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About mikethespike

  • Birthday 02/28/1969

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  1. also search for load bearing vests. i've looked into these before but found them too expensive for my purpose. here's a vest that i'm looking to get (as soon as it goes on sale)
  2. nice fish. it's funny how national geographic is worrying about over-harvesting of the rare species of monster fish, they're the ones who showed everybody where they are in the first place.
  3. that's uncle gabby!
  4. Hi all, Just wondering what happened to the hookups sub-forums? (i think) it used to be in the extra resources section. Thanks.
  5. i've had much luck with berkley gulp 2.5" minnows in watermelon color, cut the head and rig on a jighead. i use a slip float with a stopper about 12-18" and adjust depth with trial and error. good luck
  6. bps also has them, i find the luminous one's very effective especially in murky or dark water. i even caught a bow with just the beads after the bait had already been snatched.
  7. There is hard evidence, its just a question of how much they're willing to pay for it. There are archived satellite imagery of the area for sure, google might be able to help...
  8. ya they tried to pull the same thing on me last year after my wife filled up some ballots @ the boat and fishing show. they tried @ least 4 times and i had the same reply to each call which lasted less than a minute each: nope, we are not interested. you don't want your prize? absolutely not. why did we fill out the ballots? we had nothing better to do @ the time. goodbye.
  9. i would like to add an extra step to the whole process: i would get the aaa grade meat when they go on sale and age it in the freezer for 60 days b4 the drying process. this will result in a more tasty and tender beef jerky, well worth the extra wait, oh and don't forget to cut across the grain
  10. that would actually fit nicely on an : r-type rod they're reasonably priced, I got a 6'7" medium heavy for $99 @ the last spring boat & fishing show. Similar shimano models sells for 3x that. bravo_3
  11. sorry to hear about your experience, i can assure you tho, that s5is is 1 sweet camera. i've had mine almost a year now and i've enjoyed using it whenever i can. i think i got mine when it was $ 339 at canadacomputers. it came with a free 1gb card which is not much. i got a 4gb sdhc card for it and wished i got the 8gb instead since i don't want to keep transfering pix over a lot.
  12. welcome aboard bro! i was floatfishing downstream at the foot of trillium trail last labor day week end and 2 weeks prior, caught/released mostly small trout and white sucker. their size doesn't even qualify as panfish. don't ask me what the white sucker were doing there though i'm just as surprised finding a lot of them there. maybe someone here has an idea?
  13. it is easy to prove that the fish was caught 2 days earlier. u can take a picture of it on the day that u catch it. make sure u have the date watermark option on before you take the picture. local witnesses would also help. of course in the end it would still be up to the mnr officer. it won't be the 1st time they'd seen people fishing on the last day of the season tho.
  14. brown one = yummy grouper fried crisp outside or steamed just oh so right nice fish!
  15. Got this 39" 27.64lb salmon last Saturday also got a another salmon and a trout but my teammates have set the bar so high my entries didn't make the cut. 80) I guess i'm just going to try for the other species that we haven't caught yet.
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