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Everything posted by rbaquial

  1. Oh yeah? How did they work? I'm pretty curious myself....
  3. Nicely Done Andrew!
  4. I think letting them dry 1st before storing them would be a good idea (keep the tackle box open for awhile to air-dry). I don't think putting them (even if they're dry) away in the garage would NOT do any damage. If there are any small signs of rust... you can get these little "strips" (not exactly sure what they contain) that are "Rust Inhibitors" (prevents rust) from BPS - I haven't seen them at LeBaron's or anywhere else...
  5. Yeah... I also forgot to mention.... I've got a few cuts/scrapes on my left ring finger... somehow I got a cut when I put my hand on the inside of his gills (obviously, trying not to touch the red parts) HAHAHa... I would NEVER try and lip that thing! ITS MEAAAAAAAAAAAN LOOKING!
  6. Well, I certainly wasn't out to target them... its not like any fisherman can 100% control what fish eats what! Plus, I was also out to toss a few casts... Thanks tho man...
  7. LoL!! Yeah... its a good thing I caught them in that order... haha I wouldn't be too happy with the smaller one as my "1st".... we always wanna remember our "1st"..........FISH! GUYs.... FISH!! LOL (sick minds!)
  8. Thanks Guys.... Well, considering it was my 1st Pike... and the circumstances of where we were standing... I didn't have much balance... So, I really couldn't hold it properly. I'll hopefully get a better chance at practicing the proper "Grip" on a Pike; When I catch more! As for the OOS fish.... I wasn't targeting them, I was literally out to clean some debris that was on it from the previous night that wasn't properly removed...Also, I rarely ever keep my fish from any lake... It's mostly from an Ocean. (The odd time I'll keep a lake fish; depending if its in season or not; obviously). OOS fish, I ALWAYS return it... I don't EVER want to be caught keeping an OOS fish and risk getting my gear confiscated. Eff' that idea!! ..."Mama didn't raise no stupid boy!"....
  9. Hahahaha....Hey OFC'ers.... So, I decided to go fishing today with a buddy that lives nearby to me. We thought we would hit an inland bay that has been known to hold some pike. We arrive there at around 10am, and immediately started fishing.... worked several areas for a couple hours each..... a few follows and bumps.... but just like the real men in this world.... the word "COMMITMENT" was just too much... and they swam off!! LoL..... Arghhhhhhhhhh!! After fishing for a good 4-5hrs searching the waters.... we decided to go back to the original place where we had follows.... FINALLY A REAL MAN COMMITS!! FIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIISHHHHHHHHH ONNNNNNNNNNN!!!! Whooooooooooooooo!!! Man, my adrenaline was PUMPING!! MY 1ST PIKE EVER!! Here's the pic! Then fished the same general area... finally developed a pattern. Slow Retrieves... with occasional 'Jerk'. 30min later... I hook into my 2nd pike! WOW! ME'S ON FIYAH! Here he is.... LoL... As you can tell by the expression on my face... I was a lil' dissapointed with the size on this one. Hahaha! Oh well! .... "A Fish is a Fish is a Fish"....Right? Here's the pic.... Wow! That was a lot of fun.... I caught 'em on a 6'6" MH Fenwick GT Baitcast Rod + Daiwa Tierra Baitcast 6.3:1 Ratio. Today's weapon of choice... Dave Mercer's "Mercer Magic"!! (THANKS DAVE!!) I guess since I'm on the topic of "1st Fish".... A couple weekends ago on opener weekend @ Rice Lake.... I went fishing for some Crappies.... Didn't catch anything all day.... The next morning... we were scheduled to leave a round 11am.... I decided to toss a few casts to wash some of the "debris" off it.....Literally, after about 15min of trying to wash the lures (literally)... I hook into my 1st Walleye Ever!! Here's the picture of that fish.... Quickly took her out of the water... took a fast picture, and returned it right away. Swam away nicely.... Then about 30min before we were scheduled to leave... My future father-in-law decided to go fishing for awhile... I decide to go down with him to the docks and maybe this time try catching something.... for about 2hrs or so... noting.....Then! I hook into another OOS fish! Dohh! 1st Smallmouth of the season! Not bad! Quickly nabbed her by the mouth... Fast picture... and off she went.... no problems.... Its definitely a good sign for 2009! All of my fish so far this season have been of decent weight!!! I also finally got my waders in today from LLBEAN.COM! SOOO EXCITED!! Hopefully next week I will be able to go Steelhead Fishing and post another report:D Now I just need to get a good pair of Wading Boots... and I'm set to go! Anyway, that's my report! OH! PS: Anton - I finally landed a Pike... and it only took me 1 season and in 2 attemps! hehe....
