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Everything posted by mikethespike

  1. i think this was what i was doing wrong, thanks for all the replies, this is truly an informative board:) i've written down all the advise on my pda... will post on my results laterz.
  2. still new to artificial lures but i would use the snake before i use the homer,marge or bart simpsons crankbaits
  3. this location would not show up in gps hotspot so this would be useful for anyone heading out there, u know stuff happens, things get left behind like tackle, lures, license...
  4. just wanted to ask in general, when to use poppers, temps, is it for sight fishing only? how do u present them? i bought a couple of the blaze 3" ones and i can't seem to make them pop. am using shimano/ugly stik both 6.5' medium action rods with spiderwire 14lb line. any input is greatly appreciated.
  5. don't remember the show but is it this one?: http://www.naturalmotionlures.com/
  6. am looking @ booking a fishing charter on lake o' for party of 6 tentative date is 16th of august 08, would like to target salmon if possible. not really interested in the all-inclusive packages, we would like to bring our own food/beverages. prolly half day. prefer as close to toronto as possible for start-off point. any ideas on pricing? thanks in advance.
  7. i've purchased a pint bucket of the shrimp (from florida) for my trip to asia. they come in 2 sizes; a pint bucket contains 54 pcs. costs about $19.99-$24.00, a quart bucket contains 108 pcs. and costs around $38.00-$44.00. hope this helps.
  8. amazing continuity, its like 3d art. love the work on the closet and corner walls.
  9. according to fishbyte6, the peak time for fishing in gta area is 12:47pm-2:17pm on the 5th (sat) and 1:38PM-3:08pm on the 6th (sun). this takes into account lunar position, & weather forecast. i know its been asked b4 but anyone else here follow the solunar theory?
  10. just checked the zone maps and google earth, if you meant Lake Ontario Shoreline, Lynde Shores then that would be zone 20, but if u were referring to Cranberry M a r s h, Lynde Shores Conservation Area then that would be zone 17. of course it wouldn't hurt if some1 verifies this also hope this helps its funny how it changes the word "m a r s h" to "whats his name" took me 3 edits b4 i figured it out lol
  11. not addicted either, i just buy what i need ( i swear). kidding aside, if the stuff i buy off @ ebay are available locally i'll gladly purchase everything from here. so yeah have purchased watches, computer stuff, pda/cellphone accesories, fishing tackle, reels, rods, lures & baits from asia to europe. just got my 7ft. fladen celtic sea rod and am dying to try it out @ the harbourfront
  12. im gonna have a go @ it for the last 2 days on the 29th and 30th, (wanted to take 31st off but the boss is also an angler and he knows what im up to ) got my gear set up and cant wait to have 2 more stabs @ "spring" pike before it closes
  13. not really a big fan since it reminds me of the walking catfish that we have back home. the slimy taste is hard to remove since it comes from the algae that the fish comsumes, and it is specific to the water's locale. one friend who runs a restaurant puts them in fishtanks for a couple of days with clean fresh-water to filter out the slime/muddy taste.
  14. the video is funny, but the photochoppin' on the lakemaid species is even funnier
  15. hi anton, i was also there on that day casting between the makeshift ice rink and the police station. started out around 11-ish started to get ice pellets on my dyneema, reeling in felt like running a saw through the guides. after 45 minutes of this i decided it wasn't worth losing my rod so i packed up. i too had my share of comments and a particular one i remembered was from this couple: they come up to where i was setup and the man goes: "isn't it a little too cold to be fishing today?" then i say something like "well the fishies get hungry when its cold too". at this point they move to my right and i notice the lady was wearing a long trench coat and she was kinda wearing too much makeup. i go about with my casting and when i glanced towards them i see the trench coat had come off and the lady was wearing some daisy duke-hooters outfit and the guy was snapping pics of her. so i thought to myself "hell, yeah if its too cold to be fishing now its never too cold for something like that"
  16. These are what i came up with: "Zero-in on your target with Torpedo Divers." "When Fish Dive Deep in The Water, It's Time for Torpedo Diver." "Torpedo Diver, a multi-species firing solution for the Serious Angler."
  17. Lindner's show would rank an easy 1st although sometimes i wish he'd hold back on product plugs, like do it @ the end of the show or something... Courtney and Shelleys i think was supposed to be a Girl's-Gone-Wild-Fishing-in-their-Bikinis show but then the producers changed their minds when they saw them in their swimsuits. Its like watching an episode of The Real Life (except theyre not hot, plus they don't know how to fish and have no clue wth they're talking about)
  18. tried 12lb spiderwire stealth this spring and i couldn't believe how far i can cast it with lighter weights. also bought a load of (cheap) dyneema ultra thin 30lbs and spooled on my daughter's reel, she normally gets nests on the 3rd or 4th cast with mono but with the dyneema she didn't get a single knot, that with the wind throwing the line wildly... so far so good, i don't think i'm gonna go back to mono anytime soon.
  19. agree with the stability observation, also looks like weight is concentrated to the rear, not familiar with the motor's hp but you might consider putting the motor right @ the front to prevent backflip. i would also suggest some kind of quick-realease clips or floating line for the rods, nets, etc. they do look expensive and you wouldnt want to loose them in the event of a flip. just my 2 cents...
  20. hi, used to draw a lot myself in my younger years and got curious on the canvass type, paint material used. kinda hard for me to tell from the pix. thanx for sharing!
  21. i'll pick an oversized spoon maybe a 7", if it doesnt catch fish i'll use it to dig for worms, bugs, larvae...
  22. still a newb to artificials, (recently tried a couple of times @ ontario place but no luck) did catch 2 pike using mackerel cutbait last summer...
  23. i thought i saw some @ al flaherty's outdoor store you can call them ahead to see if its the exact brand/spec ur looking for...
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