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About tibbs

  • Birthday 05/07/1993

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  • Location
    Toronto, Ontario

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Guide (6/10)



  1. Great Report!!! Sounds like you had a great time up north!
  2. Looks like an awesome trip Steve. That laker is a tank! Thanks for the report.
  3. That's awesome! I'm sure you guys will make it on the show.
  4. I use the Berkley FireLine Braid. Braid It's the only braid I've ever used and its been great so far.
  5. Nice One!
  6. :lol:
  7. Thanks! It sure was a great day.
  8. Hi Everyone! Hope all you guys and gals have had a great trout opener. I personally had my best trout opener ever! On Friday night I got all my gear ready and couldn't wait to head out the next day. I left the house at 5 am and got to the creek an hour later. On my first drift I hooked into a steelhead! I caught a few yearling trout and then decided to move a little further upstream to the next pool. The first drift at the new pool resulted in me hooking into my first ever brown trout. A few more casts later I hooked into a decent steelie. While I was fighting it, the screw on my islander fell out and I subsequently lost the fish. I looked for the screw but couldn't find it. So I went back to the car to get my spare reel. I ran back to my pool and started fishing again. For literally for two hours I caught a fish on every single drift! I didn't take pics of all the fish I landed. At around 10 am the fishing slowed down and I thought I may as well leave on a good note. My hands were numb and I was soaked down to the bone, but I didn't care. It was worth every minute.
  9. Great Report Splashhopper! Sounds like you had a great opener.
  10. I had a great day as well!!! For about two hours, I caught a fish on every drift! Only bad thing that happened today was that the screw on my Islander fell out yet and I couldn't find it. Good thing I brought a spare reel!!!
  11. Nice one. Looking forward to the fly report.
  12. Nice Job!
  13. I saw that on PBS last year. It's quite a compelling story.
  14. Wow... wasn't expecting to hear this news. From the posts that he wrote, he seemed like a great guy. My condolences go to his family and friends.
  15. Nice Job! It looks great. Whoever gets it will be one happy camper.
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