Nice pflueger. As a tourney fisherman it's hard to budget cause you want equipment to be reliable and cheap lol. Yes that's hard to find. I really like my plueger supremes and president reels. You will love the patriarch series, very jealous lol.
I've got both and i love my President gear ratio is slower compared to the Supreme. The Supreme is a bit lighter as well and the handle on the supreme is bigger compared to the president. You do get your monies worth with the supreme.
Legend Boats are made out of the same factory from SmokerCraft. Though you might see some similarities the design, specs and layout are totally different.
Yes for sure. Minn Kota has change quite a bit since the Power Drive. If you have the room and fish a lot. I just find a cable unit gives you more control without all the electronics you gotta deal with.
Woot Woot, We will have a giant booth at the show as well. I'll try to swing by if i get the chance. I rather shake your hand then the boys down south lol.
LOl, No probs if you can get the make and model of it. You can post it up here so we can help you. If it is a 2-Stroke then the value should be worth a a lot less. But if he's just getting rid of it then it should be a good deal then.
If the price is right upgrade. You will not regret upgrading to a 56lb thrust for a 16ft boat. This will now allow you to have even more control of your boat and in essence use less power. As you probably notice now your at almost full speed the majority of the time. This will allow you to use less thrust and conserve a bit more battery life. Plus if you fish weeds or windy days you aren't blown around as much compared to your current 36lb
be best to have a truck or something for St John or you can go pass the train tracks and make your first right into the trailer park there is a paved launch but is very steep and you might have to pay