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Everything posted by GBW

  1. They had a good 10 or 12 'jersey' wearing folks talking products. Someone brought the CTC Lindsay wrapped Stratos to the front doors for the event (a very nice looking ride too I will add). The owner also own's a Boston Pizza too so free pizza too. The kids and I weren't there long as my daughters not feeling well today but we got to have a peek at things and some good deals and enter the free draw for gear. Sorry for the hijack there Cliff...
  2. Whole chicken (food basics pre-cooked), rice and salad with a side of baby cucumbers for the kids and I tonight. Figured an easy dinner as we were at CTC for the hunting and fishing thing they were doing till 3pm. Whole place was packed! Oh and SKIDS and SKIDS of the light bulbs that are on sale.
  3. Don't care what it was, did you use it again and catch another fish with it Simon?
  4. I haven't been down there in a bit to have a look.
  5. Just like the car re-build...
  6. Oh and I have a old (70's) 9.9hp Johnson 2 stroke and a 8hp Honda 4 stroke (89/90). I like the Honda cause I know it will start and sip fuel all day and has an alternator build in to charge a battery for the fish finder BUT for getting home quick if the weather turns the old 9.9. To bad I don't trust it fully anymore...
  7. I figured a whole package may sway you, hehe. No I'm not the seller and have no clue who they are. Havleock is close to Peterborough (rice lake area for a water test). The trailer can be sold and or modified for a sled
  8. I hear ya Chris BUT at the same time, safety and privacy for all. Glad I didn't get my son one at Christmas like I was going to... Mind you. If I did and I heard any form of aircraft near the lake I'd shut it down and wait till safe to play again.
  9. Same here (letter wise) However they do vote on an employee of the month every month who is treated to a meal out
  10. This is probably a bit of a drive for you but "looks" decent: http://www.kijiji.ca/v-powerboat-motorboat/peterborough/14-foot-aluminum-with-15hp-suzuki-with-trailer/1250693190?enableSearchNavigationFlag=true#
  11. The 2nd link has a bunch of places listed Cliff
  12. Another site for you Cliff: http://kawarthanow.com/column/40/maple-syrup-events-festivals/
  13. Might be late but you can contact them via phone or email: http://www.mcleanberryfarm.com/html/maplefest.html
  14. Those are some nice looking fish for sure. Congrats on the contract and prime fishing. PS: Lot's of golf courses that hold PGA events stock ponds with Bass for the players to fish in evenings. Even Angus Glenn here in On stocks ponds.
  15. I went to the folks place for a quick visit today and they have snow in the bush but the rest is gone. The lake is still frozen but with how it looked no way I was going to get on it to check thickness. Again I'm talking about Burnt River area. This river has dropped to what I would call close to normal levels too. They are still letting a LOT of water out of Cameron at the Fenelon Falls dam
  16. Congrats on the new combo. I'm sure more WILL be added as time goes on...
  17. Cause and effect is correct. The system fails causing an affect on the consumer. The consumer then shows the mistakes in the system for the retailer to fix. Retailer fixes said issues and all is well. Hence why so many signed up for this new scanning plan... Just a thought to throw out there...
  18. I'm not a fan of them either BUT was considering one to film above me in the area I fish so I can see spots I don't know about. The lake is so clear is why. But I'm not going to get one as it's not worth it to me. And my lake does get busy so not going to risk it for the folks flying for me to see a new fishing hole.
  19. Pic's like this (my nephew took of my folks place with his drone last fall) are going to be missed.
  20. Full rules here John: http://www.retailcouncil.org/scanner-accuracy Now if said item is under $10 then free for the shopper
  21. sad but true.
  22. Well said Tom and that is what I was getting at also.
  23. new article on this cat: http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/thunder-bay/cougar-carcass-northwestern-ontario-1.4043108
  24. I don't see an issue here with him doing what he did as they are a member of that scanning policy to be true to customers. At the end of the day it all adds up. Now for the company; yes it means a loss but that also means they need to ensure the signs and scanners are working properly to have less loss.
  25. Burnt river was VERY high (flooded over the banks) 4 to 6 weeks ago and has since dropped to high levels but not 'flooding'. Hali should have little to no snow by now
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