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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. The Transmission does make a big difference. It was another reason why I bought it. The 8 Speed, in combo with the Diesel is just about perfect. Always keeps it in the sweet spot, which is around 1900 -> 2000 RPM.
  2. Ya. I looked at the Hemi and it was tempting. But the more research I did took me away from it - it is fine in regular driving, and actually can get some impressive numbers due to cylinder deactivation, etc. But towing - not so much.
  3. Forgot the most important thing. Must bring "me" on the fly in trip. Very important....
  4. Single Malt Scotch. Or it that is too much -> 40 Creek . Seriously - might want some safety gear too, in case of breakdown. Things like: Waterproof Matches Glow Sticks Whistle Thermal Blank (they make some really small ones) A good Knife Spare fishing line
  5. What you talking about? With all your go to lures - you must be up to about 5000lbs at least.....
  6. Nope - 530KM. But I ran the tank down so I could fill up just for the trip. Went to the station first - and then picked up my boat which is about .5 KM away.
  7. Oups - Yes. it was 20MPG. I was right the first time, but then changed it.
  8. The diesel thread I opened earlier seemed really hot, so thought I would post my first low tow experience. Just got back from the Cottage - was really looking forward to this trip, as it would be the first long tow with the Diesel (well - long for me anyway). Trip was 530KM - round trip. Average speeds of 110KM to 90KM. 1/2 the trip on twisty, hilly (and sometimes very hilly) terrain. Estimate I was probably close to 5000 pounds all said and done, with the boat, plus all the stuff in the bed/cab. I do have to stress this is an estimate, and might be on the highside - I know the boat is about 2200 pounds dry (which I assume is no motor) - it was fully gassed before we started the journey. I guess one day I will have to get it weighed fully loaded so I know for sure. Normally with the previous tow vehicle (Veracruz - V6 AWD) I could expect to fill up twice - going up, and then coming back. With the Truck, I am still at just under 1/2 a tank, which is nice. Ran in Tow/Haul mode there an back. Also used Cruise Control, which I don't normally do when towing, unless the terrain is flat. Average is showing 11.8 L/KM or about 24 MPG. Overall very happy with how it performed. Never really noticed the trailer - Truck had plenty of power. Even on some of the steep hills - it just pulled and pulled with out a lot of fuss.
  9. I have the diesel in the RAM 1500. Same motor, but with the 8 Speed (compared to the 9 in the Cherokee). Love it (but I am also biased towards diesel). I have taken the Cherokee out with the diesel (had to test it there, as the trucks were not available at the lots yet). If it were me, I would buy it with the Diesel. Sit down and do some rough mileage estimates per year and per week. Then look at your fuel costs both gas and diesel. The savings will add up quicker than you think, and more than pay for the additional diesel charge. Note too that if you tow a lot, the diesel will also break even at lot faster (case in point - my last tow 500+ KM's came in at 24MPG - no way you will get that with a gas motor). Final thought - resale value. Diesel will also win that hands down. The diesel does have some downsides, noteably the emissions equipment - but that is what the warranty is for (I went 6 years). But at the end of the day, all is based on opinions. The right vehicle for you - is the one you research, test, and decide to buy.
  10. You may want to try Claritin 12 hour, instead of the 24. I found it works better for me. However I would be very careful in doubling up dosages, etc. I did do that one year, when it was really bad. Blood pressure spiked, and I ended up with constant nose bleeds until I stopped taking allergy medication (it was not claritin, but pretty sure the effect would have been the same). Really I try very hard to not take it, unless I have to. Of interest though - I find my allergies really diminish when I am on the water - > so the other treatment is to go fishing.
