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Status Updates posted by Leecher

  1. Chaotic this morning... Specks were on fire... Limited out in 15 minutes :) What a RUSH :)

    1. spincast


      SWEET! nice looking meal you got coming to you in that vid. and a 10 fish limit is sweet too.


    2. Leecher


      Thanks Rick!!! You bet :)

  2. I got a perfect fishing record this year so far... 0 for 5 :( A week to go then season ends...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. Leecher


      I see... When you do get to use them, let me know. Always good to hear feedback :)


    3. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      My trout record is pretty bad as well... at least I got a few splake today

    4. Leecher


      Awesome Chad!!! Splake is the only specie of trout I haven't caught yet... Not too many lakes around that have them where I fish.


  3. It's going to be a great day for fishing tomorrow weather wise woot! woot! Wish you all a safe and productive day... Tight Lines :)

    1. moxie


      Happy belated Wayne

  4. Going out fishing for the first time this season :) With Melissa & her boy friend :)

    1. Acountdeleted


      Good luck. Go get em Jacques.

    2. bigugli


      Are you using the boyfriend's remains for chumming the holes???

    3. Leecher


      Just got back from a great outing :) unfortunately, the fishes had lock jaw :( LOL Bruce LOL

  5. Off to the bowling alley for the Provincial finals!!! If they finish first... they're going to Vancouver for the Nationals :) Go Mélissa Go!

    1. Nipfisher


      Good luck Melissa.

    2. Leecher


      Regrettably, they finished 65 pins behind the lead for silver :( They put out a great battle and real proud of them :)


  6. Daughter's Team finish second with silver 20 pins behind first place :) Next weekend is the provincial finals

  7. Daughter's YBC Bowling Tournament Tomorrow... Nationals :)

    1. Leecher


      It's time to hit the bowling alley.... Wish us luck!

  8. Need help to decide if I go fishing or not... flipping a coin... Heads or Tail?? your call

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Christopheraaron
    3. spincast


      heads you fish, tails you piscator

    4. Leecher


      Marko, no worries... Just came back with white stripes for my efforts "insert wallbash emoticon here" ChrisK & Rick, somehow I knew you'd say that :)

  9. No pokadot hunting this morning :( Snow storm put a damper on it :(

    1. Marko


      what a piss off. Spinning around on 417 couple of times was a red flag lol

    2. Rod Caster
    3. Leecher


      I had the car all packed and ready to go... but snow kept on falling... maybe tomorrow, what you think Marko?

  10. Pokadot hunting tomorrow :) Can't wait :)

    1. Rod Caster

      Rod Caster

      Hope you have a good spot...get it? ...spot? :D

    2. Leecher


      LOL Chad LOL I sure hope their hungry :)


    3. Leecher


      Got a new batch of salties done... should be spot on :)

  11. The fishing Queen strikes again :-O Congrats Julie!!! :)

  12. WOW.... place looks good!!! but I feel like I have to introduce myself :-O

  13. It's looking to be warm up here for the next 5 days... 1C, 3C, 1C, 1C, 5C :-O

  14. Welcome to Team8 Jeff!!!

  15. 111 that's really intriguing..... good one dude!!!

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