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Everything posted by Dondorfish

  1. I have a similar size boat and motor - if the boat is on the trailer, the transom saver is on the motor!
  2. Have a great time guys - we'll be watching for the report. Play safe Don
  3. Rich - maybe you should watch some of the video's that you posted !!! - LOL Only kidding Rich - have enjoyed most of them. Don
  4. Great report Cliff! I can't speak for everyone - but I sure had a great time. Thanks again to Big Cliff and his lovely wife, Sue for having me over. Cliff and Bly - great to see and chat with you guys again, as always. And I am happy to report that Beans and I got a chance for a chat and a fish, and no-one ended up in the water! - lol Thanks again everyone for a great time. Don
  5. Nice job on the eye Dann - you learn well! LOL Don
  6. Nicely done guys! - but even thou the fishing was slow - I'd bet we would see some monster fish caught if a certain lady angler had been there with you guys. LOL Don
  7. I love to be out on the water, in the boat - and the wife dosen't - guess thats why LOL Don
  8. Hey Cliff - Great fishing with you and Bly. Offer stands - we are up there pretty much every weekend from now till after Thanksgiving, so drop by anytime. For the record - Cliff and I were targeting quality, while Bly and Dann went for quantity! Had a great time both fishing and chatting with you guys. Look forward to the next time! Don
  9. Thanks Glen - looking forward to it Don
  10. I am gonna try to make this one. is the date set yet? Don
  11. Try Cabelas from the states: http://www.cabelas.com/cabelas/en/template...&id=0001707 Hope that helps Don
  12. Good Luck - most rentals are booked months in advance. Your best shot is to call around for last minute cancellation. Don
  13. LOL What happens at Lakair - stays at Lakair!
  14. I believe that that is Waynes hat she is wearing - no? Don
  15. Hey Cliff - as usual, great report and pictures. I have the same lights for the ball cap as you show in the last picture. If anyone is looking at getting a set - Princess Auto has them on sale for three and change - best price I have seen anywhere. Don
  16. Hey Mike - I think she picked it up at a "No Frills" - it was pretty good! I'll ask her where she got it when I talk to her. Don
  17. I was out on Chemong last weekend and managed to pick up a Walleye in around 3 lbs. It's been a real long time since I had a nice feed of walleye, so I figured that I would keep it for the pan. All week at work, all I could think about was this fish and chip dinner that I would have, on Saturday night, up at the trailer. (on Chemong) Well, Saturday finally came and I was getting ready to prepare the walleye for dinner. I went to the cupboard to grab my Fish Crisp and low and behold - got none! The wife of my fishing partner was heading into town, so I asked her to grab me some. She came back with a box that was not Fish Crisp - oh well - we'll give it a shot! And this is how it turned out: And what I thought of it: Anyone ever try it? Don
  18. I should be out Saturday night on the south side of the causeway. Which area will you be in? Don
  19. Not a great picture - but this is the chip that CCMT is talking about. This is the reach on Quinte. Hope that helps. Don
  21. Hey Andy - pay no attention to this guy - he's one of those "TILLER GUYS" - LOL - and Mike: I thought it was Percher who took the picture. Don
  22. Not sure if this link will come through, but check it out. http://www.trader.ca/powerpage/details.asp...mp;adid=7012470 Looks like a nice boat! Don SORRY WRONG BOAT LOL!
  23. I have a 22 foot Islander - and love it! It handled the big waves on Quinte, last November, like a trooper! Hope this helps Don
  24. Well said Stoty! Don
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