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Everything posted by spinnerdoc

  1. i have started making spinners this year and these are some of what i have made. getting the hang of it, enjoy
  2. i agree with daniel, and on spring time...i hear they are stronger. i like their color....my goal to is to hit over 30lbs and catch me one of those mirror carp. when i caught the big one above ...me and two old timers were talking how this spring was amazing for them one guys said he caught a 32 pounder and they other guy a 29 lbs...i'm like wow, i'm just starting out...i'd be more than happy to get one over 2lbs and 5 mins later.....my strike indicator goes crazy. this one took longer than the ones i caught before and i am like right on, the fish ended up tangling with my buddy's line and we both landed it, that was fun....i am definitely hooked
  3. they are fatties, even the 5-6 lb'ers look fat...it's as if somebody blew air into them like a baloon. i used to be like.... carp, not worth my time..that all changed when i started catching them and i became convert. i mainly go for pike and bass and this is quite a change for me. i like it.
  4. thanks for the all the congrats...i think i put it much more time chasing salmon than with the carp, and as yu can see i got way more, i suck at salmon fishing i got 0 this year and last year as well. i managed two hook ups but thats as far it got. i tried 2 more times after i posted and got no more carp....i think thats it for carp this year. looing forward for next spring. where i fish i thik is a bit shallow this time of year. i fish the credit mainly.
  5. thanks guys and beans you are right about the carp on cement that fish was caught when i didn't have my rubberized net yet and thanks for telling me, what are hemostats by the way? that won't happen again.i love the rubberized net that i got. it's a frabill. the biggest fish was a 26 lbs and took the longest bec the dorsal fin got tangled in the net.i didn't realize the bone it it was jagged like a saw, wont want to be hit by that.it got tangled on my fishing buddy's net. i figure i still have a couple of weeks before the water freezes over hehe. i'll try for more and post them, any one interested in posting can show off their pics here.....my fishing buddy's nephew caught a mirror carp i think it was over 20lbs. beautiful looking fish. victor , i love the color on these fish, but i like the last four pics, they are very silverish and some green hue to them, and they are also the smaller fishes
  6. ohh yes its not like spring but they are there. the oldtimer i met and fish with says he's been catching them till late november. our goal is to get one in decemder....he he we'll see.
  7. i am new to this type of fishing.started mid summer for a few days but been doing it for the last six weeks and these are what i came up with....i am hooked didn't want to buy all the gear but looks like i am going to. met a couple of people who are nice enough to lend me some tips and did some experementing myself . in the end after putting in my time it all paid off.learned my own mix for the chum and making hair rigs and all...and best thing is my new fishing buddy copied my set up and he has been having good luck with it, that's like the best compliment from the old timer.considering hes been at it for a long time, and i did learn a lot from the fellow...tight lines everybody and the fishing ain't over yet will add more as the weeks go by.....
  8. i caught a redhorse a few years back. mine was silvery with reddish fins .....like ramble on i caught them at the moira river. i went there late summer once and i found it must have been a hundred in a little pool by the rapids. they musta been trapped when the water went down.
  9. one thing i do to my cleo's is to change the trebles to siwash hooks(?) single barbless- i find that i don't get snagged when i count down a little too long to hit bottom.
  10. good for you reefrunnerbut i would have to agree with clofchik ..it's a fair 50/50. i wouldn't go as far as where stealheader took it though. it's really sad though coz i have been there in river and saw a lots of guys 'fishing' , with the bottom bounce rig and no bait whatsoever..i even had this guy tell me that i am wasting my time casting spoons. i beg to differ as i am not one to just sit and wait, that's just me though. i like to work it, i am lure kind of guy. i tried the bottom bouncing bef on carp and had some luck with it, but not my cup of tea. congrats on the hen. and i know exactly where you caught the fish. i've beed there
  11. reefrunner, it happened at the mouth ...i dunno the name of the street but the street where starbucks is...i parked right infront of the board walk
  12. damage was npt too bad but the fact that i almost lost lost a bumper bugged me for a bit but i didn't let it get to me. i am over it now. i was at angling specialties and the owner told me about the story of the guy who died who happened to be a customer of his. well he's quite a lowlife that one
  13. my car is pretty hot for young punks. i've had my emblegms(?) so this is not a surprise. i know about the cats my father in law is a mechanic and he has guys coming around wanting to but cats from him. they are worth some money it's got platinum plus other special metals in them
  14. i was able to screw both sides back and the scratch i'll deal with it later. i'm not even gonna bother with insurance. what goes around comes around. ps my bumper is stock , not gold plated so beats the hell out of me why go through the trouble of doing such a thing...
  15. well here is the deal , you should always lock your cars and not to leave anything valuable visible or nothing at all...esp when you guys are fishing at night... well i did all that but what can you do if someone wants your front bumper? hell nothing...unless you catch the guy trying to steal it. yup stupid wanted to take my bumper, exept they probably dont know what the hell he's doing, well he managed to pry the screws on both passenger and driver side then tried to pry the part at the hood..scratched my hood in the process, probably shaking like hell and could not put the damn screw driver to a slot...what goes around comes around... my guess is somebody walked by and freak this theif out , whoever that stranger may be thank you just for walkin by and saved my front bumper from being stolen
  16. will try again next couple of days.mainly early morning before work..he he tight lines every one...oh and check for frays on your lines...that's how i lost mine
  17. i was there early monday morning and nothing was happening, i was above the bridge this time will try again, maybe at the mouth next time.no one else was getting sort of action. not even jumpers.
  18. has anyone been catching anything at port credit?
  19. a few people were.
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