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Everything posted by goodtimer

  1. It's been 3 weeks or so since I returned from Lake Herridge Lodge in Temagami. Wasn't going to post because there's not too much to tell about fish-wise. But why not bored at work and I never post so here we are: We arrived about 11am, made the drive in about 5.5 hours from Hamilton, couple stops. Get there and guy tells us that it'd been thunder-storming all night long...grrrreat . Even later throughout the day we could here the thunder from a distance...not good. On the water by 11. 10th cast, fish on, pulled in this 2.5lbs pike. Pulled her in, weighed, took picture, released her. 10th cast I though we were in for some great fishing....HAH. Didn't catch much the rest of the day, no fish for dinner. Next day, only a few small bass, no fish for dinner. Our final day we hiked to a back lake and had a but better luck, couple small pickerel and a decent bass. Finally a shore lunch - so so tasty. Overall the trip was a blast. Seeing we drove all that way, I was really hoping for some monsters or at least some decent numbers... but that didn't stop us from havin a great time. The lodge was great, very nice owner's (even made a beer run for us while we fished all day sunday ...always bring extra!...and then backup extra!!). I would recommend Lake Herridge Lodge to anyone, I'm sure the fishing is a lot better when the weather cooperates. Pretty cool place, they have 5 back lakes you can hike to and they have boats w motors on all of them. Sadly that pike on the 10th cast held up all weekend. Even though the trophy went to its rightful owner (ME hehe ) I can't be too proud of it seeing how it was only 2.5lbs. But I did outfish everyone so I deserve it in that respect. Cheers, hopefully next time I have more fish to show!
  2. It's been a while but I thought I'd follow up since everyone was kind enough to offer up some great suggestions. We ended up calling it the "Annual 'Lucky S.O.B.' Classic". Here she is. I'm not a big fan of the font they used, and may change it when I go to get the winners name engraved.... oh and the winner is, of course, yours truly...meeeee haha . I will be posting a report shortly. Thanks again everyone.
  3. werd up brotha. welcome. where ya from? just joined myself a month or so ago. great board, lots of friendly people and cool reports and photos. you will enjoy.
  4. like i expected, some good suggestions, thanks. we'll be in 2 boats, 3 per boat and a witness/pic is mandatory. not sure what the trophy looks like - cup or no cup i dunno... we're waiting and we're not gonna see it until we get to the lake and have some beers to cheers. nice lol. i like it. some good one's there danbo. I mentioned a few to the crew and we all seem to like "Lucky S.O.B." but we haven't decided 100% yet. It's a good name because if it's not me who wins the trophy, the name will stand so so true haha. We're also going to try and incorporate a woman's name so we can refer to 'her' by a lovely name...so we can say things like "Lucy's comin home with me **ckers" lol.
  5. nice report. nice fish. sounds like you enjoy your coffee haha
  6. so finally all my buddies and I are all going on our first annual fishing trip. up in temagami for just 3 nights (all we could get off of work). one of them went all out and decided to get a trophy to add a little competition. it's just gonna be the biggest fish of the weekend, by weight, any species. now we just need a name for the trophy. we're gonna use it every year at various lakes so we need a funny (or not) name that won't get old. thought some of you guys and gals might have a few good suggestions!
  7. haha yeah. the one is $7500??!?!?!! w tf. rediculous.
  8. cool thread. haven't done much diving but i do enjoy it. have only found lures and golf balls...each time i snorkel i'm terrified of seeing a body...i'd freak out.
  9. vest is the way to go. so many pockets and the huge one on the back fits my 3 tackle cases. all i ever need anywhere. can even fit in my mini reel/rod combo for a backup.
  10. Got any pics of these? I would prefer to make my own but not sure what to do design wise. I need them to easily switch between boats as I usually rent an aluminum. Those look good and comfy, nice setup. If I had my own boat/canoe I'd go this route but no can do. tjsa says his stadium seat does the job so I'll probably end up makin my way to bass pro shop... nonetheless an excuse to go shopping at bass pros!
  11. I need a seat that can fit any aluminum bench seats and also use in a canoe. Just wondering if anyone can offer any suggestions to which one to get, and maybe if I need to stay away from a certain one. I'm finished with spending days on the water without a proper backrest! So far this one looks like my best bet - SEAT it doesn't look like there's any straps to affix it though? not sure how much support it would give.
  12. wow great read....really enjoyed this one, thanks
  13. kiiiiiinda doubt that. i'll take forest
  14. nice fish for valens...what day was this? i was out on tuesday for the day but we only got a few small ones.
  15. wow....f***in awesome. i'm jealous.
  16. right here turn off 35 onto greywood, its right underneath the bridge for hwy 35
  17. good call on moon river basin. really nice owner, renting boats shouldn't be a problem. had a great time there last year, fun place.
  18. baaaallin' outta control
  19. nope never heard of it. i'm also headed up to temagami in a few weeks to herridge lake. only 2 ppl on the board have been there, but many say you that can't go wrong anywhere in temagami - pick a lake and catch away.
  20. the other problem - lakair this and lakair that is completely hogging the board lol
  21. not much here in hamilton. few raindrops for a couple minutes that's it. was hoping we'd get it good here so it would spice up my boring day at work!
  22. thanks for posting this...going to be cooking fish on my own for the first time. will most likely be pike. watched ppl clean lots of fish but never done it on my own. doesn't look like it's that difficult.
  23. been cruisin around the photo section for the first time...love your shots brandon....very cool!
  24. Planning a trip up to Herridge Lake Logde up in Temagami in a few weeks. Can't waitttt!!! Wondering if anyone's stayed there or fished the lake and/or surrounding lakes: HERRIDGE LAKE ICELAND LAKE DRIFTWOOD LAKE WASAKSINA LAKE VIOLET LAKE CATCH & RELEASE LAKE Not looking for spots or anything but just how your general experience was. Any info would be greatly appreciated! Thanks
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