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Everything posted by misfish

  1. He looking at you straight on.LOL Very cool and fun thread.
  2. I see the Lion.laying there like a king. The elephant,not seeing it.
  3. Alls good Dan. We just click on them and they enlarge.Cool.
  4. Hey that looks like Wayne.
  5. Did it all work for ya bud?
  6. Zman did you get the BPS flyer.They are on sale right now,Like I mentioned before. chargers pg 21
  7. Well that is sad to hear like everyone else has said,but here theres a local store that is making off the big store.Bad Boyz lures,which is the owner of Simcoe Bait and Tackle as well has his baits in BPS.I can say I dont really shop there that often anymore,personal reasons ,but I give him and his partner credit for keeping the store going.
  8. As always,super report and the pic,s were awesome.Some rteal nice brutes there.So was that dip or lip with you there? LOL Thanks for sharing Raf.
  9. If you look hard enough,you can see scooby doo,top left corner.
  10. HEHEHEHEHE Im thinking that posting that picture at all the launches/bait shops, would be a good deterent .
  11. If ya send me,via pm ,a pic of that avatar of the greatest wrestler that ever lived,Jimmy the super fly' I give the info ya want.
  12. Was that a small or extra small T SHIRT.
  13. Well that was a great report by the both of ya.JB,whats with the shirt dude LOL I like that crates area as well. Thanks for sharing.
  14. Oh oh here we go again with aluminum boat leaks.LOL Wheres the leak bud? Maybe just need to get a buddy and hammer down on the rivits.Simple as that. Good luck with the leak fix.
  15. How can anyone say anything bad about this guy???????????????????? You got to be the most straight shooter in the bunch Cliff. Now me,I can see it happening.................... Leave the board for 15 minutes I misit. Probly a good thing.
  16. When we were kids camping we ate them all the time.Stringer of them along with a few smallies and a walleye or two.It,s all good.
  17. You mean the inside bottom right? If so there was one person here that did it,name escapes me,and I have a friend here that did the same and worked out nice,but did add a bit of wieght to the boat. If you mean the outside bottom,I with Jen,why?
  18. Paul got a hair cut Glad to hear ya had a great weekend J.
  19. Oh that spot,I was further south. When I arrived the north waves were still pretty good.Pee me off,when I got back to the marina,everything went to glass. BTW,That spot,cant enter.Closed off.
  20. Hey Jiggy nicely done. I would say they knew exactly what was going on,just by the look on the anchor mans face. Im very surprised the MNR wasnt out there as they KNOW,whats going on out there and it,s not like they have to travel for miles to catch these type of guys. Are you reading this Mr. MNR.
  21. Am I on team five? If so go team.LOL I soon hope to enter something. I just got to catch it first.
  22. I would be looking into the insurance thing first. Im sure Rick can give some good details on this kind of thing. Then again, it is in the States.So maybe insurance is not required. .
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