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About BassAsin

  • Birthday 09/15/1987

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    North Bay

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  1. right on, anxious for lakers to open here in zn11, feb 15th.
  2. beauty work, A1 vid in my mind, some nice looking fish. mostly on the grey silver tube? and i can relate when you say your "normal" fishing buddy. i think "usual" fishing buddy would suit mine a little better than "normal" haha.
  3. i have my ways many splake lake trout and specks i have caught have been immediately after drilling a hole. often in less than 3 fow. going back to them never hurts. worms may also be a good way to entice a picky trout. hopefully next trip in is more successful.
  4. awesome on you guys for tenting it. wish I had of seen this post sooner. a liter of water with a dozen dace minnows would have lasted the night, punch a few holes in the bottle and sink it overnight, wont freeze. dew worms on a set line would have been a good idea as well. none the less i'm surprised you didn't get any, its heavily stocked every two years and stocked in 2012, a handful of of small 10-14 inchers should have been hungry. although similar to brookies they can be picky. weather change over the weekend likely didn't help. hopefully the next report has just as nice of scenery and a few fish mixed in as well.
  5. monday is the holiday not friday, so in that case no one is "robbing" your clients of a 3 day weekend.
  6. jan 18th through to jan 24th manual ice augers on sale 59.99-95.99 page 17 of the flyer.
  7. augers are on sale at ct right now, either fin or swede bore normark augers. been using one for years no issues. either way do yourself a favour and put vaseline on the blades during the off season. and often wal mart will have major clear out sales on ice fishing stuff come spring, blades go on as cheap as 10 bucks a set. keep a spare set handy incase you find a rock or stone just under the ice.
  8. Thanks for the pics guys now I know how much ice is still on my lake. Was out on a splake yesterday in the boat. 100% open now.
  9. 61 674 lbs is what 4 million in loonies would weigh in at. So 9 mil would put it over limit for sure, hope all recover fully
  10. Not gonna lie Simon but I would have been happy with this weather had it hit the start of April. Had quite the trouble getting the skidoo into my little trout lake Saturday.
  11. Try changing the prop if there is no line stuck on your drive Shaft the props will wear on the slot where the sheer pin is and you will lose speed. Happened on my endurance as well as Minn kota after only a couple years.
  12. Was out on a small lake trout fishing yesterday, 8" in most places some with 6, lost about an inch yesterday on the surface and 20 degrees here the next 2 days. Likely be open on the shoreline. North bay area where I was
  13. Haha, took the skidoo into a lake trout lake today, and drilled holes through 24" of ice. Oh yea yesterday I drove the truck out on Nipissing to pull a buddys shack and had to drill through about 30 inches there. not gonna lie but I can take another 3 weeks of winter.i
  14. Haha you're right. Just goes to show how terrible the rest of the forwards are in their zone.
  15. I'm s sens fan so nolan behind the bench I don't want to see. He would be the best thing to happen to the make ya laffs. But then again Toronto is the city where leaves bloom in the fall and die in the spring.
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