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Everything posted by rpsmith

  1. which stores?
  2. Awesome! Thanks
  3. Currently in the industry as investor/financier and developer. Here are some key issues to watch: What are your terms on financing? And what is assumed for your ROI calculation. If interest rates rise (which they will) that will have an impact on your ROI. If you are able to obtain a fixed low interest rate loan for the term of the contract then you have no risk on interest rate increases because your loan will be paid off before then. Make sure your contract with the developer is a fixed price. Like the above comment there are a lot of moving variables that can impact the cost of the system between the time you sign contract to when the system is producing power (price of steel, panels, currency, etc). Warranties: Make sure developer provides you with at least a one-year warranty on the system. Ask for copies of your solar panel warranty (usually 20+years) and inverter warranty (10-20 years) should anything go wrong. Shoot me a pm if you have any more questions.
  4. Great read!! Is it too early for a beer???
  5. I get them about once/twice a month. Feels exactly like you describe--ice pick in my left eye. Tylenol with codeine works 99% of the time for me. I take two at first on-set of head ache and have a cinnamon tea.
  6. Invest in a wide range of infrastructure projects, including energy infrastructure (power generation, electricity transmission etc.), transportation infrastructure (roads, bridges, airports, etc.) and social infrastructure (hospitals, schools, courthouses etc.).
  7. I smoke my ribs for 6 hours. Did you open the smoker to look every so often? That will have a huge impact on your timing---the old saying "looking's not cooking" is one to remeber. I agree--the bone ends should be showing. Sounds to me like you have another 1/2 hour or so to go. Keep it indirect and you're good to go.
  8. Did you replace the gas tank as well? Had the same problem myself and fixed by buying a new gas tank. The connection at the tank was the problem. Also check the gas line connection at your engine.
  9. Can anybody recommend a good vehicle rental company to pull a 14foot tin boat? It's a light boat and trailer so I don't need anything huge. Thanks
  10. No shortage of smallmouth or pike in that area. Charts and a gps is a good idea. Fish and chips are great and once you're in the channel, getting to the restaurant is easier----just follow the cabin crusiers!! Couple pics of the eatery!!!!
  11. Does this answer your question? That's less then a dollar a beer----and it's the good stuff!! I bought all they had for that price (6 cases).
  12. Those underwater shots are great!! nice spot too..
  13. Bancroft area for me!
  14. Nice snot rockets!! How were the bugs??
  15. Nice Rig Randy!! Funny story too..
  16. Amazing colors!! Congrats
  17. I have stayed at Happy Day and fished the lake pretty hard. You won't be disappointed with the resort, people, or the fishing. Bring the big boat because the lake is big----and rumour has it there is some good fishing at the other end!! Make sure your beer supply is stocked because it's a good distance to the beer store. Check over your boat trailer as well because the dirt road going in is a good trek..
  18. Its called the compass and cabela's sells it. It works great for me! Cheap and they deliver quick.
  19. Thanks Huey!! I'll do that..
  20. Thanks guys. Spoke to hummingbird and they said it was the head unit. Any one have an extra 141C head unit they want to part with????
  21. Its a 141C. Whats a hard reset? thanks
  22. Had my fishfinder quit suddenly while fishing (2 year old hummingbird). It's not the battery or fuse. When I try and power it up it just beeps and nothing shows up. I have checked wiring and I can't find anything wrong. Any suggestions??? thanks
  23. Thanks guys....
  24. Currently having a problem with my yamaha 30hp at slow speeds. I have to choke it to keep it running-----runs great as soon as I give it some gas. The gas line has some small cracks and the gas bulge is unusually easy to squeeze. Fuel filter is clean. Should I replace gas line? Maybe a dirty carb? Any thoughts would be greatly appreciated... thanks
  25. Good looking bass!!!
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