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Everything posted by FISHEYEZ

  1. read through the post, I am still laughing about all the "cougar" cracks. I am originally from London,ON and there were always sightings being reported in and around that area too, however they are always said to be "Western" Cougar, which are used as pets, or made their way here... "Eastern" cougars are extinct..??
  2. HAHAHAHAHAHAHA, I would love to head out with whoever wrote that...
  3. i have always had the "FISH" nickname, got the name tattooed 5 years ago or so, then the fish done 6 months ago
  4. yo man, that is funny... gave me and james a good laugh... can only imagine..LOL
  5. i use it a lot... GO NUTS
  6. nice fishies bro..... Noel looks ridic...LOL
  7. FOR SURE.... the walleyes were done spawning weeks ago... well at the Lindsay Locks anyways,... all gone back to the big water of Sturgeon.... sorry guys
  8. GO TO SCHOOL..... your missin too much class.....LOL
  9. nice steelies boys, i will be heading out with ya lots as soon as i can walk around a lil more...lol, i walked out on B-ville pier today for a few casts
  10. hey all, hope everyones ice fishing season has been good, mine has been ok, anyways, lookin for some advice here, i have been hittin Caesarea, and Oakland Pt., and a few other spots, hittin some fish, not many... i got some people comin up from London this weekend to head out,,, should i just stick with those spots..... ?? thanks everyone, i'll let you know how we make out....
  11. CC, your taking fillets with you, booo, you could have cursed the whole trip...lol, jokin although i was up on Nip a couple weekends ago and one guy with us brought a frozen lake trout to eat, we told him he cursed himself, sure enough, i think he caught 5 fish or so... good luck up there, have fun
  12. hey steve, good report, you summed it up really good, i had a great time......it was fun to say the least, i wanna see the vid., haha, (matts face the whole weekend)
  13. yo man, cant wait until Jan.26..... i am pumped, lets get off to a good start for 2007 man, i have walleyes in my dreams now.....lol
  14. yup...dennys dam is a great place to start, try some of the pools around the abutments too, and then make your way around the big bend at the parkin lot....... thats enough for one day, a lot of marching good luck, post a report when your back
  15. hey...yeah, i didnt head out this weekend, same reasons as everyone else, i guess, poor conditions, i beleieve the weather is suppoesed to change this week and maybe by the thurs fri we will be back in business..... lol, PLEASE !!!!! besides, it was a great weekend to watch football.....
  16. one word.....wow!!! lol
  17. nice report minnow.... good to spend time with family, GREAT to spend time with family while fishing.... nice pics man
  18. well done Jordan, nice fish..... i must say the Saugeen is by far my fav. river to fish, sounds like you enjoyed yourself...
  19. didn't have any success this'morn... glad to see you guys did, nice pics, the steelies are definately around....
  20. oh yeah, the Lions should have fun out there , it is a little chilly for a GREAT passing game, but the Lions will be just fine........ 41-27 Lions Great game
  21. gone fishin is a good one, surprised only one other mention for it..... a river runs.... is another good one,
  22. I dont think so..... lol.... NOTHING is gonna get in Ohio States way.....please....... i like "blue" too, but man, State is GOOD the Big 10 IS GOOD.......who knows
  23. ya, me too......i wouldnt mind my status being bumped up to what it was
  24. do i still have all my posts from the old board???
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