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About StrealHeader

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  1. Had someone asked for recommendations for a guide and Terry had given his experience, then no it would not have been spamming. But bringing up a guide in a post about weather conditions is obviously spam, but i guess with a high enough post count it is tolerated. Hopefully Rick will chime in.
  2. Please don't here terry
  3. Be careful at the burt, quite a few of my buddies with Ontario plates have had their tires slashed and trucks keyed.
  4. Maybe you covered it in your report, I didn't read the entire thing but why are you using a steel leader for bass?
  5. Is the kingpin clicker really that bad?
  6. Did you even read the posts above? There is no set amount, if you want to have full peace of mind drive AT the speed limit, that's what its there for.
  7. So then what exactly makes it a dumb rule?
  8. You wouldn't be this upset about the $12 fee if you knew how much your $160 monitor cost to manufacture.
  9. RIP
  10. edit
  11. This always seems to happen when you follow a link here from google
  12. silly questions but, How does one go about getting one of these cards?
  13. who said anything about betting my life on it solopaddler.
  14. Well said bob, the name calling is unnecessary reefrunner. I was very civil in my posts.
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