  11. One on Little Redstone and 2 on Redstone.
  12. I have fished Little and Big Redstone. Pretty much Bass - however I did catch a very nice walleye on Little Red Stone. It is not listed as a species for that lake, so guessing someone may have been doing some private stocking. Here is my post on that -> http://ontariofishingcommunity.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=55809&hl=redstone
  13. I thought the moon phases, etc. were hookum. But figured I would give it a test. Still remember the day - it was close to 100% recommended for fishing. Let me tell you - the fishing was hot hot hot. At one point I had 10 straight casts where I caught something. The next day the phase was low - and I was back in the same spot......and pretty much caught nothing the whole day. Same lures, same spots, roughly same time of day. No weather changes, temperature about the same, cloud layer about the same. Anyway - I follow the charts now. Consider it part of my fishing toolkit. Of course there are other things that will have impacts - like a cold front, etc. But if I see a phase that says excellent fishing -> I am wayyyyy more motivated to go out.
  14. Downloaded the App. Will give it a try next week at the cottage.
  15. Went in yesterday. It was busy, but nothing to extreme. I am disappointed in the fishing section however. Not as big as I expected - and nothing really unique. I was hoping they would carry big plastics, but seemed to be limited to 4 inch sizes. I will use them, it looks like i will mostly shop online, and ship it to the store. I was speaking with one of the staff before I left however - he did advise they still had not received all there stuff - another truck was supposed to be coming with other items - will see....
  16. I thought it was not opening until Thursday? Did you have a pass, or are they allowing everyone in?
  17. I did a lot of research before I bought. What you mention is not actually an issue with the Engine, but with the Emission Systems. Most of those were brought in/mandated starting in 2007 - > http://www.dieselpowermag.com/tech/1107dp_dpf_the_time_bomb_under_your_diesel/. Article made a good point however - it is very similiar to Gas Engines, when Catalytic Converters were added. Huge problems, until Engineering/Technology got it right. Most DPF systems now run quite well - or at least better than they did. Time will tell - but the truth is you put the same emission systems on a Cummins - you will have the same problems. I am hoping I don't have any issues - but when the warranty runs out, I am pretty sure there will be a shop that can "delete" the items causing the issues, and allow me to run the truck without problems.
  18. Sold. Let me know where to send it - the solopaddler mystery tackle box - has a nice ring....
  19. I signed up for the 3 month - figured why not. I mean you can never have too much fishing tackle....right Skud?
  20. Anybody tried this -> http://mysterytacklebox.com/?
  21. GM is supposed to coming out with one in its smaller pickup (can't remember the name). Believe it will be a 2.6 or 2.8...something like that. Nissan is also coming out with a small diesel. Both are supposed to be 2015.
  22. You are correct - I had the tank number wrong. It is 26 Gallons, or roughly 98 Liters. A bigger tank could be ordered, but as mentioned is restricted to certain trims (also some complain about in on the Gas Vehicles - it apparently clunks when not full - and you come to a stop). IMO RAM is also the way to go. Should be a better tow vehicle. However if you want to see a Jeep with diesel tow, watch this -> http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WRo4uNWCy5E
  23. Right now I am getting 18 mpg with 90% city driving. That is only one fill up, and with 800 KM on the odometer. Some guys are reporting high 20's (27 - to 29 MPG) with more highway driving. Last fill up cost me $100 (about 77 liters). I believe you are correct on the tank size. My Fuelly -> There are a few other Rams on fuelly now (with Diesel). So you can search there to do some comparisons. They have more fuel ups than I do, etc. Diesel right now is about 10 cents cheaper than Gas - but in the winter will be about 10 cents more, so that is a wash probably. Should also advise that 18.6 includes towing my boat twice - it was short distances, but I did not see an impact - either to speed/power, or fuel economy.
  24. Good post - wish I had seen a few year ago...lol. Can speak from experience - came back from a trip (Florida) and ended up having Bedbugs. Tried to deal with it ourselves, but ended up calling pest control. Best we can figure is the came in on our luggage - perhaps from contact with infected luggage at the airport. The place we stayed at did not have them. All I can say - interesting experience for sure. Wife carries a flashlight everywhere we go now. We also make sure luggage is kept off the floor, and up high - and when possible on on any wood. It takes about 5 minutes to do a good inspection. When we come back from a trip, we also quarantine our luggage before bringing it into the house. Never want it to happen again. The plus side on the Pest Control - we have zero bugs of any kind in the house now..
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