ontario ?


    Thanks !

  9. Being from Chatham I'm sure you've heard of the Detroit Free Press and it's esteemed writer Eric Sharp. Torch Lake is his backyard. I'm sure he'd have written about this. I can't post the picture but go to the website and look at pic 5. Is the guy's hand cramping up or is it a pose position?


    Picture 5 is of him beside the fish in the container ?

  10. The real Champs will be the winners of the eight game season series between the HABS and the Leafs,


    Thats why the NHL is REDICULOUS !!!!!! Why have 2 teams play each other 8 TIMES !!!!!!!!! spread it around the league so we can actually see who the best teams are in the reg. season !


    When you play the same team 8 times.. I dunno.... doesn't make sense to me !

  11. Being from MI I'm sure I would have heard of this before this post.


    Your sure you would have heard about this before the post eh ??? Are all record fish catchers spose to report to you first ??? Michigan is a pretty big state... Im sure there are other big fish that have been caught that YOU haven't heard of...


    Haters.... I tell ya !

  12. I am betting on NOT REAL......looks like an imposed picture....just my 3 cents



    Why are you betting on not real ???? Have you ever caught a 50# musky ? Do you know how big a 50 # musky looks like ???


    JESUS ! Keep your 3 cents in your pocket !


    Dont hate on the guy cause he caught a great fish !


    Nice fish !

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