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Silo Buster

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Everything posted by Silo Buster

  1. When Bauer came out with plastic shank skates.... Party line phones... Pop shoppe pop and a bag of chips .50$ and the bag was full. Dirt bikes and no helmets (not proud,they just didnt get worn for some reason) 3 diff groups in Hi school Prepies,bangers and farm boys
  2. Call this # Dave is top notch http://www.fishfindercharters.com/
  3. Caught this oos bass while walleye fishin.Had a hook hanging out,tried to pull it out quick,but thought it would damage the fish cause it seemed pretty tight.
  4. ttt just got one for xmas also. Any info would be great.
  5. Is there a website for this camp? Would be very interested in taking my son up there.
  6. We use to smoke our lakers but lately have been slow cooking them on a cedar plank on the bbq. A splash of olive oil and a lil dry rub montreal steak spice over the fillets tastes awesome. If consumed with a few sleemans honey browns,for some reason they taste even better.
  7. First-year students at Texas A&M's Vet school were receiving their first anatomy class, with a real dead cow. They all gathered around the surgery table with the body covered with a white sheet. The professor started the class by telling them, 'In Veterinary Medicine it is necessary to have two important qualities as a doctor: The first is that you not be disgusted by anything involving the animal body.' For an example, the Professor pulled back the sheet, stuck his finger in the butt of the dead cow, withdrew it and stuck his finger in his mouth. 'Go ahead and do the same thing,' he told his students. The students freaked out, hesitated for several minutes, but eventually took turns sticking a finger in the anal opening of the dead cow and sucking on it. When everyone finished, the Professor looked at them and said, 'The second most important quality is observation. I stuck in my middle finger and sucked on my index finger.' 'Now learn to pay attention. Life's tough, it's even tougher if you're stupid.'
  8. Angling Outfitters on Hwy 2 Woodstock has a whole rack of them 519 539 5494
  9. Brought back memorys of driving to trade school at Centenial Used to get a good laugh at that. One of my favs was when the champ went to a leafs game "heard you where there with Don Cherry and "blue" his dog" classic lol
  10. If you know Jos at Angling outfitters on hwy 2 Woodstock give him a call,tell him what you would like to be able to do with it and he will be glad to help.He knows these units very well. When I first had my unit(500c)I thought all I had was a #$^*@#$%$$$ depth finder.After some time spent with it and few chats with Jos I now see arches,bait balls and bottom structure like never before.
  11. Check out mudhole.ca,covers all of ontario
  12. Took my wife and son up Chapleau for a week and had a blast even though the weather was cool and wet.We stayed at Moose horn lodge and their lodges are top notch,clean and the view of the small lake that their on was awsome.We fished 4 different lakes that were all half hour drive from the lodge.I'll have to get the pic of a 26"eye my son caught.its on my sis inlaws cam. He set the hook on a 41"Northern that he did awsome on.All I did for him was net the fish.Talk about a proud dad.A quick pic and we set her free.He didnt want to hold the fish for a pic,he was still in awe. The Northern was caught on a Williams spoon. Walleye were caught on green jigs tipped with a white twister tail and a minnow. The majority of our eyes were found in 9fow along wind blown shore lines.
  13. The Mennonite community is not a simple one to define.Waterloo County alone has over twenty different groups.They range from the conservative(e.g., Old order Menn) to the moderates (e.g.,Markam Menn) to the progresive groups(e.g.,General Conference Mennonites).The common ancestry springs from the early 1500s,when Menno Simons,a former Dutch priest,provided leadership to a Reform group that had left the established Catholic church.Their basic tenets of faith included a belief in adult baptism upon confession of faith and a stand of pacifism.As the faith's followers grew larger,they became known as Mennonites. To answer the origional ? Bass or Redfin.
  14. Is this west Lake with the sand dunes? I used to fish there many years ago...and if they had a few more musky in there I'd probably go back some day yep, same lake
  15. Its not like we were targeting the oos fish.Every oos fish caught was released.I don't take my son out of school for 2 days to teach him that.We never anchored once,it just so happened that targeting pike and walleye, they(oos fish) seemed to be every where.All over Westlake.
  16. nother
  17. Jr. and I headed down to West lake Willows for a couple days of fishing.Had a great time as usual.A ton of Oos fish but thats just the way it goes..Ended up with 5 pike ,18 Crappie,33 oos largies and endless rock bass.Oh and a half dozen perch.
  18. Swallow for sure... Everyday for the last week when my son gets off the bus from school,walking in the lane he gets bombarded by a couple of them.He's 10 ,but is kinda freaked out by them.
  19. Thanks Drift Thats exactly what Im looking fur
  20. I'm in the market for a bbq thats portable.Something that doesnt take up a whole lot of room,but yet big enough to cedar plank a couple laker fillets. Looking for something that i can hook my reg propane tank to since my turkey cooker goes with us also. Any ideas would be great!
  21. Yep Laniel,top end of Kipawa.Heading up in a couple weeks. Cant wait!!!
  22. Thanks for the help
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