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Everything posted by 007

  1. I managed 20 species last year (though I think that included every species of minnow/chub too - not on Misfish's list!) LOL How many d'ya think you can get HD?
  2. Hi folks. As some of you may remember, last year I set myself the task of trying to catch as many different fish species in Ontario as possible over the course of the fishing year. I did ok in my 'quest' and caught many different species though many of them were small, except for some big carp and largemouth bass. Now that I am no longer in Ontario and really missing the fishing I was wondering if anyone out there would like to take on the challenge this year and do short reports with pics of all the species that they catch this year. I know there are lots of good all-round fishermen on this board who could do better than i did and I would be curious to see who could catch the most different species! So is anybody up for the challenge? In return, once I have settled in my new home on this side of the pond near London, England and the fishing season starts in mid June I will try to give you some reports from fishing my local lakes, rivers and canals with pics of the different species we have over here. 007
  3. Thanks for a great pike fishing write-up - I think a lot of people will find it useful. I bet having written that you wish you were out on the lakeshore or islands catching those toothy critters - I know I am. 007
  4. Nice pike and carp. When fishing the Islands, I have to say I always ended up catching the small jack pike like your holding, not the beauty that your girlfriend is holding. I miss fishing the Islands - Always good fishing to be had once you find the spots and escape the crowds. Hey dsn - you should know by now the carp are always stacked in that place at this time of year and even more so once the lillies start to come up! 007
  5. 'Beauty' fish Cliff! Congrats on the PB. You're off to a great start to the season. 007
  6. Nice Report MJL. Glad you christened the new rod. Looks like you had a fun day. Congrats on the good marks at Uni too! 007
  7. Great to see the three C's again - Cliff, Carole and Carp!! Good job guys. 007
  8. Nice shots Brandon.
  9. I think I just had one of those De ja vu moments? Ahhh Algonquin - so many happy memories...
  10. Hey DSN, Nice photos - like SNAG er SNAP says wishing I could be down there. Good to hear the water levels are up this year. Last year the water levels were so low it caused us shore anglers some trouble, so glad you guys won't have the same problem this year. Good news is I'm looking into the possibility of taking a holiday in late August/early September to go back across the pond and do some fishing at the islands and other favourite places in Ontario. Maybe I'll see you out there. 007
  11. What have I missed now.....? Guess I'll have to read all 4 pages to catch up. Nice collection of fish there SNAG regardless of exact weight. Don't stop doing your reports - I really need the Toronto Lakeshore pike porn now I'm so far away and not fishing much. 007
  12. Nice catch ehg. It's great fun catching a variety of fish and not quite knowing what's coming up next. Bet the carp was a surprise. You certainly were rewarded for your efforts out in the cold. Thanks for sharing. Can't wait to see more softwater reports in spring and summer - I'm really going to suffer when those come in, and I'll wish I was back in Ontario. 007
  13. Nice Turtle shots Ben. Glad you guys are getting some spring like weather. It's been great over here on this side of the pond until today when we had snow and hail - felt like I was back in Canada for a brief moment! Mikey - I know they do some damage but u gotta have some respect for a beaver that's able to survive in and among all the development of the GTA. I saw one swimming near the ferry docks one evening last year on my way back from fishing the islands. Pretty cool.... 007
  14. Congrats on some nice looking whities and what sounds like a great day out on the ice. Thanks for sharing - I almost miss the cold and all that ice! 007
  15. Nice fish and report as always Cliff! 007
  16. Lol Misfish - It looks more like he's eaten Dave Mercer! It would have been good to see a 'normal' sized bloke holding the fish to gauge how big it really was.
