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Everything posted by jonnybass

  1. :clapping: all of the above
  2. I second this idea. This way I can go straight to the good stuff, reports with pics! That's what I most enjoy reading and why I first came here. No offense to the community, I do occasionally enjoy chatting about NF, but 99% of the time I want to read fishing reports, so it would be nice to have it all in one place that I can go straight to. That would be amazing. Excellent idea Sinker!
  3. Wow, that was an inspiring life story! You've motivated me to do better for myself even though I'm in a totally unrelated field. I'm sure the OP will appreciate your wisdom as I have.
  4. It is true about the very friendly women in the bars in Newfoundland, but I don't think he needs any more babies just yet... let him have this one first.
  5. Listen, I don't know if they've cleaned it up since I was there, but the harbour was their sewage system basically. It was just raw waste pumped straight in there from what I was told. I was laughed at when I suggested fishing the downtown harbour. So as to what you'd catch, maybe ecoli, maybe something a little more of a trophy size.
  6. OK, so you effectively will be getting an aspartame tax break?
  7. Was that a pun? He's legally blind right? Are you talking about this guy? It's been done already: <object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIbQCi8C1dE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param'>http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIbQCi8C1dE&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><param name="allowscriptaccess" value="always"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WIbQCi8C1dE&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowscriptaccess="always" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>
  8. I agree with everyone else. I like the idea of having a section for the really good reports.
  9. No, but I did stay at a Holiday Inn Express last night. lol, are you serious? That's pretty wild!
  10. Since you're even asking the question, I already assume you don't have access to usenet. So, just use Utorrent and any of the torrent sites like piratebay, isohunt etc.... then uncheck the songs you don't want in the download, as has been mentioned before, or if it's an archived (zipped, rarred etc) file just download the whole album, extract it and then delete the unwanted songs. If you absolutely must use limewire, use it with much caution. Things like bitrate and file size are good indicators of legit songs vs crap trojan files and viruses. Of course, you should always scan everything you download with an updated virus scanner before opening/playing.
  11. Some do get it free. Damn leechers.
  12. I didn't see this post before I made my last post. That's cool, if there are other jobs other than CO that you are interested in that you can fall back on, then it's a little less risky! I had the impression that all you eggs were in the CO basket so to speak. I wish you all the best and good luck!
  13. I know this all too well. I changed programs after my first year in University when I found out from talking to recent grads what the real market value of the degree was. lol Needless to say, the program is still being offered because of the perceived value of the degree. In that case, most students realize after they graduate that the perception was based more so on the prestige associated with this particular degree, rather than real-world demand. My ex stayed in the program and never started a career in finance as she had expected. In this kid's case, you gave an excellent example in comparing his diploma to a humanities degree. Equally worthless. But, he is taking a program that is highly specialized unlike a humanities degree. He has or should have a reasonable expectation for employment in that field. Colleges have a reputation of excelling in this arena, and that's why kids attend them. Sadly in this case, his expectation is based on a false perception. Now, there was probably a healthy demand for this diploma when the program was first initiated, but as we see, demand for this diploma (available jobs) have all but dried up. If students will pay, of course the college will fill it. It's good business sense. However, you end up with 500 grads fighting for 5 CO openings and a program director telling his prospects that "a lot(not all) grads get jobs as CO's etc.." The college is essentially selling him a lottery ticket, when he was expecting a meal ticket. Although it may not make "business sense", it makes common sense for a college to suspend a program that does not fill a demand in the current job environment. After all, that's what colleges are there for. Or so I thought.
  14. So the guy that runs the program told you that a lot of their graduates got careers directly out of college becoming CO's in Ontario etc.. From what the unbiased posters in this thread have said , I have to tell you, it sounds a little fishy to me.
  15. It begs the question, why then do they continue to offer this diploma, especially the additional 1 year Natural Resources Law Enforcement add-on? It's a shame for the kids who spend 4 years hoping to become a CO only to find that they bought in to a false hope. They should put that program on hold until there is a viable market for that profession in Ontario. I mean, do they inform their students that they have a snowball's chance in hell at actually becoming a CO with that diploma? Or is it more like "sign up here, cheque please"?
  16. What if it's a thread about the Leafs?
  17. I'm not 100% certain about this particular case, but in many instances, fish are attracted to artificial light. That's why it is illegal to use certain lights while night fishing from what I understand.
  18. Well, politicians up for re-election sometimes listen to the whiners. Good tips though, a couple of those I didn't know, especially the tip about pumping slowly. Thanks!
  19. You have been nicely conditioned. "Ya, technically I'm still getting raped, but it could be much worse, so I'm happy. Hell, I'm actually saving money!" No insult to you, because that's the way most of us think now after the ridiculous gas prices of last summer. They figure we should be happy with gas prices so low and just take it in the rectum.
  20. You can get Mackerel from shore in QUIDI VIDI. (That's in St. John's btw) Not sure about this time of year though.
  21. Yup, well said. :clapping: This is OFC. Love it or leave it. And ya know what? I'm getting tired of people coming in here every week making suggestions to try and improve what aint broke. Make yer own board if ya hate it so darn much
  22. Wow, didn't know that Bowmanville creek is hot right now. Thanks for the report. Heading down to the S bends with some friends for sure this coming week! I just hope that the weather is a little warmer. lol
  23. I read that this was a problem in NY State also. I'll try to find the link for you. So, I doubt that it's the MNR that's responsible unless both the MNR and the NY State MNR (whatever they're called down there) are both in on it. On a side note, I met a guy 2 years ago at a poker game who claimed to have an inside source who told him that it was in fact the government that caused this.
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