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About gdelongchamp

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  1. Spent a week up there two years ago. Only one lake in the park accesible by vehicle and no boat rentals available for that lake that I know of although canoes might be available, but i don't recall. It's a small lake ok for sm bass I guess. I would say muskies are a stretch. Most people camp there and drive further north to fish the other lakes for pics and trout also sm bass. I dont know about boat rental, I imagine just east of the park, Onaping lake has a tourist resort or two for boat rentals.
  2. Geez!!! leave the poor barber alone. If I had to earn a living that way when I think of all the big money I've earned over the years contract mining in the north and all the money I've blown on wine and women, wait a minute, that money wasn't blown, it was spent wisely. It's the money spent on gas for the gas guzzling "Man" truck and the toys and the lottery tickents. Now if I could have all that back I would be living in the Bahamas full time. The poor barber, he is doing everything right no doubt, scrimping all his life and we sit on this site talking state of the art fishing rods and tackle and about our big boats and monster trucks to pull the little boats out of the wster after a full days fishing and slaying those little bass while going through fifty bucks worh of ackle and blog on about how hard we are done by while the barber is ripping us off. I wish I had become as money smart as the barber a long time ago.
  3. Nope. I was there one year and we rented from the lodge/marina at the other end. Killarney Lodge? Boats and motors were fine.
  4. I wonder, will they still wiggle after frying them? If you cut them in half will all the individual pieces continue to wiggle ? Never mind, I don't want to know the answers to those questions. Yeah, that would turn me off to eating those things.
  5. I have kids and we use a lot of tupperware. The majority of it will leak at one time or another. Remember, It only has to leak once to piss you off.
  6. I replaced them once but had a lot of problems. Suggest you use one piece material, no joints and preferably oak that you will need to soak in water and shape. Having said that if indeed you decide to go that route prepare to spend time and money. IF weight of a canoe is not your concern CTC has some Ram x material canoes on sale for under five hundred.
  7. Great report and a joy to read. Loved the pictures. Yes, Red Lake was my home for twenty years. McKenzie Island actually. Loved the pics of the Norsemen. They look axactly the same as when I left 15 years ago. They just don't seem to age at all. Looks like you were fishing near Carlson's property. Excellent fishing around the point at Cliff Harvey's island also off the point at Finntown. And a lot of other spots I use to favorite nearby and no you don't have to go far to catch them either.
  8. I live in downtown Sudbury. A few years ago while my wife and I are sitting in the back yard a mallard duck landed on the middle of the lawn. The nearest lake is Ramsey about 1/2 mile away. Three years ago two bears were in the tree across the street from our house. One climbed down and ran away the other was put to sleep and moved out of the area. Three nights ago two adult moose trotted by the front of our house while my two girls were standing outside wondering why there were police cars and roadblocks all over the place.
  9. I was going to say, looks likes its about twenty to thirty years old. Probably seized up.
  10. Just leave it. More structure in the water. Youll have grrreat fishing off the dock in no time.
  11. Thank you for your replies and your concerns, all of you. Greatly appreciated. Yes LTD has been straightened out for some time. As for the property insurance, I will continue to try and get some quotes. With three kids at home the roof over our heads is the priority and has always been. Now to get this behind me and start thinking about fishing.
  12. Thanks for the reply biguli. Yes, I did have coverage before I was diagnosed with heart disease and copd. And there is no way I could get mortg ins or life ins now.
  13. So, many years ago we had a small kitchen fire. About $15,000 in damages. Luckily we had smoke detectors throughout the house which caught the attention of a passer-by who called the fire department. The working smoke detector saved our entire house. Now we have 9 smoke detectos and three carbon monoxide detectors throughout the house. Fire extinguishers on the main floor and basement. Three years ago a watermain on the street in front of our house busted and flooded our yard and basement as well as four other houses on the street. Completely not our fault. $30,000 in damages. So we sealed the basement completely to prevent a re-occurence. Our cost about $500.00 Last summer a flash thundershower hit Sudbury and flooded large portions of the downtown area. Our house, one of at leasst 500 got flooded due to a sewer back-up. $30,000 in damages. Everything came in through the basement bathroom toilet and shower drain and fast. Again, completely not our fault. We installed a backflow preventer in the plumbing system to prevent a re-occurence. Out of pocket cost, $1,000.00. To-day I get an unsigned letter from our Insurrer "CAA". They are declining our insurrance policy and we have four weeks to get another insurrer. So I call around to get quotes and am declined by the first two companies because of two claims in the last three years with my present insurrer. I guess these are the hazards of living in downtown Sudbury. Now I have to wait around all weekend to continue my hunt for another insurrer. By the way, my boat, motor and trailer pkg are on my policy. Any one had this type of experience with an Insurance company? Further to the above, Three years ago my doctor advised me to take long term disability because I have heart disease and COPD otherwise known as smoker's lungs. (I don't smoke) SO he supports me completely in my application and so does my heart specailist and lung doctor. On a Friday morning in March I receive a call from the Heart Transplant team in Toronto to come down on Monday for some tests. A few minutes later I receive a letter in the mail from my Insurrer, "I am sorry but under the circumstances we can not give you long term disability insurance. Coverage will stop immediately as I don't qualify.!!!! My application is successful with CPP but not my private insurrer? And I am sitting there thinking, as my whole world is unravelling Gee I have to go back to work. I wonder if i'll be able to get time off to get a heart transplant? Several phone calls later and the private insurrer called back on Monday to say it was a clerical error. I am hearing that this is an automatic response by all private insurrers. Say no and hope he goes away? Regarding house insurance, I have called back to ascertain that this is not a clerical error. Now I will call back and ask to speak to a "senior supervisor" to dispute this (insurred for many years, dues and premiums always fully paid on time etc,. etc. and if their position has not changed a call to the insurrance company's own ombudsman and finally a call to my MPP and Provincial Ombudsman.
  14. IF you are there in the fall Dan, give the keystone walleye fishing derby a try. It is on the long weekend in September or at least be around for the weigh ins at the docks. Very interesting. Also, take a walking tour of McKenzie Island community. It probably hasnt changed in twenty five years. It's like taking a step back in time.
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