  17. So I went into my local newsagents to buy the weekly fishing paper The Angler's Mail - the national fishing paper/magazine available every week here in the UK - and there on the front page is news of the British Perch record being broken. A true jumbo - all 6lbs 2oz of it! Then I read on and find out that it was caught on the River Thames literally a few miles down the road from where I am currently staying in London, England. Here's a link to Angler's Mail: Anglers Mail Here's a link to another article where they say it may not actually be treated as a record because the angler is thought to have caught it in a marina where fishing is prohibited: Record Perch in doubt I bought the magazine/paper and when I got home I read that another perch - this time of 5lbs had been caught last week even closer to where I am living and that I can fish for free along that stretch of the River Thames. Seeing as my shipment arrived from Toronto last Friday I am now desperate to get out my BPS 7ft spinning rod and try and hook me a huge perch on a rattlin' rap or good old fashioned float and worm tactics! Watch this space - big stripeys here I come! 007
  18. Thanks for the comments guys n gals. Mike the Pike - I'll be back as soon as it warms up over there! LOL No plans yet to come back unfortunately. I'm really going to miss it when I start seeing the first reports from T.O like SNAG's Pike reports and dsn's carp reports in Spring! Rich Clemens - that's a good idea but not sure where we're all based 'Musky or Specs' and Beans - You don't know how lucky you are over there. Over here you buy a licence but then for each body of water you need to check if it is free public fishing or more likely that the lake or access to a stretch of river is owned by someone and therefore you have to either pay a day ticket to fish or join a club and pay their annual fee. Some of the clubs that have access to the lakes with the biggest or best fishing are seriously expensive. Cheers 007
  19. It's a bit late but Happy New Year to all of you back in the frozen north that is Canada, from 007 back in London, England. Looks like you are having a good ice fishing season and look forward to seeing more reports throughout the Winter. Unfortunately I can't seem to view the photos in the posts from work but hopefully I will get an internet connection at home soon so I can see all that ice action and see what I'm missing out on. Unfortunately I haven't had chance to cast a line back here in England yet but hope to soon once I've settled and found some water that I'm either allowed to fish or can afford to pay the day/season ticket (in addition to the licence) to fish! When I do I will be sure to post a detailed report for you to enjoy. Anyhow just thought I would say hi. Stay safe out on the ice this weekend. 007
  20. Looks like you had a good year Mike. I love the shot of you and the Sheepshead - both you and the fish seem to be pulling a face! Neither of you looks happy! Congrats on the good year - may next year be even better. I look forward to reading your reports. 007
  21. Twilight - I may be going back to the rain but no snow shovelling for me! I'll have to find a pic of Mike the Pike now - I didn't think I looked like him but I'll take a second look now... John F - Cheers 007
  22. Cool - really enjoy seeing the underwater views. Thanks for showing them. 007
  23. Hey Loonietoon. It was a pity we missed each other at Pigeon Lake - would have been good to go for a fish together. I enjoyed fishing that lake - lots of variety. I didn't realise you were a Mancunian - much of my family are from Manchester and I spent 3 years at University up there - nice place and people - but rains too much! LOL Maybe some day I'll be back. I'll get more vacation time there, so what with cheap flights I might be back for a week's fishing in Ontario someday! 007
  24. Thanks everyone for all the kind words (keep em coming . I'm glad you enjoyed the report. Once I'm settled back home I will be sure to check out OFC when I can. I'm not sure how soon it will be before I will get out to do some fishing though as winter fishing is tough and from what I remember I think all fishing except maybe stocked trout lakes are closed in England between mid-March and Mid-June. I need to do some reading and get in some practice now my passion for angling has resurfaced -as I haven't fished in England for over 10 years. I'll have to get used to using 13ft float rods and 10m poles again! Come summer I will do my best to catch some fish to show you all. Thanks for the offer of Musky fishing this weekend Brian (Slowpoke). Though it is incredibly tempting, we will be packing up most of our belongings this weekend so the chances of getting out one last time are very slim. I may keep one rod and reel accessible in case I get a spare hour or two but if I did I would have to go somewhere close in Toronto, like the Islands. MJL - It was a pity we couldn't have hooked up as I'm sure we would have had some great fishing conversations and I would have learned a lot from you. I've caught a few tench in England and they are pretty fun to catch - hard fighting like the carp. I've never managed to fish a river with Barbel in but I believe the fight in fast flowing water is pretty exciting. dsn - too bad we couldn't fish together last week - the Canadian weather was against us. Thanks again for all the tips and PMs. Looking forward to next year's islands carping adventures already. Cheers 007
  25. Tbayboy - that's too funny - if only!
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