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Everything posted by splashhopper

  1. The owner of the local fishing shop suggested I try Top-water for bass.... earlier this year... and with the support and encouragement from the OFC board here... I am officially obsessed with it.. Here are some pics of my larger top water frog fishing results ( all are Scum Frogs) caught on 30lb Power Pro braided line. ( in no particular order) and.... last but not least..... my PB 23" smallie caught in the weeds on a top water scum frog... Geee.. .I wonder if SCUM FROG .... is tracking the FREE ADVERTISING I am giving them and will send me a case of these ? I am heading out tomorrow morning... rain or no rain... I AM going dammit!.... lol Splashhopper
  2. Went out to the local pond around 6:30 tonight... was trying out some new shoreline . Working my top-water SCUM FROGs. As the rain started,, the action did too..... I got 4 small ones tonight.... and one huuge one.... under a tree about 3 feet from shore in the POURING rain ! check the bucket on this baby >> here is another shot..... sorry it's a bit fuzzy... It was taken on my Blackberry and I was afraid of getting it wet... What are the thoughts about weighing fish... ie... does it not rip a hole in their mouth ? I am thinking of getting a small digital scale to keep better track of what I am catching.
  3. Thanks Woodsman... I was quoting another posters question in red... above this post.... Should I do the test online, or go in to my local fishing store to do it? Any thoughts? Thanks all.
  4. Since I just purchased my first electric trolling motor , I am looking to help it last a while. I came across the following article for newbies to this practice like me http://www.ontariofishing.net/news/sept2004-2.html Hope it helps another newbie too. Splashhopper
  5. http://www.powerboatexam.com/
  6. Doesn't look that way to me>>> "When do I need to get a card? The Competency of Operators of Pleasure Craft Regulations require operators of pleasure craft fitted with a motor and used for recreational purposes to have proof of competency on board at all times. These requirements are being phased in over ten years (see below)." from >> http://www.powerboatexam.com/boater_exam_faq.html#j
  7. thanks bro...\ it's gonna be hard to sleep now.... lol
  8. Prayers from London for you and his grandchildren.
  9. He only had 8lb test on....... likely fought it like us trout guys do... vs the muskie dudes and their rope !
  10. I will take the prop off tomorrow ...thanks for the suggestion should I oil or grease it too ?
  11. PSSST.... It was clean... very clean,,,, not even a scratch on the propeller... I took a chance... and today.... I took the battery over to Partsource to have them check it on their machine.... checked out fine... I then went back to my shed and hooked it up again... no go.... hmmmm but, when i hooked up the negative terminal.. i heard a sound that let me know I closed the loop on the circuit... that got me thinking... that although the terminals "looked clean"... maybe there was some kind of coating on them preventing a good connection.... ie.. .why did it work on my van last night.... but not on the deep cycle battery... i grabbed some steel wool off the shelf.... rubbed the terminals a few times.... hooked it up again..... VOILA...... purrs like a kitten ..... 5 speeds forward... and 2 reverse.... Tomorrow I will fiddle with the mount to the "tooner" and hopefully be "toonin and groovin" on a pond Saturday morning.... Thanks for the suggestions.... Splashhopper
  12. holee "sow" what a hog
  13. YES SIR ! lol will do that tomorrow
  14. who was whining... I am not an electric techhie type...lol was an honest question.
  15. I live in London but my wife and daughter are traveling to Markham ( 16th line and Markham rd this weekend). Any chance you could bring one to them for an extra $10... my wife is only 5' and 83lbs .. so a 40lb battery is beyond her carrying ability ..
  16. if the battery is a 12V why wouldn't it be fulled charged when the meter reads 12.25 then ?
  17. I did try the motor on the van battery and it works fine. the sticker is there... but nothing seems to be checked off or otherwise indicating a date ? as noted before... the battery tested at 12.25 ....
  18. How can I tell how old the battery is ? The posts don't seem loose. When i put the charger on 10A the gauge moves right over... is it possible that the 2A is not working but the 10A is ? The crazy thing is,,, the battery tester says it is fully charged ? First thing I checked was the fluid....full. thanks
  19. hmmmm??? I put the charger on the 2A setting this morning at 6am at my storage shed... (and even plugged it in)... the gauge moved so I assumed it was set up properly. Was expecting to test the motor out when i got back at the end of the day... Hooked the motor up to it..... nothing ohmy.gif Opened the hood of my van....hooked the motor up to it..... no problem worthy.gif works fine.. brought the battery and charger home.... plugged em in... same movement on the gauge... hmmmm my neighbor brought over his battery tester.... it read 12.25... looks good to me.... So.... why wouldn't it work at my shed ? Any suggestions ? Thanks Splashhopper
  20. hmmmm??? see the new post I just put up about electric trolling motor
  21. nice ride....
  22. Thanks Danbo.... I am gonna hook it up at my shop in the morning and then check it at the end of the day.
  23. I have been watching Kijiji for a tin boat the past few weeks and been seeing other interesting options to get me off shore and down the river or across some ponds... Found a one man pontoon boat for $75.00 two weeks ago It was originally listed at $225... then he dropped it to $150.00 then he dropped it to $75.00..... I called him up and bought it on his word Took it out on its maiden voyage a day or two later..... has a very slow leak in one pontoon,,,, but I was abled to fish in it for 5 hours before my foot started dragging in the water...lol As if i needed my foot to help me turn circles in that thing here is a video of one just like it ( this is not mine nor is it my video and I sure as heck don;t carry all that stuff with me, YET ! lol)>> I was pumped up to go back out the next night... went back to the local pond to get the hang of rowing this baby.. to find out I lost my oars the trip before Not used to putting all that stuff back in to my van... I put a sign up on the picnic table in a zip-lock bag and prayed for them to be returned.... they were... 10 days later, after the lady that found them came back from vacation and saw my note still tacked to the picnic table. After contacting Ryan on this board about his "tooner" setup...he sent me some pics of his PIMPED OUT ride...lol He had an electric motor on his!..... hmmmm.... that got me thinking real quick... Then we were out on Richs boat with an electric trolling motor on it for the cancer fundraiser last weekend and I "got to drive".... not fun when the guy in the back is as big as SHREK ! ( and talks like him too ) So I started watching Kijiji again for an electric motor set up... One came up today.... I called Ryan before I went to see those last three items and he gave me a couple of pointers that came in handy... Thanks Ryan. i picked up: 1- Motor Guide T36 electric trolling motor (with no scratches on it..) 1- Schumacher Dual Battery charger like this one http://store.schumachermart.com/se-1010-2.html 1 - Energizer deep cycle battery-700/140 ? ( less than a year old) Total price for all 3 items .... $140 ! GRAND TOTAL to get off-shore $215.00 Question about charging the battery: How do I know if should i use the 10A setting or the 2A setting ? Thanks.... hopefully some POV pics from the little "tooner" this weekend from a conservation area that Spinnerbaitking knows will will be posted after this weekend ... Splashhopper
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