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Barry Willis

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Barry Willis last won the day on December 21 2024

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  1. Not only that guys, I would think snow, being one of the best insulations there is it could cause the ice to melt somewhat, as the water is not as cold as the ice, it would take some time but still. I've seen many times where lakes didn't freeze over with very thick ice when there is a substantial amount of snow on it in the early season preventing the cold air to make ice. Years ago I was ice fishing on Ghost Lake west of Calgary. We had a pretty good snow fall. I was out fishing a couple days before the snowfall and the ice was a good ten inches thick. When I drilled my hole after the snowfall it was about six inches thick and two more days after that it was down to about two or three inches and soft. Scared the you know what out of me standing over 70ft of water. Keeping in mind there was a bit of a current which may have played a part as I was about a kilometer or so down from where the Bow River enters and feeds the lake. I don't know, but It still boggles my mind how quick it melted.
  2. Thanks Bill, I plan on going out again next week and place some trail cams in the area where it will take shots of their vehicle including the license plate and hopefully the crime in progress. The problem is to have trees to attach the cameras to so I will have to leave them where they are and have a coupe others facing the road I wish I could afford the trail cams that would notify me on my cell phone every time it takes a picture or video and sends them to me, (it's a four hour drive one way from my house) That way I could call report a poacher and hopefully Fish and Wildlife Officers could catch them and put an end to this Bull. It's only a matter of time before these deer wind up being poached at night. I'm surprised they are still there.
  3. These trail cam pics were take near an old abandoned farm out on the bald prairie, any where you see trees out here, they were planted by man. If you look close there is a light in the back ground that the frisky guy is looking at, the light itself at that distance more than likely wouldn't bother him unless there was noise associated with it which by the position of his ears and body language tells me that he did pick up on something. the light shows up in some of the other pics periodically throughout the same night as well but not in the same place. There are no other farms or dwellings of any sort as far as the eye can see in any direction which leads me to believe it to be that of poachers. Perfect place for them to commit their crime with no one around for miles and miles to witness it or hear the rifle shot. Another reason I believe it to be poachers as these deer are 100% nocturnal. There have been reports from honest hunters years ago of poaching here during daylight hours. Even chasing them across the prairie with their trucks to get close enough for a shot, sickens me. If it wasn't for their tracks in the snow you would never know deer lived in this area.
  4. Haha, it's very rare but some white tail doe's grow antlers. My dad harvested one on Strawberry Island, Manitoulin Island back in the early thirties still in velvet and had the head mounted, my younger brother in Owen Sound. has it hanging on his wall. The antlers are very similar compared to my dads but this is obviously a buck as to where the frisky buck is smelling him.
  5. Hey Spiel, stag film, that's a good one Haha, you are absolutely right, the last time I tended to this camera I had it on stills and video and switched it to stills. he did this several times.
  6. I didn't know that deer are this way. Doe's must have been in short supply during the rut Hahaha. Last is sunset at Fort Macleod.
  7. Very nice Shag, that's a dandy. Looks like something I'd catch Haha, wishful thinking on my part. I can't remember the last time I fished for Lakers through the ice, just kinda got away from it for some reason. Having seen that awesome picture of yours and read your story has rekindled the fire. Thanks for posting
  8. Congrats, we done the same thing, Matty in black and Georgy.
  9. That isn't as uncommon as one may think. I've seen all kinds of critters on the ice.
  10. 11000:00 above that was the MSRP. So yeah, a Hell of a deal in my books.
  11. I looked for hours for these yesterday. I can't help but laugh at our little dinky doo tv and the VCR on top of it. We had a bigger tv in the 70s, much bigger house too LOL. My boy Harvey wanting a treat, as usual.
  12. You're not alone Glen.
  13. Hey David, thank you and the same goes out to you. It doesn't appear as though you are lacking in the lunker department. Thanks for the well wishes.
  14. Merry Christmas to all my friends here on the Ontario Fishing Community and their families.
  15. Very nice there Bud, That's a very nice buck with them fork tined tips. A whitetail hunters dream buck. I'd be looking for his antlers come spring.
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