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Everything posted by FisherMike

  1. Awesome video Ben!! Great song choice too!! Lets get a 40 inch laker this season!!
  2. thanks for the link!!!!!!
  3. does anyone know a good site with free streaming??? Id really like to watch this.
  4. Ive seen turkeys just ouside of Dryden. I never thought they would be that far north, however I can't be sure that they werent escapees.
  5. hand tight with a cotter pin should do the trick. thats how we do it at the lodge i work at.
  6. Nice report Ben!!! I'll see you in a few weeks for some spring fishing on Lac Seul!!!
  7. Great pics and report!! That 30.5 is a beauty!!!
  8. Hey guys!! My buddy Ben just launched his website today. It looks awesome!! Check it out. My link Hopefully it's ok to post it here. www.BenBeattieOutdoors.com
  9. AMAZING!!!!!!!!!
  10. talk to Ben Beattie. He's a member here and a great friend of mine. he guides musky on lac seul in sioux lookout. there are some absolute monsters in lac seul!!! if you do a search on here for "lac seul musky" you will see a couple musky that i caught with ben this fall. Ben is an awesome guy and a very knowledgable guide.
  11. awesome owl pics!!!!! how do you find so many??? im always looking for them but rarely see them while out in the woods. keep em coming!!
  12. awesome report ben!!!!! cant wait till next season.
  13. Right On!!!!!! that is a pig!!!! congrats!!!
  14. Great video!!!! Thanks for sharing!! I really want to go musky fishing now lol!!!
  15. very nice fish!!!!! congrats!!! whats the length on that beast? what did you get her on??
  16. there are fires in yellowstone every year. anyway, i wasnt there, and i dont know the exact facts. i thought the pictures were amazing so i looked em up on google. im just stating what ive read online.
  17. from what the officers said in their report the animal was covered in burns and that is why they put it down. google it.
  18. from what ive read, the bison was burned in a recent forest fire. apparently the bison got away from the bear but was found and killed by conservation officers few days later.
  19. very nice fish!!!! congratulations!!!
  20. beautiful fish!!! congrats!!!
  21. here is a better picture of the big one!!!
  22. thanks again everyone!! pigeontroller, it definitely was a silly move on my behalf but its only temporary, haha!!! bucktail, both fish were caught trolling a 10 inch jake.
  23. thanks everyone!!! im definitely truely addicted now. unfortunately im gonna have to wait till next year to fish them again because im out west and there are no musky anywhere near here.
  24. i forgot to mention that we also boated a 49.5 incher as well.
  25. Hey everyone!!! i havent posted in a while. i just finished up another season on lac seul a few weeks ago. this year was our second annual fall musky trip which we do once our camp is closed for the season. BenBeattie, myself and a couple other guides from my lodge are trying to make this a yearly trip. big thanks to ben and his wife kelly for having us at their house. i fished 11 days last year for zero musky although everyone else on the trip managed one or two. this was my year. i finally caught my first two muskies and they were beauties. hopefully the pics work. the smaller fish, my first musky ever, is a 46 incher, and the big one is a 51 incher. it took me 18 long days of fishing to land my first musky, and it was well worth the wait. i caught the 51 the next day. thanks to my good buddy BenBeattie for seeing my frustration and not letting me leave till i caught a musky, or two. cant wait till next fall.
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