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Everything posted by hutch4113

  1. Was running around all weekend. Did not notice any smells. Sorry I can't be of more help. One thing to check - what color is your coolant - Red or Purple?
  2. Yep...it was most likely the bow switch. Had the boat out on Thursday - no issues.
  3. lol. But she was sorry - so will let it go. Anyway - sounds like she didn't do anything anyway, so I will have to apologize...lol. (Not really)
  4. Ya...it could also be water. I was washing the boat at the same time - maybe some water got in there.
  5. What is the smell like? There was something when I first picked it up, but it was probably just stuff "burning" off the pipes, etc. That is pretty normal for new vehicles, and will last for a bit. I am at about 700KM now, and notice any smells diminishing. Remember getting a brand new Rental car - had 1KM on the Odometer. After about 5 minutes it smelt like it was on fire - but just a new vehicle.
  6. D'oh....that is probably it. She was putting things at the front of the boat, when the tilt went off - never thought to look there. I will try that tonight when I go home. Hope that is it - usually something simple.
  7. Would love too...head won't fit...lol.
  8. So we were cleaning up the Smokercraft last night - and I think my wife may have shorted out something. She was running a vaccum up in a side compartment - right up to where the throttle/tilt cables are. Now my Tilt won't shut off (running in the down position) - if I hold the up button on both the motor/throttle Tilt shuts off (won't go up). As soon as I release - tilt starts up again. Ended up disconnecting the battery for now. Thoughts on what I need to do to fix it? Also not sure how to get access (maybe those with a Smokercraft/Legend - or that style of boat can advise?). It is a Pro Mag 182. I am thinking it is just a loose wire - but not sure how to access it.
  9. Fortunately, when I did my fuel calculations/cost analysis I was using Winter numbers. Had no idea that Diesel would drop below Gas in the Summer - (since I have never paid attention to it before...lol). Nice surprise - something actually less than I thought it was....
  10. I hear you. I ended up getting the Laramie for about 15K off MSRP - I think I had the Big Horn at about 44K when all was said and done. The Laramie ended up being about 6K more so was ok.
  11. I ordered end of March (24th) but it did not actually go in until April 7th, when the allotements opened. Build was May 5th/6th, but then it sat in QA for about 3 weeks (that was long..lol). I was looking at a loaded Big Horn - but wife saw/sat in a Laramie and liked it better. Ended up with a full load Laramie, including Air Suspension.
  12. You will love it. I took the Hemi out for a test - it was pretty close. But I went with the diesel, for a few different reasons. But the Hemi sure sounds nice....
  13. How long did you have to wait for it (assuming you ordered)? I was about 10 weeks from purchase to delivery - a long 10 weeks...lol.
  14. It was sort of strange, but I like it now. It is funny how much space it clears up on the wheel. To be honest though, I probably would prefer a shifter on the floor - somewhere to rest my hand when driving.
  15. Facts of Fishing. Love the laugh - and the fact he shares what he is doing.
  16. Yes - it is 8 Speed. That is standard for the Diesel. Really great match IMO - keeps the engine in its happy place nicely.
  17. Hmmm...can you use it while driving? That would be interesting.....
  18. Yessir. On the way home (took backroads instead of highway) I was doing constant 3/4 throttle/release - after initial take off of course. May have gone over the speed limit.....a few times......
  19. Yes, that will be interesting. I only have 600KM's on it now. Figure I won't start seeing the real mileage until 2K or so. But even with it not broken in, it is right about where I calculated. I did the numbers comparing it to the Hemi, as I needed to verify when my break even would be (diesel is 2850 more than the Hemi - or something like that). I figured I would probably fill up every 1.5 weeks, and I am pretty much on target for that right now.
  20. Actually Fiat bought out GM - GM no longer has an ownership in VM Motori, who make the engine. This particular motor is 5th or 6th generation (been used in Europe for quite a while now). So far it looks to be good.
  21. Response to Leaf4 - for some reason the quote option did not work for me. Have not done any towing on it as of yet, other than a short trip to pick up my boat out of storage - only drove it about 5 minutes. But in terms of driving it - love it. Won't be as fast as the Hemi, but still pushes you back in your seat enough to make you grin. Super quiet - actually I would like to hear a bit more Diesel noise. I am averaging at the moment 11.6 l/KM (I think that is around 20 MPG) in mostly City driving. Guys who do more highway are reporting 28 to 30 MPG (not towing). Backup camera is right in the tailgate - centered over the hitch, so makes that part nice backing into the trailer.
  22. Was towing my boat with a smaller CUV, but never really liked how it handled it. Decided to get rid of my Car and jump into the Truck world. Since i have love Diesel - and Ram came out with one in the 1500, I was sold. Now I just have to do some towing.....and of course fishing.....
  23. I can provide a little feedback on my towing experience with an SUV. I have a 18.5 Smokercraft Pro Mag, with 115HP Merc. I estimate its weight at 2200 pounds. I currently tow it with a 2010 Hyundai Veracruz AWD with a Class 3 Hitch, which is up to 5000 pounds. Generally speaking the vehicle tows fine. However there are a couple of things I don't like: 1) When connected to the vehicle, the backend sags down further then I would like. 2) Not enough torque in this engine. 3) When launching at some ramps, the water comes up over my exhausts, due to the backend being low. I have also dragged the spare tire along the ground when the launch ramp is steep. One thing I did not take into account is Payload. If my vehicle is rated at 5000 pounds, it sounds like a big number. But 5000 - 2200 leaves me 2800. Put 3 people in the vehicle - say at 200 pounds each leaves me 2200. Load up the back end with gear....etc....and you get the picture. I am going to be selling my car, and will buy a Truck -> most likely a Ram 1500 with Diesel. It will be a daily driver, so I am getting Diesel more for that, then for towing - though 420 pounds of torque will be nice to have!! Will you be able to tow fine with a SUV - Yes. Will it be the best vehicle for the size of boat you buy - that depends on how much weight you are adding to the boat/vehicle, where you are launching (nice road/ramp vs backroad/ramp). Should also advise I have never had an issue pulling the boat out of the water. In terms of safety, I have never felt unsafe towing with the SUV - except once during stopping - but that was my fault (did not leave enough distance, locked up the wheels). Basically a SUV is a compromise vehicle IMO -> it does a lot of things ok, including towing. But it is not the best vehicle for it.
  24. Excellent report as always. Will have to see if Doug wants to try this spot out. - though I heard it was a bit of a rock garden..
  25. Being fully satisfied with my success I walked out on the river and hailed a plane which promply flew me back home. So it was your fault we had to leave early. I wondered why the plane came so early. Next time I am hiding your water shoes.
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