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Everything posted by misfish

  1. I dont care what anyone says. This truck here own by my pop is a testiment to the ford trucks. Many deer hunts back in the bush,many moose hunts in the swamp on logging roads. It,s a 95 and still runs and looks like new. He drives it everywhere.
  2. I regonize that blue hut. TFS Cliff. Ol Beans I think, was just stretching out after his nap.LOL
  3. Heres mine. , , , , , , , , , , ,I WISH
  4. I came accross this store. Pretty decent pricing and has them so called Glory bags. basstackledepot
  5. I like to marinade mine in lemon and lime juice(fresh squeezed) Dont forget to grate the outter skin of the lemon.Another trick to get the flavor right in there,slice the wings. Then throw them on the bbq and baste with a spicey homemade sauce.
  6. I have seen some of the older day tourneys Paul. Like you say,on stringers,even Guys lined up with the fish in plastic bags with no water. They have come along way since then. Myself I dont see what more can be done as far as care for the fish during the day,except maybe they could do like Lew was saying. Honor and pics,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,Dont see that in the near future for that sport. The livewells these days are so much more superior then back in the day aswell.
  7. Oh, I get it now
  8. TY Great song
  9. I guess we all should,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, let it be
  10. I have insomnia let yer back bone slide
  11. Oh no, Shane has gone to the darkside.
  12. I just had to go and grab a double myself here. Where does the word laziness come in here? To me, it is the best way to get the fish out. Like you said,slime and scale removal is harmful to the fish.So why would one want to chase a fish around a well with thier hand and make the fish bang and bong of the walls of the well???????? Grab the tag,lift the fish out,unclasp the hook and there she or he be.
  13. I prefer it to "Condo fever" now.LOL nite all
  14. OHHHHHHHHHHH Thats what yer saying. Well,it has been proven that doing like Steve said,causes no harm to the fish.
  15. Where are ya going with this dawg? Nodie,you asked a very good question. You will get some,very positive replies.
  16. snuggle,ya bet
  17. I for one have had 1 fish wieghed in dead. It bothered me. Sure theres money to be won,but when ya wiegh in a doa fish,it,s not the best feeling. So I fished say, pretty close to 50 tourneys and 1 doa fish.Pretty good odds to me. Oh and the one that did doa,it had a deep tube in it,s throut.I could of tossed it,but didnt.
  19. Hey were on the same page here.LOL
  20. And the last time you were at a weigh in was????????????????? Do yer research on the shimano live release there dawg.
  21. Give this guy another RUM If you want the healthiest fish, keep the live well pump going all the time.Only put it on recurculate when travelling.Fresh water like ang said, is most important.
  22. You must be talking about that other stout fellow?
  23. Canadian tire here has them.
  24. I now can read between the lines,kokoko.means,OKOKOK yes I want to go.
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