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Everything posted by dagoat_1

  1. Allmost sounds like 2 separate issue causing hard starts: 1) Choke not functioning properly , possibly freezing? I have this issue on my ArcticCats every winter where moisture in the cable freezes and makes it non functional until it warms up. When this happens you need to pin the throttle wide open. 2) Failing Battery, Do a load test on it, that will give you a definate answer. My original battery one of mine only lasted over a year, the other going strong after 3yrs. Synthetic is highly recomended if you use in winter. You will not regret it and all my toys get it. GoodLuck
  2. Saw just one quad buzz by the shoreline. I'm waiting another week b4 the ATV comes out. but solid 5-6" everywhere I was this morning.
  3. Did mine online as well a few weeks ago and had in hand just over a week. Also did 3yr fishing + hunting as usual.
  4. Anyone still interested, Richmond hill location, they still have 11 left. Oh Wait.......only 10 left now
  5. Yeah the 43cc is about 1.8hp so should be decent as the other guys stated. Just hope 8" hole will be sufficient.
  6. Its the 8" Mako. Just called and sold out in the Barrie location
  7. Thanks Misfish.
  8. I'm in the market for an auger and wondering if anyone has used these and how they compare to the higher end models?
  9. Give Trembley's a call. I have had the x67 for about 3 years now and have zero to complain about. Use it both on the boat and the ice.
  10. just renewed fishing + hunting 3yrs and worry free, but it does add up.
  11. Its actually not that loud at all. We used two of the genie screw drives, also bought on sale like you. Our doors were 7' and purchased the extensions from the company over the phone and service was great. Like you the parts sat for a few months until we found some time to install over Christmas break which was ot that hard to do at all. First time installing one, give yourself a few hrs and get the kids involved.
  12. Yes say it was lost. Happened to me a few years ago and they sent me a replacement. Can't remember if there was a charge but if anything it was minimal.
  13. Maybe not a monster but a solid buck indeed. Congrats!
  14. i have a '71 JD model 110 still purrs like a kitten. ....thats all i will say...
  15. We live in the sheild and and 240ft down tons of iron/sulfur. Put in a remover and the water is better tasting than the city crap my freinds get a few km's away.
  16. What temp can you get this upto?
  17. 2nd on the 1/2" nothing less. I can se the 1/4" causing issue if exposed to moisture which it will constantly be. As for the pressure treated mxing with aluminum, I have been told the same over the years and still used it on 3 boats now. Each boat I built was upgraded within 5yrs so i can at least tell you that it held up with no issues what so ever. I say if it becomes an issue you will probably upgrade to larger/different boat by then. you can resin over the 1/2" to be safe but I can tell you that will add a ton of weight, found that out on my first casting desk I put on a 14". I used 3/4" which worked out fine but like I said if i did it again I would just used left the wood as is, maybe a sealer thats it. Good luck.
  18. Woodsman is absolutely correct. We did this last year when we added a bathroom in the basement. Our main sewage pipe was about 5' up the wall.
  19. wow 25-30ft you say! ive never fished them that far back but sounds like ill try it next round. The slowest I can get my boat down to is about 1.8 to 2mpy with a small chop out there like yesterday. I thought we might be going a bit fast but all i could do until I find a deal on a kicker. thats the next step. i have the brackt just itching to mount it With the slower speed im sure we would of had a better shot at them.
  20. Yeah that was probably us in a 18ft beige fisher. One rigger dragging on bottom with a another rod about 10ft up. Second rigger we were moving up and down so it would pass through the schools of baitfish we were marking. We tried leads from 5 to 15ft and all spoons we had with us. In the spring yellow or orange smaller spoons did the trick with short leads. Oh well, at least it was a nice day out there. Lake O next week!
  21. We got skunked on the riggers Marked fish all over but no takers. Started jigging but only managed some perch in 90fow, didnt realize they enjoyed it that deep. Had a few larger fish follow up but could not get anything take. think I will stick to Lake O for rigging for the rest of the season but come spring will definately try Simcoe again as this past spring the Laker and whitefish action was great. Oh and we accidently landed a few small herring about 6-10in while reeling our spoons up, they were all over the place on the graph.
  22. thanks GBFISHER! Will give that a shot and let you guys know how it goes.
  23. Hi All! Thinking of taking the boat to Simcoe out of Innisfil tomorow and wondering if anyone is still having luck with the Lakers/Whitefish? Are you guys/gals trolling with riggers or still jigging? Asking because I have never fished the lake in Summer only jigging in the spring and that was just finding the pack of boats and trying to find a spot to yourself on the outer edges of the pack. Then we fished 80-100 feet of water and most were caught jigging. If anyone is still out there any advice would be appreciated
  24. Way to go bud! I'll be out to bring home a few this weekend as well.
  25. Enough with the regulations....... I never wore one (allways had one in reaching distance) until I bought a mustang this year so now i dont have an excuse not to and noticed the OPP boats pass right by me when doing their routine checks. As TJ stated earlier, with all the regs. pretty soon wew ill all have something they can get us with if they look hard enough and if that day comes will you really be enjoying yourself out there what for mamy might be a few times a season? or too busy worring that you are complying with all the newly formed laws?
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