  10. Wow.... And I thought when I went fishing in Cape Cod for BLUEFISH/STRIPED BASS... that THOSE were a fight!! Maaaaaaaaaaaaaaan!! The fish I caught look like BAIT compared to those GOLIATH GROUPERS!!
  11. Never heard anything more true than that... I've already spent $550... and that's just on the REEL, ROD & VEST
  12. LMAO!!! That's true! Hahahaha....
  13. Incase anyone missed the fight... Here's the full fight!! http://vodpod.com/watch/1588167-facebook-y...l-fight-uk-feed
  14. HOLY SMOKES!!! Nicely done!!
  15. Well, a couple weeks ago now... I went to hit the local Tribs with 2 buddies off the board; L2P and FLOATMAN MIKE. I was excited.... it was a couple days after opener....So, my blood was pumping! "Maybe this is it! Maybe I'll actually catch/land one!"...... We hit a couple pools... nothing! I was quickly getting discouraged and thinking... "This isn't for me!"... LOL.... anyway, about two hours later... we meetup with FLOATMAN MIKE up stream..... it was the "Magic" pool.... hahaha.... I hook into one... fought it for probably a good 30sec before my knot @ the hook failed! Grrrrrrrrrr!!! SO UPSETTING!! Then I finally hook and land into one....Wow, the fight on these Float Rods are FUN! You can feel EVERY LITTLE THING they do! Even if the fish farted in the river... my rod twitched! anyway, I'll stop rambling... here are the pics! Enjoy.... I sure did! *Can't wait till my waders come in! I'm becoming more and more addicted to this style of fishing!* Also forgot to mention - caught on my new setup!
  16. LMAO! Wow, I have a dirty mind... I thought you were asking about a DIFFERENT kind of EAR MUFFS!
  17. Hey OFC'ers, So, I finally managed to convince the "Wife" there is a reason for me to have a "Bait Fish" Aquarium.... TO SAVE MONEY! Just had a quick question to you folks out there that have their own Aquarium to keep your own Baitfish alive (so to save money, not for resale) for the next fishing trip. I was just wondering what the heck to feed these guys? I just recently picked up some Suckers... and I have no idea what to feed them? I was thinking the regular "Flakes" that are fed to your typical "PET STORE" type fish....I know they (the Suckers *for now*) won't eat it immediately once the "Flakes" are dropped it... but once it sinks to the bottom, they can feed off that? Will that work? What the heck do I feed these things?! ALSO.... What about regular minnows (that you get from a typical Bait/Tackle Shop)? What do you guys use to feed those?! Thanks Folks, Just looking for some input on some of the guys/gals out there that have their own Baitfish Aquarium Tank. **Obviously, I know to follow the regs and keep within my 120 limit (or whatever # it is)... Besides, this isn't for RESALE; its for my own personal use** Thanks in Advance! RoB
  18. LMAO!! Ur a Joker! That was too hilarious!
  19. Has anyone been able to find HIGHLIGHTS off the internet from the fight? I've tried searching online - and nothing!
  20. Great Pictures!! Sounds like you boyz had a blast! I'm heading out tomorrow with a old College buddy... hopefully we'll land a few! Definitely make a post if we get any! Thanks for sharing!
  21. Pacman 5th Rd. Knockdown! Hahaha... FLIP PRIDE!!!
  22. Yeah! Thanks for sharing! Awesome read!!
  23. Hey, Pretty much - just as you read in the Topic Title & Description. I was wondering if I could get a PM from some of your fav. Mississauga spots (for Pike)... I know Mississauga really well, and have been living there for almost 25yrs of my life! LOL I mostly go fishing near the DownTown area (Hurontario & Lakeshore). I just wanna see what places are suggested.... see if I've gone there before.... Thanks! Rob EDIT: BTW.... Does anyone know where a good place to go for LARGE MINNOWS? (preferrebly Suckers) in Mississauga for PIKE?? I'm going to try ANGLING SPECIALTIES in MISSISSAUGA... but incase they don't have large enough baitfish.... Does anyone know where they might carry bigger baitfish for PIKE? Thanks Again!
  24. Yeah eh?! I'm not into fly fishing guy (yet.. haha) just got into Float Fishing and I'm loving it!! I assume they carry Float Fishing Gear too??
  25. Awesome! Thanks Jose! I know exactly where it is!
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